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New Here: (from anabolex.com)

Walter E Kurtz

New member
Sep 25, 2006

This seems like a great board...I hope to be an asset to it.

I'm not at the same level as a lot of these vets that frequent this forum, but I know my way around better than the average gym rat. I am also an attorney by profession, and I would be happy to field questions about whatever is on anybody's mind if the need arises.

As an aside, I remember some months ago that BALDNAZI had some really hard times with his health...he helped me out a lot back in the day when I was a newbie. I was wondering if anybody knows if he is OK?

Oh God...I was hoping to get away from you and your lunacy!!! Is anyboard safe from WEK?!?!?!?!?

J/K bro....Welcome WEK!!!
Welcome bro........
Seems like the other board is losing alot of guys....welcome WEK and btw your avi looks like my dad when he was young....lol they used to call him uncle Manson
Welcome aboard.
welcome Walter.
For a lawyer your sure a crazy lookin sumbitch:cheeky'sm :foo;-smil
welcome bro :cool:
Hi WEK! If this keeps up, there isn't going to be anyone left at the other site.

I don't post here as much, but I really like it here.

A lot of knowledgeble bros who know their stuff, and when I seen AP over here, that was good enough for me.
From one new guy to another. Welcome WEK! You are a product of the 60's aren't you? ahahahahaha Cool "do."
Thanx for the warm welcome.

Basically, (and I don't want this to sound douchey) I want to kick my game up to the next level. Unfortunately, I have a little more free time now than I have had in a couple of years (work is slow as cold dogshit) and the silver lining is that I have much time to eat and train.

This seems to be a board where serious trainers hang out...in all honesty, I am sick of perusing BB boards for info only to find that the membership consists of frat boys who like to "juice it up" for spring break.

Its an odd thing, in that AAS is all over the news these days and sort of at the forefront of the public consciousness, but it seems like virtually nobody trains hard anymore and even fewer people are interested in real bodybuilding.

Anyway, I plan to stay around awhile, and I meant what I said...if anybody has any pressing questions I will do my best to answer them.

All the best,

I had a massive flame war with you (and pretty much the rest of Anabolex) a few years ago. I got banned, then I went back and got banned again, and again, and again, and again. I still stand by my opinion that Anabolex is a piece of shit. But, at least some of the guys from there are starting to see it too.;) Now to OuchThatHurts, I broke NO rules here.:D
BigBoyJ said:
I had a massive flame war with you (and pretty much the rest of Anabolex) a few years ago. I got banned, then I went back and got banned again, and again, and again, and again. I still stand by my opinion that Anabolex is a piece of shit. But, at least some of the guys from there are starting to see it too.;) Now to OuchThatHurts, I broke NO rules here.:D

Well, I apologize if I said or did some dickish things to you. I have trouble with the "WEK" handle, because I run into guys on boards who then say to me "you fuckin asshole! Back on the old "renegade" board you called my mom an butt-slut pig!"

Bolex is a weird place, and there is good and bad about it. My complaint would be that there are not enough serious lifters, bbers around. AP, Enanthanator and a handful of other guys are sort of the vanguard over there...they really LIVE this shit. There are too many other mooks who like to pop dbols now and again, wear muscle shirts, and then post about lapping on their fatass girlfriend's cooter.

Like I said, I will do my best to be an asset here and I promise I will not flame anybody.
Oh no,no, no. I was far from blameless. I kind of lived to start shit back in those days. It was a hobby for me. I've got other hobbies now.:D I'm pretty much an angelic role model now.:p
WEK I only go to 'bolex once in a while to check if you wrote some funny shit. :D I even remember laughing my ass off at the stories you wrote on Elite several years ago.

I think you'll have to tone down the comedy here though as this is a serious place. :D
Shit...WEK is here. There goes the neighborhood. LOL

Just kidding bro! Glad to see you here.
Oh God, WEK is on the loose here too. I swear to god BigA I had nothing to do with this, lol.

J/K, bro it is really good to see you here. If you want to kick it up a notch you know all you have to do is PM me. I am there for you anytime you need it bro, we go back many years.
Haha, I hope all you Anabolex guys get together and "kick it up a notch". Maybe a rematch is in order. Old UG against Anabolex. Let's pick a topic and start a fight. I'm ready to go. It's been a while, I may be rusty, but I'm also rested. Let the games begin. I don't even need any help.:D

|---[\\\\]>----------- Let me be the first asian to welcome you!

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