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O\T Any collegiate,university,greco,freestyle etc wrestlers here?


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Hey people! Im always looking to pick peoples brains on the subject of real wrestling.
I teach martial arts,mma,but also train several arts too. My wrestling could be alot better but due to really bad health issues and injuries and lack of wrestling coaches its sadly not the best. It would be great if there were any wrestlers here who i could get advice from? Many thanx in advance.
I wrestled for 10 years bro. Competed in some AAU Greco-Roman and Freestyle tournaments. I placed 3 times in Michigan during my high school career. 7th at 189lbs as a Soph, 5th at 215lbs as a Junior, and 3rd at 215lbs as a Senior. Had a chance to wrestle at Michigan State but declined the scholorship.
Wrestled 10+ years as well. Mainly greco when I wasn't in season (HS and college). I have worked with some MMA guys in my area and I was an assistant coach at the high school level for two years. Let me know if I can help.
ive wrestled through high school as well, and i still help to coach my younger brother and his team when i can. if you have any questions post em up.
Ahhhhh excellent .Well i teach mma and train in several arts,there are no wrestling coaches in the U.K so i struggle with wrestling. Im left handed so thats even worse!lol any tips? Many thanx in advance guys
With wrestling, I had a harder way to go because of my height. I was and still am only 5'5. That's extremely short for the upper weights. My legs were so stocky that I had no chance of putting them in and riding legs. This is why I started Greco. So I could work on my throws.

What I always suggest, is teach them basic wrestling moves. There's no reason to get fancy. Single legs, double legs, front headlocks, shucks, headlocks, bearhugs, and even armdrags. These were all moves I had to use.
I always try and keep it basic my saving grace was in my area i had a cage 2 years before anyone else had one,so had the chance to work lots of takedowns from there. With me being left handed how do i shoot a double properly?
Sprawl, sprawl, and sprawl some more. Then cross-face and sprawl until you can't do it anymore. It's the one area I see many guys neglect. They get shot in on and then forget that they need to counter the takedown and not focus on gettting some worthless rabbit punches or whatever in the two seconds it takes for a good wrestler to take you down. Get those hips back and cross-face. Make whoever took the shot pay for not getting you down to the mat. Doing "up downs" in conjunction with those sprawling drills will get you used to having to get those legs and hips back when someone comes at you. It should be an automatic thing....someone shoots and you hit the deck.

Developing a good shot is key too. Look at GSP. His double leg is fantastic and he isn't what I would consider a wrestler but has the best takedowns in MMA (in my opinion). Penetration step drills along with driving through your shots are the most important. Here are some good videos.
Wrestled 10 years traditional HS and college folkstyle and also greco roman and freestyle in tournaments. Placed top 3 in every tournament I wrestled outside of school, which were all mostly freestyle and greco roman. HS was top 3 in state. I was top 3 in state and the 3 could beat one another on any given day depending on our mood etc.

I was doing some MMA and use to help the instructors with the wrestling aspect. Mostly shooting and driving through the shot and sprawling getting that cross face and whizzer in.

Mostly same stuff AWN2004 said. I found many in MMA class not committing to their shot and driving through would lead to them getting in a guillotine choke.

Something not mentioned is I feel spinning exercises are important. I found it easy to take these guys back who had some MMA training and experience. They would shoot in with a crappy shot, I sprawl and whizzer the hell out of their arm, cross face them and spin behind them and have their back. I have been doing this for years though.
Spinning after the sprawl to get behind the other wrestler for your take down, but in MMA its a chance to sink in something from behind like a choke, or legs to set up a choke. Arm Bar is there also when they are on the ground on a knee and you have the whizzer in.
Wrestled 10 years traditional HS and college folkstyle and also greco roman and freestyle in tournaments. Placed top 3 in every tournament I wrestled outside of school, which were all mostly freestyle and greco roman. HS was top 3 in state. I was top 3 in state and the 3 could beat one another on any given day depending on our mood etc.

I was doing some MMA and use to help the instructors with the wrestling aspect. Mostly shooting and driving through the shot and sprawling getting that cross face and whizzer in.

Mostly same stuff AWN2004 said. I found many in MMA class not committing to their shot and driving through would lead to them getting in a guillotine choke.

Something not mentioned is I feel spinning exercises are important. I found it easy to take these guys back who had some MMA training and experience. They would shoot in with a crappy shot, I sprawl and whizzer the hell out of their arm, cross face them and spin behind them and have their back. I have been doing this for years though.
Spinning after the sprawl to get behind the other wrestler for your take down, but in MMA its a chance to sink in something from behind like a choke, or legs to set up a choke. Arm Bar is there also when they are on the ground on a knee and you have the whizzer in.

