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Need Help ASAP


Active member
Oct 26, 2012
I believe my cousin is going through steroid withdrawal and/or suffering from the side effects of Nandrolone.

In August he was doing TPP 500 mg/week. Mentally he felt great (10/10). Sex drive was great (10/10).

In September he was doing TPP 700 mg/week and NPP 300 mg/week. Mentally he felt good (8/10) but not as great as the previous month (he could not explain why). Sex drive was good (8/10) but he noted some minor loss of sensation during sex.

In October he was doing TPP 700 mg/week and NPP 700 mg/week. Mentally he still felt good at this dose (6/10) but he noted some minor anxiety, insomnia, and OCD near the end of the month. Sex drive started to get horrible throughout the month (2/10). Deca dick and loss of libido became present.

Because of the deca dick and loss of libido he stopped the NPP on November 3rd. One week after stopping the NPP he started to get major anxiety, insomnia, OCD, and restlessness. This has continued for the past three days and he is on the verge of a major panic attack.

I should note that he had a similar situation 7 years ago when he increased his Tren A dose and eventually stopped it completely because of insomnia and loss of libido. After stopping the Tren A he eventually became paranoid that his wife was cheating on him.

To me this sounds like the side effects of Nandrolone and steroid withdrawal. Any idea how long this will last? He has only slept about 5 hours in the last four days. His appetite is completely gone and he is acting like someone that is withdrawing from alcohol and drugs (he does not drink alcohol or use any drugs).

One last question, he has not used TPP in 4 days. He is now paranoid about withdrawing from that. He wants to go on TRT after getting through this episode. Any idea if or when he should restart the TPP.
If I was him I would drop to trt and get bloods pulled.
I believe my cousin is going through steroid withdrawal and/or suffering from the side effects of Nandrolone.

In August he was doing TPP 500 mg/week. Mentally he felt great (10/10). Sex drive was great (10/10).

In September he was doing TPP 700 mg/week and NPP 300 mg/week. Mentally he felt good (8/10) but not as great as the previous month (he could not explain why). Sex drive was good (8/10) but he noted some minor loss of sensation during sex.

In October he was doing TPP 700 mg/week and NPP 700 mg/week. Mentally he still felt good at this dose (6/10) but he noted some minor anxiety, insomnia, and OCD near the end of the month. Sex drive started to get horrible throughout the month (2/10). Deca dick and loss of libido became present.

Because of the deca dick and loss of libido he stopped the NPP on November 3rd. One week after stopping the NPP he started to get major anxiety, insomnia, OCD, and restlessness. This has continued for the past three days and he is on the verge of a major panic attack.

I should note that he had a similar situation 7 years ago when he increased his Tren A dose and eventually stopped it completely because of insomnia and loss of libido. After stopping the Tren A he eventually became paranoid that his wife was cheating on him.

To me this sounds like the side effects of Nandrolone and steroid withdrawal. Any idea how long this will last? He has only slept about 5 hours in the last four days. His appetite is completely gone and he is acting like someone that is withdrawing from alcohol and drugs (he does not drink alcohol or use any drugs).

One last question, he has not used TPP in 4 days. He is now paranoid about withdrawing from that. He wants to go on TRT after getting through this episode. Any idea if or when he should restart the TPP.
Is TPP test propionate?
I have similar issues with nandrolone. Zero sensation and near impossible to reach climax however no degradation in erection quality.

Snag bloods immediately.

I would wait quite a bit before exploring the TRT option to ensure there is nothing else creating an issue.

Any lab Test now is the company I utilize - they are primarily throughout Texas. No RX required.
Just reading through that first post, him saying (8/10) and (10/10) rating his mood and libido based on slight changes in AAS dosages does he have hypochondria tendencies or any mental health issues? Then you say he increased his tren and got paranoid then worried about his wife now he is paranoid to change his dosages?

Adding, upping, dropping AAS will cause changes in mood and libido in anyone but sounds like he is freaking out. Maybe he is someone that needs to just stick to test or run trt? If he is actually that sensitive to these drugs or precieves that he is
Sounds to me like he should steer clear of 19nors (trenbolone, nandrolone, etc). Maybe tolerable at lower doses for him but given you are posting I gather it's severe and riding it out is a challenge.

