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Myo blockers


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Jun 8, 2002
Has anyone seen a Noticeable gain in Muscle size from the Myo products?
Anything FREAKY like that young kid that was just a solid muscle from his birth defect? Isnt that what made it popular and started the research?

Im curious to hear and learn more. A few questions I would have are..

1.Any dramatic before and after pics?
2.Does it take days, weeks,months, or years to see noticeable Muscle size?
3.Would users say its stronger then aas? or more so comparable to HGH?
4.Any side effects good or bad that users can report?
Has anyone seen a Noticeable gain in Muscle size from the Myo products?
Anything FREAKY like that young kid that was just a solid muscle from his birth defect? Isnt that what made it popular and started the research?

Im curious to hear and learn more. A few questions I would have are..

1.Any dramatic before and after pics?
2.Does it take days, weeks,months, or years to see noticeable Muscle size?
3.Would users say its stronger then aas? or more so comparable to HGH?
4.Any side effects good or bad that users can report?

1. NO - no one has posted one pic of before and after with any dramatic results

2.Months minimum. That kid you are referring to had zero myostatin. I believe he was born without the actual gene for it. With blockers, you are still going to be producing myostatin but to what degree? we just dont know yet, and the guys using it now say they feel fuller muscles, but ive yet to see any dramatic results.

3.Cant answer that one. I am thinking about trying it personally, but i see this being a year long experiment to see real results if anything dramatic is to be expected

4.See weight78's log and following, hes on it now, doesnt sound anything dramatic

I think this has a lot of potential, but right now, no one knows what dosages are surefire, i have seen any dramatic changes/results, has great potential in the future though


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I think the myostatin kid IS super muscular!

I don't understand Phil's comment? lol. It might be due to the fact that I am a fat bastard.

Phil, help me. :)
Sounds like its in the Trial stages so a Lot is still unknown.
One thing Id bet for sure.... If it starts building super-size muscle and or Strength we will know soon enough. Theres always guys here crazy enough to Try anything :D

I'm excited to hear and learn more. See how effective it turns out to be and what-How its best used for Bodybuilders or Strength Athletes.

Maybe soon we will see humans with Gorilla like strength :eek:

Some of the stuff they have is suppose to be the Holy Grail of muscle mass!
I'm surprised there isn't a huge thread about a few of there products.

How about if we got a tester that will run this stuff with no concerns and has everything in check? Someone with No ties.:D
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Some of the stuff they have is suppose to be the Holy Grail of muscle mass!
I'm surprised there isn't a huge thread about a few of there products.

How about if we got a tester that will run this stuff with no concerns and has everything in check? Someone with No ties to .:D
that my friend, would be me! I think im going to grab some folli for my research
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Super News!

that my friend, would be me! I think im going to grab some folli for my research

Make sure and post up your starting base,training and diet with pics. Maybe these guys will work with you to help prove their product?
Ask what combo they recommend and do it to the letter.

And good luck, I would love to see this stuff blow you up! It would change things as we know it and make the sport safer.
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I see a sponsor sells follistatitin but I don't think it's the 344 modified version they had the most success with in trials.

Still seems sketchy. I'll wait.
I remember the first time I bought a myostatin blocker, had to be 7 or 8 years ago, I spent hundreds on the stuff, as a matter of fact an IFBB pro sold it to me , he was so exited about it, it turned out to be junk, then just last year a company came out with one based on a molecule from egg yolks, I think it was called Myo-12, because it was suppose to lower levels in 12 hours, again like an idiot I spent hundreds on that stuff, and again trash. So I am very skeptical about any of these products. Sten labs has a new peptide out, I would be interested to see what kind of results you get out of it. I'll let somebody else spend their money first this time. God bless you.
wonder if the kid will grow up thinking happy to be a freak or sad that hes abnormal

oh well.

hard to believe. crazy stuff.
i really wish you guys would use a lil more "smarts" when posting about your research. :(
wonder if the kid will grow up thinking happy to be a freak or sad that hes abnormal

oh well.

hard to believe. crazy stuff.

That pic is not the myostatin kid. Just FYI
That pic is not the myostatin kid. Just FYI

Well I got that picture from your thread here. His name is GIULIANO STROE.
Ton of stuff on youtube that shows his amazing strength.

Who is the myostatin Kid?
i really wish you guys would use a lil more "smarts" when posting about your research. :(

Can you explain better what you mean Bboy?

I can understand a research company Not wanting to Give advice for human use.... I agree with that 100%.

I dont understand though why a researcher could not post his experiences and results? I dont think it would be anymore danger then users sharing there experience with anabolic steroids or HGH etc etc.
Don't forget there are 2 boys with this myostatin thing. The kid from Germany and the kid that lives in Michigan which is the younger one of the 2. The German kid has a complete lack of myostatin in his body and the kid from Michigan makes normal amounts of myostatin but his body does not use it, most likely he doesn't have the receptors for it to work.
Magnum is correct.... he may not be the myostatin Kid.
All I did earlier was type in myostatin kid and this is who popped up
(along with the Wippet Dog and Bull pic)

If you google the name there is a ton of crap that pops up saying he is a myostatin kid.... Mostly talk on Internet forums though. No facts I seen.

The more I read now some say he has not been tested for a myostatin disorder.

So what about the real myostatin kids? Are there only 2 (for sure known) cases of it? Both in children? How old are they now and is there any good pictures of them available?
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