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My Workout (please critique)


New member
Sep 25, 2007
My Diet (please critique)

Hello all. Ok, so i have been weightlifting on and off for about 2-3 years now (on and off). I am 16 years old, 6'1, 174lbs, with minimal bodyfat. (very lean 8-pack) *see picture. I have not really started to use a protein powder yet at all except for some N large 2 weight gainer and the occasional muscle milk shake that i have messed around with. I also have some glutamine, bcaa's, a multi vitamin, as well as fish oils and what not. I take them occasionally but not like i should. My weight training regimen seems to be in order but my main question for you guys today is about my diet program that i have strung together. Consisting of...
6am- 1 scoop CellMass, 3 BCAA's

6:30am-1 cup oatmeal, 4 egg whites/2 whole eggs

9:15am-2 scoops of True-Mass, 1/4 scoop of glutamine

10:45am- 1 scoop of Syntha-6

12:10pm- 8 oz of chicken/turkey, 1 cup of green beans, 20 oz of water

2:30pm- 2 scoops of True-Mass, 1/4 scoop of glutamine

4pm- 8 oz steak, 1 cup rice, salad, 20 oz water

5pm- 2 scoops of waxy maize, 2 BCAA's, and 2 tbs SYNTHpure before workout

5:30pm-workout, 40 oz water
post (2 scoops WMS, 2tbsp 30g, SynthePure, BCAA's, bannana)

8pm- 8 oz chicken/turkey, salad, vegetable 1 cup

9:30pm- 1 scoop CellMass, 2 scoops Syntha-6, 3 BCAA's

10:00pm-6 oz steak, half cup of vegetables

I am capable of following this diet strictly day by day and are ready to go the whole yard with this. O, and i also have 6 bottles of LBA's that i could also incorporate. So basically, is this a good diet for a 16 year old boy to start off with? If not please suggest any alternatives.
Thank you very much!






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Ummm, 16 huh? You def got your nutrition down right. Many here could make massive improvements if they followed a nutrition plan like yours.
You have great genetics. You will be a beast in the next few years if you continue on the same path.
Post some pics of your wheels.
Your post said critique your workout but was just nutrition details. Post your workout too.
Ummm, 16 huh? You def got your nutrition down right. Many here could make massive improvements if they followed a nutrition plan like yours.
You have great genetics. You will be a beast in the next few years if you continue on the same path.
Post some pics of your wheels.
Your post said critique your workout but was just nutrition details. Post your workout too.

Ha, yea man I meant to say diet by for some reason type workout. I mean some say people are saying that i am taking to many supplements. I havent started this diet yet tho. I would be starting it sometime after thanksgiving. As for my workout i like to pyramid because i always believed that you need to obviously warm your muscles up and also have heavier weights to gain muscle and strength.
So n example: barbell bench press:
I do 8 sets; 1st set - 15 reps, 135lbs; 2nd set - 12 reps, 155lbs; 3rd set - 10 reps, 165lbs; 4th set - 8 reps, 185lbs; 5th set - 6 reps, 205lbs; 6th set - 4 reps, 225lbs; 7th set - 2 reps, 245lbs; 8th set try for 255 for 1 (don't get it most of the time)
How many exercises do you do for each bodypart?
I do anywhere from 3-5 exercise per body part. So for chest I do
Bench Press (flat)
Bench Press (Incline)
Dumbbell Presses

Biceps ill do
Warmup with curls
Do like a full contraction set.
seated barbell curls to keep a constant contraction
Isolation curls
Hammer Curls