Yes yes Dragonfire!!!! Spin drills work wonders!!!! I haven't practiced any MMA, but I always imagined the front headlock into a shuck would be a great way to get a guys back.

When your student sprawls down, have him reach under his opponents head and grab the far arm. This will secure the "front headlock", then with as much force as he can, have him pull using his opponents arm through and it should lead to him being right behind his opposition to his back.

The basic crossface is something that so many guys try to "re-invent" the wheel with. Just take your forearm and use it to push the opposition's head away. I used to take the center of my inner forearm and do this. It would lead to me being able to reach across and secure the guy's opposite arm, then use it to "tripod" him. Nothing more than once it's secured, you spin towards him and his arm and head give your leverage to put him on his back.

Again, nothing but basic moves. I've seen too many wrestlers try to do stupid fancy stuff. I wasn't on the mat to impress the crowd, I was there to win wrestling matches. Keep it to the basics, and DRILL, DRILL, DRILL!!!!!

Like DF said, spinning drills are fantastic. Have your students pair off. One goes down in the refs positions (hands and knees), the other with his chest to the others guys back spins around then switches direction when the whistle is blown, also the spinner needs to practics pushing the head away each time he comes around to it. We would do these in 3 minute increments, 5 times each.
I always try and keep it basic my saving grace was in my area i had a cage 2 years before anyone else had one,so had the chance to work lots of takedowns from there. With me being left handed how do i shoot a double properly?

No matter if you're right handed or left handed, a proper double leg should have the head to the outside of the leg ending up right near the outer quad or hip. If you can, try to get your arms wrapped and locked around your oppositions upper thighs. This will make him hit the deck quicker and make it harder for him to fight it off.

Being right handed, I was more prone to shooting to the right. Shoot in with the right leg down and my left leg bent at a 90. Head to the side of my opposition's right leg with the arms wrapped high and hands locked. From there you should be able to just "suck up" his legs. Basically pulling his legs into your chest, your opposition will have a very hard time defending this if you sink your shot in deep enough.

One thing I would drill is shooting to both the right and left sides. I did this to give me more balance and that way if I seen a guy more than once, he wouldn't think I was only capable of shooting to one side.

The other double is to drive right through your opponent. Same set up as the other. Head to the outside of the leg, and drive your feet, pretty much football style. Not a tackle, but a takedown. The lower you lock your hands together the easier it is for your opposition to sprawl and push the head away.
Many thanks for all the replies and answers!!!There all fantastic and given me loads to think about. For a Brit without wrassling instruction ive got a decent takedown defence :) What would be the best instructionals?And also are there any videos..clips...instructionals that cover singles and doubles for leftys?
Many thanks for all the replies and answers!!!There all fantastic and given me loads to think about. For a Brit without wrassling instruction ive got a decent takedown defence :) What would be the best instructionals?And also are there any videos..clips...instructionals that cover singles and doubles for leftys?

Anything by Dan Gable!!!!!

**broken link removed**

He has vids and books. When it come to American Amateur Wrestling, Gable is usually the first name people will think of. Another is John Smith. Smith is quite possibly the greatest American Amateur of all time. Here's a link to some clips of Smith wrestling. Smith is the current head coach at Oklahoma State.

: John Smith Wrestling Videos, Clips, Movies
Sprawl, sprawl, and sprawl some more. Then cross-face and sprawl until you can't do it anymore. It's the one area I see many guys neglect. They get shot in on and then forget that they need to counter the takedown and not focus on gettting some worthless rabbit punches or whatever in the two seconds it takes for a good wrestler to take you down. Get those hips back and cross-face. Make whoever took the shot pay for not getting you down to the mat. Doing "up downs" in conjunction with those sprawling drills will get you used to having to get those legs and hips back when someone comes at you. It should be an automatic thing....someone shoots and you hit the deck.

Developing a good shot is key too. Look at GSP. His double leg is fantastic and he isn't what I would consider a wrestler but has the best takedowns in MMA (in my opinion). Penetration step drills along with driving through your shots are the most important. Here are some good videos.
YouTube - Sprawl and cross Face Defensive Drill

i agree on the sprawl portion. i always sprawled and slammed their head into the mat. very rarely would somebody catch me on a shot. i notice in MMA the sprawl has been a neglected technique, and i find it can be very usefull and i learned a couple of submissions off of it even. wrestling is more about leverage, angles, speed and technique then it is strength and power. of course you need strength and power in certain instances, but leverage and technique are #1

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