I have been on this board for some time now, mainly reading ,reading and reading I knew very little about gear use and still am a little overwhelmed by all the info that is out there. Thanks to a good friend I have learned the basics. Currently I have started a cycle of sustanon 250. 250mgs EOD for 20days 10-14 days into this I plan to add 10mgs d-bol 2x daily and carry this for 4 weeks after which I to switch to EQ now my question is this again my good friend is a great help and very knowledgable but I would like to do some research of my own and I was hoping that some one co uld help a guy out who is very neew to this and wants to do as much right as poss. Maybe a little background first I am 5'6" 200lbs. and currently at I woould guess(and it is only a guess)16-18%bf I personally tend to hold water I am not naturally lean and must fight tooth and nail to hold my ground against fat lol. I have been lifting for to many years the wrong way and am now just begining to learn all over again. I am now lifting and not just overtraining and my body is responding very well. I do not have any goals to compete in the bodybuilding world but I do so very much love the sport!!! My main concerns are post-cycle what to do how to do it and maybe some input on a good gear to use after the 4 we eks of d-bol. In addition, so far my body loves this stuff and am seeing great things so far just want to most importantly do things right and not just cowboy my way through this . I would like , when I come off, to keep as much as poss. and still feel somewhat healthy. Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance
On a seperate note the article"Begining principles for growth" two thumbs up and a thank you. That opened my eyes and was an incredible help!!!!!
On a seperate note the article"Begining principles for growth" two thumbs up and a thank you. That opened my eyes and was an incredible help!!!!!