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Next up - what's your favorite BACK workout?


IFBB PRO / Double Featured Member/Kilo Klub
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 3, 2005
Exercises, sets, reps.. and also how frequently do you hit back?
Every 7 days? or more frequently?
Do you train traps with back? rear delts? biceps? tibialis?
Exercises, sets, reps.. and also how frequently do you hit back?
Every 7 days? or more frequently?
Do you train traps with back? rear delts? biceps? tibialis?

I usually hit back 3x every 2 weeks. My favorite back workout is:
Wide Grip Pulldowns - 1 working set * 10-15 reps, 1 widowmaker * 20-25 reps
Barbell Rows - 1 working set * 8-10 reps, 1 widowmaker * 20 reps
Deadlifts = 1 working set * 20 reps

I work back with chest, shoulders, tri's. I normally only do either barbell rows or deadlifts in the same workout but this is my all time favorite workout, those three moves.
Once every 5-6 days, deadlifts and T-bar rows are my favorite. I very rarely train traps directly if I'm doing any variation of deadlifts in my routine.
Rach Chins-
RP to 30

Set 1- 6-8 reps
Set 2- 12-15 reps

Rope Lat Pull
RP to 30

Extreme Stretch

follow that up with Bi's
close reverse grip pulldowns 1 working set
high rows 2 working sets
cable rows medium grip 1 working set
pendley reverse grip BB rows 2 working sets

once every 7 days
Every 7-10 days..... My back grows better if I take more time between next workout!

Rows EZ curl or straight bar
20 reps warm up
then 2-3 work sets adding weight and down in reps

wide grip pulldowns
20 reps warm up
2-3 work sets (same as above)

pullovers with dumbbell or machine
3 good work sets with good stretch

20 reps warm up
2-3 work sets

I do traps with back and might change it up every 2-4 weeks and switch exercises around.
back yesterday

deads 3 working sets
pull ups 3 working sets
cross bench pull overs 3 sets
back is my favorite workout…

3 sets deadlifts (after my warm-up)
4 sets t-bars
3 sets hammer rows (one side at a time)
4 sets reverse close-grip grip pull-downs
go home
once every 6 days
Last edited:
Once a week... my back is sore for about 2-3 days after that so don't know if I could do it more often.

2 working sets - 5-6 reps

Did racks last week for first time, loved them

BB Row
vary the grip by set - over/underhand
1 working set of each grip

Seated Cable Row
1 working set. get a great feeling doing these

Do bi's with back, can usually only get 2 excerises of bi's as I am exhausted
first) Wide grip lat pull downs , heaviest weight i can get 12 reps. 30 sec break next set to fail . 30 sec break , rep to fail

Next) bent over rows , same rep work as pull downs

Close grip pull ups , 3 sets to fail (18-20 reps , 12-10- , 8 reps)

Dumbells rows , lighter weight more reps (20 for first set rest to fail) , slow steady reps good extention and contraction

I change up and do close grip seated rows now and then instead of DB rows and I deadlift about once ever 3rd workout at the very end , heavy weight , 4 sets in the 5-8 reps range
Shelby, if I can I like to set up stations.

My FAVORITE way to train isn't possible in a crowded commercial gym. I set up stations at my home gym or at the high school were I work if no one is there early in the am or late at night.

Deadlifts- followed by wide grip chin ups- followed by- narrow parallel grip pulldowns. I do three of four sets at a heavy weight once I feel like I am warm enough not to injure my stupid ass.

Reps- Depends on how I feel that day and what is sore and what isn't.

Frequency- Back gets trained every 4th day or 5th depending on how recovered I am.

Barbell or t-bar rows are substituted for deadlifts every other workout. I don't row heavy and deadlift on the same day. I think that is asking for an injury.

If I have gone heavy 6-8 reps the back workout previously- I do more reps the next time. Like 15 to 20 and gorge the muscle with blood.
I train back every workout

This reminds me of a post where Phil once mentioned that referring to it as "back" is like referring to your chest, shoulders and abs as "front".

But I digress. Deadlifts on their own day.

Pullups / chins on military press day.

Rows on bench day.

Cleans on squat day.
I train back every Sunday.

Pull ups 3 working sets
Tbar rows 4 working sets
Close grip pull downs 3 working sets
BB rows 4 working sets
Pullovers (alternate cables and DB weekly) 3 working sets

sometimes we don't do tbar rows and start that workout with deadlifts. But my partners back and my back are pretty well developed in our opinion, thickness wise. So we thought we'd work more on lat development and thickness.

Plus picking up the bar for tbar rows and BB rows is like deadlifting. Go up to 8 plates on tbar rows and 4 plates on BB rows.
wide pullups or pulldowns
rows of some kind
seated rows or rack chins
Simple program

Back is hit three times a week with chest, bi's and calves.

Favorite workout for back is deadlifts. Three sets, 12-15 reps.
pulldowns --> rack pulls --> DB rows

fried :eek:
Back day Sunday- I tend to hit my back more to compensate for the love handles that never go away..lol

Rack pulls

1x10, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6

Lat Pulldown

1x10, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8

Widegrip Rows

1x10, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8

Reverse Cables

1x12, 1x12, 1x12

Weighted Pullups

Weighted Wide Grip Pullups
Rack Deads From Below the knee
Reverse Grip Pulldown
Trap Bar Shrugs

Pyramid up to 1 working set to failure for each
Wide grip pulldown: Warmup then 3 sets X 12

Bent BB Row 3 sets X 8-12

Seated row 2 sets X 8-12

Stiff arm rope pulldown (or bent over on a seated row pulley) 1 set rest/pause 20-25 reps

Hyperextension 1 set bodyweight / warmup
2 sets weighted X 12-16
Here is my routine -

Rack Deadlifts 2-3 warm up sets, 1-2 working sets/ 1 set x 4-6 reps, 1 set x 10-20 reps (I try to hit 20 reps)

Reverse Grip Pulldowns 1-2 warm ups, 1-2 working sets/ 6-8 reps

Some form of bent rows (D.B. bent rows, barbell rows, smith bent rows, machine rows, hammer rows) 1 warm up, 1-2 working sets/ 10-12 reps

Some form of pullovers (DB pullover, staight arm pulls, Hammer pullovers, ect) 1 warm up, 1 working set/ 10-12 reps

Sometimes, if im feeling really good Ill add in a couple extra sets somewhere...Just depends on how I feel

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