Somethin like that. I mean im only 16 and i think im doing it right
I'm glad you are so young, otherwise you'd be overtrained into the ground. Some people believe in high volume, however, I believe in high intensity/quality training.
Everyone is different. What works for me may not work for you. However, I have found that after many years of lifting/training (I started lifting about the same age as you - I'll be 43 soon) more is NOT better. Lifters/ bodybuilders tend toward obsessive-compulsive behaviors and patterns meaning that if you don't see the progress you want, then you must workout harder/more weight/more sets/more exercises.
Many national contenders and pro's here follow the DC training method - use the search button and take a look at that. Phil Hernon - Mr. USA and IFBB pro - advocates 3 work sets per bodypart.
I do 6 sets per bodypart every 5 days - usually 4 sets of compound and 2 sets of isolation exercises.
More than likely, you will dismiss what I have to say. That is your choice. I just wish I had someone to enlighten me when I was 16. Nah, I wouldn't have believed him when I was 16 either...
BTW, any photos of the legs (wheels)?
i think your on the right track. my advice is find a program you like, dc, hire phil...but pick something and stick with it. im with quad in thinking that less volume more quality/ intensity is the way to go for mass. id look into it if i were you. if you want id be happy to set you up on a program that worked great for me, just pm me.
I totally agree with that statement. I think that i am that way. I used to think more was better and sometimes i think that i still do over train. I mean take a look at what my workout used to look like when i first started...
Back and bis
Chest and Tri
Back and bis and shoulders
Chest and Tri
Back and Bis
I realize now that this was way to much but i felt like i was gaining better when i did that then how i work out now.

after that i started doing something like this
Back and Bis
Chest and Tris
legs and shoulders

Then lastly i started doing what i mentioned to you before.
my main concern is that i may be overtraining. I mean when i go to the gym i do my warm up sets, then i do my work sets. 4 sets at about 3-4 different machines for a total of about 15 sets. I feel a huge pump and i feel the lactic acid build up (my veins come out, and i look bigger). But 100% of the time i feel like i havent done enough work. I feel like that when im done (for say working my back), i feel that if i wait 5 mins i could do the entire and exact same workout again despite the weight i use. So 9 times out of 10 i do a few more high rep sets until i am satisfied. I dont know if you know what i am talking about but i would appreciate any input. I know you probably have better things to do but i really need some critique here.
Workout for back might look like this
Lat pull down (20 reps 2 sets for warmup at 100lbs)
12 reps 2 sets at 120lbs, 10 reps 1 set 150, 8 reps 1 set 170lbs, fail set at about 200 for 6 reps. But i dont feel like thats enough, i mean i have a huge pump and i feel like it worked but i feel like i can just lower the weight do 20 reps, raise it again do another 10 and so on. then ill move onto biceps.
Take your time if you have a response, no hurry. Thanks alot man!
O and i dont have pictures of my legs yet. but i can try and take some. I mean my legs aren't that great lol but there better than nothing. They arent exactly massive but they have good definition. My calves are pretty skinny but again i have the definition. Basically they need work. I got into a bad motorcycle accident when i was 14 and had a metal plate and 3 pins put in my leg. So ever since then i haven't really been training my legs but i no that i should be
I would like to be able to look like this **broken link removed**
I mean honestly. How long would it take to get that big if i honestly put 100% time and effort into this? I have been sort of half assing it and have gained relatively well. But if i made sure my diet, workout, nutrition, everything were at their peaks. How long might it take to get like that?
There arent really alot of kids at my school gym that no alot about working out. I mean people ask me for advice and i honestly dont have the right information for them. I wish i did but i dont. There are kids that are bigger than me but they are not defined. They are just sort of... "fluffy" i guess is the word and hoped up and cell tech and worthless stuff like that.
I believe that bodybuilding and working out etc is 60 - 70% how you eat and 40 - 30% how you lift.
I just cant really ask the other kids at school because all i hear them talking to each other about is how they are taking leukic, creakic, and gakic.
Or i hear some kids talking about novedex XT and all of these products where they are just out to get your money.
But i believe that i am smarter than that and thus do not use anything like that. I gain better than them and all i do is try to eat clean.
Now i am not saying that my workout is perfect, or i am perfect or my nutritional program are perfect, because they are not. I want them to be but i realize that it takes a lot of work.
I am a freshmen in highschool right now and realize i have alot of time ahead of me. But I want to get here (**broken link removed**) as quickly as possible.
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Unless you are working through tendonitis and need extended warmups - pyramiding is a waste of time and energy. Do one warmup set (which dosen't count) of 6-8 reps at 50% of your working weight then hit it hard.
It is a classic symptom of overtraining when it takes a long time to get a pump - we call it being "flat". Once you stop overtraining and are fresh and full of nutrients, you will get skin splitting pumps very quickly.
It's hard to resist the urge to do extra sets. But, when you start to grow like there is no tomorrow - you won't be tempted nearly as much.
O and i dont have pictures of my legs yet. but i can try and take some. I mean my legs aren't that great lol but there better than nothing. They arent exactly massive but they have good definition. My calves are pretty skinny but again i have the definition. Basically they need work. I got into a bad motorcycle accident when i was 14 and had a metal plate and 3 pins put in my leg. So ever since then i haven't really been training my legs but i no that i should be

