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Need help


Nov 16, 2022
Hello guys I always blast and trt with hcg after but this time I completely came off due to surgery I done so my question so I just run my hcg and add nova and cloimd all at ones since I never stopped my hcg or what you guys recommend
Why would you stop your TRT in the first place? That’s what’s keeping you functioning like a healthy man.

Also you can do your HCG weekly with your TRT. You’ll have to play with the doses to see what works best. 250iu three times a week will be a good place to start.

Why would you stop your TRT in the first place? That’s what’s keeping you functioning like a healthy man.

Also you can do your HCG weekly with your TRT. You’ll have to play with the doses to see what works best. 250iu three times a week will be a good place to start.

Yes I totally agree I wasn’t going to stop trt but I did hair transplant and I was scared to I keep off completely for at least month and I was thinking to go back to trt soon
I see no reason the ever stop true TRT.
You wouldn’t think it will effect my hair transplant surgery ? And also because doctor told me I can’t lift for a month
Use the search function for information on hair transplants and TRT. There’s some thorough information on it. More than I can give you.

I’m on Finasteride personally 1mg daily to try and slow my MPB. Eventually I’ll lose out on this slow motion battle and resort to clipping it off.

If your based out of the US did you get the transplant here in the states or did you travel to Istanbul,Turkey? It’s gotta hefty price tag state side, but much more reasonable in Istanbul for example. Seems that’s the new hub on hair transplants.

Use the search function for information on hair transplants and TRT. There’s some thorough information on it. More than I can give you.

I’m on Finasteride personally 1mg daily to try and slow my MPB. Eventually I’ll lose out on this slow motion battle and resort to clipping it off.

If your based out of the US did you get the transplant here in the states or did you travel to Istanbul,Turkey? It’s gotta hefty price tag state side, but much more reasonable in Istanbul for example. Seems that’s the new hub on hair transplants.

Use the search function for information on hair transplants and TRT. There’s some thorough information on it. More than I can give you.

I’m on Finasteride personally 1mg daily to try and slow my MPB. Eventually I’ll lose out on this slow motion battle and resort to clipping it off.

If your based out of the US did you get the transplant here in the states or did you travel to Istanbul,Turkey? It’s gotta hefty price tag state side, but much more reasonable in Istanbul for example. Seems that’s the new hub on hair transplants.

Yes bro you guess it right hahah I went to Turkey Istanbul and it’s been two weeks since I been back to the USA and I keep trying to find out what would be the best approach right now since I’m not working out for a month so I was trying to see being off trt and just pct and month from now come back on trt would be best and so on you know if you have any information please share I’ll appreciate it
What were you taking for TRT, dosage? 200mg/wk?

Check out Emeric’s thread here using 10mg testosterone per day. There’s some great information there that’ll help as well!

Personally I’d use 100mg after doing a hair transplant. Then monitor my head to see if the cabbage is still lookin good! If I see a decline then I might lower it a bit.

Are you taking any DHT blockers currently for preservation?

I will and no I’m not taking trt I came off completely I was just trying to get an information and I’m not taking DHT blockers either
Hello guys I always blast and trt with hcg after but this time I completely came off due to surgery I done so my question so I just run my hcg and add nova and cloimd all at ones since I never stopped my hcg or what you guys recommend
Not sure what type Procedure your having, If you having a major procedure, I would stop and start after the procedure, If the procedure is minimal case feel free to run your PCT. Any major Procedure you’re going under can cause complication to be on the safe side won’t hurt to stop for week before your case,
Hello guys I always blast and trt with hcg after but this time I completely came off due to surgery I done so my question so I just run my hcg and add nova and cloimd all at ones since I never stopped my hcg or what you guys recommend
You have the proper PCT contents, at some point you need to stop
Allow your natural production take place.
why you took off? Doesn’t make sense
Because my hair transplant that I did I wasn’t able to workout for month so i thought trt and hgh would effect my hair that’s why I was trying to get informations on that

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