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Nolvadex during cycle?


New member
Apr 3, 2016
I'm 36 and decided to try Sus250 for the first time. I'm currently taking 500mg a week. My question is if I should take nolvadex during this or wait till I'm done in 12 weeks. I have a little gyno in my left chest from taking stupid pro hormones and shit when I was younger. I can't tell if it's getting worse or if I'm just paranoid. My buddy that's been taking gear said that I should wait 2 weeks after my last injection then 40mg for 2 weeks followed by 20mg for an additional 2 weeks. Recommendations for dosages if I take during. Thanks
are you taking an AI? If not you need to go buy some especially dincevyouvhave gyno already.then for pct you can you nolvadex,Clomid,hcg
Google "nova on cycle". The results will talk about the pros and cons of using the type of drug (a SERM) vs a typical aromotase inhibitor such as extemestane on cycle.

Then Google "nova pct". This will describe using it post cycle to help restart endogenous testosterone production.
look into femara you don't need much of it and it works wonders but be warn its strong stuff
Nolvadex is used for post cycle.

the only use for it on cycle is if signs of gyno begin to manifest. if so start nolvadex at 40mg immediately and lower to 20mg ED until completion of cycle.:D
JM stated he uses it during his entire prep. To each their own. See what works for you.
Arimidex is best while on cycle.

Clomid and HCG are good compounds to take while cruising in between cycles.

PCT? Fuck PCT, total waste of time and money.
Arimidex is best while on cycle.

Clomid and HCG are good compounds to take while cruising in between cycles.

PCT? Fuck PCT, total waste of time and money.

Boom!!! X2 completely agree with this!! Well said Jay[emoji106]
I personally feel adex or Aromasin is best used during a cycle and hCG should be used at 500 IU 2x times per week from start of cycle and continue using it to weeks after your last injection if using long esters. Then after the two-week period use Clomid at 100 mg every day for two weeks followed by 50 mg every day for another two weeks. I believe Nolvadex can be used as well during PCT but it will not restore natural testosterone like Clomid will.
Im gyno prone and have pre existing lumps. Nolvadex does awesome for me in that department. Has shrank my 3 year old lumps down to almoat nothing.

I run it 20mg every day on a blast every time, regardless of compounds.

When I cruise, Aromasin is plenty to keep it at bay.
Nolvadex was used in cycles back when Arimidex and Aromasin weren't created yet. The only one i heard of using it during cycle that is of any elite level status is John Meadows.
Nolvadex is used for post cycle.

the only use for it on cycle is if signs of gyno begin to manifest. if so start nolvadex at 40mg immediately and lower to 20mg ED until completion of cycle.:D

John Meadows would disagree with you here. He uses nolvadex exclusively while on cycle and only uses an ai ocasionally when e2 creeps up
Arimidex is best while on cycle.

Clomid and HCG are good compounds to take while cruising in between cycles.

PCT? Fuck PCT, total waste of time and money.

Please elaborate on this. When you use the term "cruise" are you referring to TRT dosing?
If so.......Ive been successfully blasting at 500-1000mg/wk and cruising at 200mg/wk for several years now. Ive never heard or considered adding Clomid to my 200mg "cruise" or "trt" period.

*If I misunderstood your intention, I apologize.
And yes.....fuck PCT!
I stopped using exem/armi/letro because of joint pain issues and low HDL. Nolva is friendlier to me in regards to both
10mg Tamoxifen is fine to use until E climbs too high.

Then an AI is needed, Aromasin 10mg/ED.
Nolvadex was used in cycles back when Arimidex and Aromasin weren't created yet. The only one i heard of using it during cycle that is of any elite level status is John Meadows.

Back years ago that's all we had and it worked fine.
A common anti E stack during a cycle was NOLVA and PROVIRON.
Guys.. I have studied this issue until I'm nauseated and I still don't have a handle on it.. I've been laid up with a knee replacement going over every study inhibitors ECT and I'm no smarter than when I've started..

I've used pharm grade aromasin and arimidex and always had issues adjusting the dosages and getting it right., the lowest dose of arimidex made my joints ache like never before.. And since I have arthritis I eveything thing but my pecker its us even worse., aromasin worked for a bit but like every inhibitor there gets to be a buildup and then estro gets too low for me.. Then I have to make frequency adjustments ect.. So you never really know,, .

On hrt ( 140 mgs) I do not use anything anymore.. I was doing arimidex twice a week at .05 then . 025 .. But even at lower dose joints began to ache.. At first raging morning wood.. Loved that.. Then after a few weeks nothing and libido take a hit.. I'm on no inhibitor now and libido,U.S. still in the shitter but can perform if wife dances to durans durans " wild boys" .. ( don't judge me)..

So that leads me to the nolvadex question.. I don't like the idea of higher levels of estrogen floating around in my system.. But I di like the idea that it blocks estro receptors.. All estro receptors.. I have had many old timers over the years love nolva for its ability to ward off belly fat when take higher gear with conversion.. It's also much better for hdl and lipids in general.. but if one is taking 200 mgs of test.. Or 300 mgs of test nolva may be enought.. But I have to wonder when one goes into the realm of say 500 or 600 mgs or higher E2 is going to go through the roof., I don't care who Ya are.. Then how good is nolva? No bitch titties is good.. Lower ab fat is good.. But erectile dysfunction and other effects of high e2 will start to take hold..

This makes me want to chuck test altogether except for lower dosage ( 300 or under) because of the conversion issue and the ability or inability to handle it.. Sticking to oral turinabol and EQ ect may be the way I go from now on..

I like this video of dr serrono .. I think it's been posted here before .. I can't make out much of what he says..I also wish he would say is he's just referring to HRT dosages or not., kinda vague for me.. But again I miss a lot of what he says.. But he prefers nolva [ame]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=trR5MmkLkUo[/ame]
Masteron with the nolva helps when not using an AI
Masteron with the nolva helps when not using an AI

I have said that before Fa Seehus.. Many argue about the worth of mast in regards to anti e properties .. But even meadows I believe uses proviron ( very similar dht properties) in his cycles.. It doesn't take much mast in that regard.. 200 or so mgs with a decent dose of test helps most diffinitely..

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