Sorry to hear about that. Glad you survived and still plugging away. Looks like you might have slightly separated your left A-C joint in that shoulder?
If I had to choose only one exercise for maximum results overall, it would be a tie between squats and deadlifts. Do what weight you can and with time you will get there.
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I would like to be able to look like this **broken link removed**
I mean honestly. How long would it take to get that big if i honestly put 100% time and effort into this?
I believe that bodybuilding and working out etc is 60 - 70% how you eat and 40 - 30% how you lift.

How tall are you and what is your weight right now?

You are pretty close on those percentages - I think genetics is in the fray too and at a higher % than training.
How tall are you and what is your weight right now?

You are pretty close on those percentages - I think genetics is in the fray too and at a higher % than training.

Right now I am about 6'1" and somewhere between 165-175lbs
Yea I mean things happen and im just glad its over now. I just need to put my mind to what I want now and take it from there. I am not sure what is up with my shoulder but my clavicle seems to stick up from my shoulder kind of awkwardly but i am not to sure why.
Thanks for your help.
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Never mind. I scrolled up and saw 6'1" and 174.
All things being optimal you can expect to put on approx 10lbs of muscle per year. Any faster and more than likely the extra will be adipose tissue.
To achieve the thickness in that photo, you would need to get to 225-230lbs at 3-4% bodyfat. Thing is, you are still growing height wise. You may end up at 6'3" and then you would need to get to 240-250lbs.
Hello all. Ok, so i have been weightlifting on and off for about 2-3 years now (on and off). I am 16 years old, 6'1, 174lbs, with minimal bodyfat. (very lean 8-pack) *see picture. I have not really started to use a protein powder yet at all except for some N large 2 weight gainer and the occasional muscle milk shake that i have messed around with. I also have some glutamine, bcaa's, a multi vitamin, as well as fish oils and what not. I take them occasionally but not like i should. My weight training regimen seems to be in order but my main question for you guys today is about my diet program that i have strung together. Consisting of...
6am- 1 scoop CellMass, 3 BCAA's

6:30am-1 cup oatmeal, 4 egg whites/2 whole eggs

9:15am-2 scoops of True-Mass, 1/4 scoop of glutamine

10:45am- 1 scoop of Syntha-6

12:10pm- 8 oz of chicken/turkey, 1 cup of green beans, 20 oz of water

2:30pm- 2 scoops of True-Mass, 1/4 scoop of glutamine

4pm- 8 oz steak, 1 cup rice, salad, 20 oz water

5pm- 2 scoops of waxy maize, 2 BCAA's, and 2 tbs SYNTHpure before workout

5:30pm-workout, 40 oz water
post (2 scoops WMS, 2tbsp 30g, SynthePure, BCAA's, bannana)

8pm- 8 oz chicken/turkey, salad, vegetable 1 cup

9:30pm- 1 scoop CellMass, 2 scoops Syntha-6, 3 BCAA's

10:00pm-6 oz steak, half cup of vegetables

I am capable of following this diet strictly day by day and are ready to go the whole yard with this. O, and i also have 6 bottles of LBA's that i could also incorporate. So basically, is this a good diet for a 16 year old boy to start off with? If not please suggest any alternatives.

