every time i do abs they start to cramp after the third set or so. when it happens i wait for it to stop and continue my ab routine, ive tried eating bananas before i work out and that didnt help. any advice guys?
Lil by lil wwork your wway up, im guessing u havnet one them in awhile so just start wwith 3 sets of 20 then go up, i drink alot of water and take potassium tabs.
i have the exact same problem. when i concentrate and curl up it feels like my abs are having spasms like when i do leg curls, so this means i have weak abs? or just working beyond my limitations
yah i used to get abb cramps almost evertime i did abbs but i didnt do abbs for so long then i started and i would get these cramps the more i trained them the better they got though, now it is rare that i get any cramps. i bet its just cause you arent used to them.
the ab cramps are really new for me, it just started happening the past few weeks, i think its kind of odd since ive been doing abs at least 3 times a week for somewhere around 5 years.