First this only pertains to the womens classes so there is no issue whatsoever with the men. Now for everyone that can't read between the lines when the judges are marking them down its because they are to HARD this is what they mean i.e. sqared jaw,beard,acne,bad skin complexion, unpleasing physique,not something other women want to emulate, not something the crowd is attracted to,ect.......... not because they are hard in the conditioning sense please go back and look at the last 2 years worth of national shows there were ALOT of women there with a hard look(as in masculine and very unhealthy and the worst part is they weren't hard in the pealed or conditioned sense) Please these women don't realize that a little more diet and discipline and less drugs will do them just fine and they will place where they want to. When the memo was sent out the "hard look" was a nice way for the NPC to tell them "listen we are tired of judging fucking guys with a boob job and make-up up on the bodybuilding stage" Womens bodybuilding really has little to no following these last 6-8 years because of this and I don't blaim the promoters for not giving more prize money or the supplement companies for not signing them. I am not the biggest fan of figure because it is boring to watch althoe i appreciate the good looks but really enjoy the fitness routines as they are exciting and show athletism! guess what plain and simple SEX SELLS and it appeals to the mainstream muscle heads and people that buy the mags. Perfect example: when either Rea or Pia post new pics on our board we all are very appreciative and there is not a member on there that wouldn't buy a magazine if they knew that Rea or Pia were in it. Take nothing away from either of them because they are both VERY VERY talented as well as very attractive. Now How many of you pic up a magazine like womens physique world or buy musclemedia just to see pics of oh lets say: Lauren Powers or Mah Ann Mendoza how about Iris Kyle and Yaxen Oriqueen hell even Lenda Murray. Very very few and if those magazine aren't selling advertisers aren't going to advertise in them and therefore the supplement companies aren't going to promote womens bodybuilding. Its there way to tell these women to wake up and quit taking the fucking extreme androgenic drugs and if these women choose to keep taking them and ruining themselves then the NPC,IFBB,judges,Magazines,Photographers,Promoters, and Supplement Co's will not give them coverage,Money,photo oppurtunties,or guest posing apperances. How many times i nthe last few years have you went to a show and seen a pro female bodybuilder guest pose? i would guess little to none instead tehy have male bodybuilders and a few fitness girls guest posing! So when these woemn come on all the boards and bitch about it they have no one to blame except themselves when there are softer(not in the conditioning sense but in the masculinity sense) at these shows the Judges are awarding them the wins accordingly Colette Nelson is nowhere near the biggest heavyweight but how many national shows has she won? she is marketable and still looks like a woman. Jennifer McVicar she won as a middleweight why? she looks like a woman with a healthy physique how about this year? same thing! okay I'm done with my rant hopefully it makes sense why they are now calling for these changes and the difference between conditioning hard and masculine hard is understood! wyldeone.