Best Diet Advice for me as I like it simple (growth principals by BigA)
VERY simple. Very important that you try to get as
close to 500g of protein per day. Easiest way to do
that is to have a whey protein shake in water with
every meal. Fats and carbs don't matter. Calories
don't count, macro nutrients (protein, fat, carb) do.
If you get too much fat on, just cut out the fats and
keep your carbs bellow 300g/day. That's all it is!
Very simple, but hard to stick to, so not many people
get results. On gear, the more protein you eat, the
more you grow. Is as simple as that. Gear maximises
protein synthesis.
protein: chicken breast, top sirloin, tuna, sushi, eggs, whey shakes
carbs: oats, rice, baked potatos, yams, broccoli, asparagus
fats: almonds
Favorite Fast Food: Samari Sam's
Supplements - multi-vit (animal pack), liv 52, fish oils, niacin, creatine, glutamine, metamucil
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