Diet looks good.. I would prefer more whole foods over powders.. Im assuming you are looking to put on muscle.. You are eating alot of meals throughout the day.. 11 meals is alot of time and work.. I would shrink that down to 6 meals and eat alot more calories per meal so you stay fuller longer.. You can supplement the LBA's at 2-3 TBSP, 3 times a day between meals.. Your full meal after workout the one at 8 PM should have alot of carbs.. Simple carbs to refill glycogen and spike insullin after training..(anything fat free like mash potatoes, white bread, cereal, etc..) If you are going to have a shake as a meal, add fruit, olive oil, peanut butter, etc to boost calorie content..

Your young and you will tend to overtrain.. Because you have alot of energy and all young guys feel like they need to do more to get a better pump.. So watch your training volume.. Focus more on form and control and feel rather than hitting the muscle from every angle to get the best pump.. Stick to basic compound movements (Squats, barbell curls, presses, rows, deads, etc.) Take enough days off from the gym to rest and grow.. Pick a lifting program and stick with it.. Take breaks from lifting to let your body rest and recover.. When your workouts are consistently stale and non productive.. Then you can consider trying a different training regime..
Ok guys, i decided to change up my workout and go for what you guys said regarding less is more. You were right when you said i am an eager teenager that really likes to feel the pump and once i get the pump i continue to pound out my muscles with more sets and more reps.

I am used to doing this with every body part and when im done at the gym im sore and pumped. And (sometimes i am sore a few days after but not usually) and i am never sore the next few days when it comes to biceps even though i hit them real hard with tons of sets. So i guess i am overtraining.

So today (Monday i went to the gym at around 9:10 and finished at around 10:30, so just a bit over an hour spent at the gym)
I kicked it off with Back and Biceps doing back first
(I used heavier weights then i normally would as well as less sets)
(Normally i dont sweat alot i just come out feeling pumped and sore)
I got a good stretch in
I used the Straight lat bar (and warmed up with 20 reps at 100lbs for 1 set)
I Then jumped to 120lbs for 10 reps for 1 set
I Then jumped to 140lbs for 8 reps for 1 set
I then jumped to 160lbs for 6 reps for 1 set
(I felt as if once i did 160lbs i could not go any heavier. The way i normally train back i could easily have hit 180lbs but today "maybe because i was slightly under the weather i couldnt go any heavier")
Thats all i did with the lat bar. And instead of being really pumped like i normally would be. I was infact just tired. (i was sweating alot which i normally dont do, i felt like i wanted to yawn)

Then I switched out the bar and used the close grip pull down handel
I then did exactly the same as above
starting at 120, then ending at 160
(I started to feel a bit of a pump then but still was just sweating and tired)
I then moved onto the Lat Row machine (the one where you sit down and pull the handels towards you
I did 3 sets again like before but started at 130 then 150 then 180.
Lastly i finished up with 4 sets of Bent over dumbbell rows.
Started with 60lbs for 10 then 70lbs for 8 then 80lbs for 8 then 100lbs for 6
That was it for back. I was mainly just tired and sweaty.

I wont type what i did for biceps unless you would like me to but basically i did the same thing (different exercises). I felt more of a pump when i was done but was still tired.

Immediately after i mixed 2 tbs of SYNTHEpure in my water bottle and drank
I then went home and drank 2 scoops of Waxy Maize starch. And here i am now.