Test, test based compounds and DHT based is where he should live. Doesn't hit many this hard but it's not unheard of and issues you cite are some of the psychological classics.
Just reading through that first post, him saying (8/10) and (10/10) rating his mood and libido based on slight changes in AAS dosages does he have hypochondria tendencies or any mental health issues? Then you say he increased his tren and got paranoid then worried about his wife now he is paranoid to change his dosages?

Adding, upping, dropping AAS will cause changes in mood and libido in anyone but sounds like he is freaking out. Maybe he is someone that needs to just stick to test or run trt? If he is actually that sensitive to these drugs or precieves that he is

The numerical scales were just my way to interpret what he told me. He does not have any mental issues at baseline.

I agree with him just sticking with test or TRT. 19-nors seem to be the devil for him.
Sounds to me like he should steer clear of 19nors (trenbolone, nandrolone, etc). Maybe tolerable at lower doses for him but given you are posting I gather it's severe and riding it out is a challenge.

Test, test based compounds and DHT based is where he should live. Doesn't hit many this hard but it's not unheard of and issues you cite are some of the psychological classics.

Completely agree with both paragraphs.
Sounds to me like he should steer clear of 19nors (trenbolone, nandrolone, etc). Maybe tolerable at lower doses for him but given you are posting I gather it's severe and riding it out is a challenge.

Test, test based compounds and DHT based is where he should live. Doesn't hit many this hard but it's not unheard of and issues you cite are some of the psychological classics.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^agree with this!
For some reason I can only tolerate 19nors at low doses and get the side effects very early. Last run with NPP I stopped early myself. I almost starting feeling like a panic attack was coming. Hard to explain...a sense of doom and just kind of felt shitty, also the sleep issues.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^agree with this!
For some reason I can only tolerate 19nors at low doses and get the side effects very early. Last run with NPP I stopped early myself. I almost starting feeling like a panic attack was coming. Hard to explain...a sense of doom and just kind of felt shitty, also the sleep issues.

How long did it take for your sleep and anxiety/panic attack issues to return to normal after stopping the NPP?
How long did it take for your sleep and anxiety/panic attack issues to return to normal after stopping the NPP?
Edit: It was actually about a week. I also gain water on NPP but that has been coming off (taking longer for that to come off). Been taking dandelion root. I also lowered my test dose. I have to get Dr. Bloods at the end of the month so Im down to very low test dosage weekly.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^agree with this!
For some reason I can only tolerate 19nors at low doses and get the side effects very early. Last run with NPP I stopped early myself. I almost starting feeling like a panic attack was coming. Hard to explain...a sense of doom and just kind of felt shitty, also the sleep issues.
I get anxiety on nandrolone, never used to years ago but I notice it after a few weeks on NPP nowadays. Shame because I love the effect it has on my body but it’s not worth the hassle for me personally
I get anxiety on nandrolone, never used to years ago but I notice it after a few weeks on NPP nowadays. Shame because I love the effect it has on my body but it’s not worth the hassle for me personally
With you on that. Tren and NPP put on the strength for me fast but the sides kick in even faster. Love/Hate.
Some guys need to avoid 19 nors completly; however, to be a bodybuilder nandrolone in offseason and trenbolone in pre contest is basically what it takes along with a hefty dose of test. Not every male has what it takes whether it be mental or physical to be a bodybuilder. Tolerance to side effects is what prevents a gym rat from becoming a national level bodybuilder and national level bodybuilder to becoming a pro and a pro from becoming a champion.

Long story short…my 2ccs of wisdom for you is to drop the tpp and switch to enanthate or cypionate and stick with trt only meaning legit 200-250mg (1cc IM per week). Most guys should stick with this approach because their bodies won’t accept more and more is not always better for most people.
Some guys need to avoid 19 nors completly; however, to be a bodybuilder nandrolone in offseason and trenbolone in pre contest is basically what it takes along with a hefty dose of test. Not every male has what it takes whether it be mental or physical to be a bodybuilder. Tolerance to side effects is what prevents a gym rat from becoming a national level bodybuilder and national level bodybuilder to becoming a pro and a pro from becoming a champion.

Long story short…my 2ccs of wisdom for you is to drop the tpp and switch to enanthate or cypionate and stick with trt only meaning legit 200-250mg (1cc IM per week). Most guys should stick with this approach because their bodies won’t accept more and more is not always better for most people.
200mg is not TRT.

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