ok for my nutrition im getting about 80g of protein a day if im lucky. now i would like to be getting 500g a day or atleast 150 because i weight 125. So im looking for somewhere i can get either protein shakes or bars that will give me around 100g a day from just those products alone but i want want something something that if you take how long they last and find out hom much i will be paying for one week, no more than 25 dollars per week.
Example : if i buy product to make shakes that last 2 weeks and cost 50 bucks ok that means for 1 week cost me 25 bucks.
I would also like to know what you think about my workout that i just picked up from a post on this forum. I am hoping that i can get someone to just list some exercises for them that i can do at home. Either by going outside to my weight machine no if you tell me the exercises i can do for those muscles that would be great. I might not have the exercises that you suggest so i could prolly work that out by doing stuff like bodyweight exercises but please help me I want to hear everyones opinions on my routine and my nutrition.
Monday : Chest , Triceps , Shoulders
Wednesday : Quads , Hams , Calfs
Friday : Abs , Back , Biceps
Example : if i buy product to make shakes that last 2 weeks and cost 50 bucks ok that means for 1 week cost me 25 bucks.
I would also like to know what you think about my workout that i just picked up from a post on this forum. I am hoping that i can get someone to just list some exercises for them that i can do at home. Either by going outside to my weight machine no if you tell me the exercises i can do for those muscles that would be great. I might not have the exercises that you suggest so i could prolly work that out by doing stuff like bodyweight exercises but please help me I want to hear everyones opinions on my routine and my nutrition.
Monday : Chest , Triceps , Shoulders
Wednesday : Quads , Hams , Calfs
Friday : Abs , Back , Biceps