Is everything i did today more along the lines of what i want to keep doing? Instead of what i WAS doing which was 20 sets easily per day (every day)
Thank you guys. Your words and input are getting me to be where i want to be!
If it were me, I would do 2 exercises per bodypart, 3-4 sets each exercise. For example using the weights you listed - back:
Pulldowns: 45-60 sec rest / set
Warm up - 70lbs 6-8 reps
stretch a little
Set 1 - 140lbs x 8
Set 2 - 140 x 8 if possible
Set 3 - 140 x 8 if possible
Set 4 - only if necessary
Rows: 45-60 sec rest / set
No warm up, blood already in there
Set 1 - 80lbs x 8
Set 2 - 80 x 8 if possible
Set 3 - 80 x 8 if possible
Set 4 - only if necessary
Move on to biceps...
Another tip - if you are looking to build muscle, the goal is to stimulate the muscles uptake of nutrients and then feed it the nutrients that cause muscle growth. The amount of weight you lift is secondary to mechanical stimulation with proper form. Don't get caught up in always trying to lift more weight (also called over-reaching). Trying to lift more than you are able to can lead to a disintegration of your lifting form and that bad form to injuries.
You are starting to head in the right direction. It seems opposite to what your head is telling you, I know. Keep working at it.
BTW - do your waxy maize immed PWO and then the synthepure when you get home.
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If it were me, I would do 2 exercises per bodypart, 3-4 sets each exercise. For example using the weights you listed - back:
Pulldowns: 45-60 sec rest / set
Warm up - 70lbs 6-8 reps
stretch a little
Set 1 - 140lbs x 8
Set 2 - 140 x 8 if possible
Set 3 - 140 x 8 if possible
Set 4 - only if necessary
Rows: 45-60 sec rest / set
No warm up, blood already in there
Set 1 - 80lbs x 8
Set 2 - 80 x 8 if possible
Set 3 - 80 x 8 if possible
Set 4 - only if necessary
Move on to biceps...
Another tip - if you are looking to build muscle, the goal is to stimulate the muscles uptake of nutrients and then feed it the nutrients that cause muscle growth. The amount of weight you lift is secondary to mechanical stimulation with proper form. Don't get caught up in always trying to lift more weight (also called over-reaching). Trying to lift more than you are able to can lead to a disintegration of your lifting form and that bad form to injuries.
You are starting to head in the right direction. It seems opposite to what your head is telling you, I know. Keep working at it.
BTW - do your waxy maize immed PWO and then the synthepure when you get home.

Thank you very much. Just a quick question. I understand what you are saying regards to stimulating the mussel and then feeding it. Now why only 2 exercises? I mean i am trying to gain mass so is what your saying that right approach? And also, why are you suggesting that i use the same weight? I can could definitely go heavier....? Or are you saying to do a heavy weight to wear i can do that weight 3 times for 8 reps without sacrificing form?
16!...thats impressive bro you look like you are on the right track
Thank you very much. Just a quick question. I understand what you are saying regards to stimulating the mussel and then feeding it. Now why only 2 exercises? I mean i am trying to gain mass so is what your saying that right approach? And also, why are you suggesting that i use the same weight? I can could definitely go heavier....? Or are you saying to do a heavy weight to wear i can do that weight 3 times for 8 reps without sacrificing form?

He is telling you the right way for mass, I do 3 exercises per bodypart, 1-2 warmups and then 2 working sets=6 Total sets. 4 sets for minor, biceps, triceps, calves. I do this once per week. EX: Back, 2 sets rows, 2 sets widegrip chinups, 2 sets deadlifts, usally 6-8 reps. Do not mistake your warm ups as working sets.

To make you understand more, I would do 135lb. warmup, 15 reps for bent over rows and then 2 working sets at 195lbs. for 8 reps. Then to widegrip chinups, I do 2 sets with weight at 6-8 reps, then to deadlifts, 225lbs at 12 reps, 315 for 10 reps(these are warmups) then 2 working sets at 405lbs. for 8 reps.

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