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O/T Jobs In Detroit Area


New member
Dec 7, 2003
Hey guys, I'm in dire straights here. I need to find a job that will allow me enough money and time to keep my bodybuilding lifestyle, but will afford me to have my own decent place. I need to move out of my parents house in about 2 weeks or sooner if possible, and was wondering if anyone could help me out with some leads or any other info. I have some college experience and am good with computers , and very intelligent. If anyone could help it would mean the world to me. Thanks a lot.
I thought you were moving to Cali?
I'm going to eventually, but for the time being I need to find something around here until I can save enough money to get out there, San Diego is my final destination, need something in 2 weeks though!

i'm in the same boat here on LI...

good luck bro..

You guys I swear, Your gonna have to move where the jobs are. Monster.com and a boat loads others are out there. The jobs are not going to come knocking down the door for you. Instead of BOO HOOing on a BB board about not having a job, you need to start pounding the pavement and selling yourself and your skills. I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but come on..the jobs are out there, your just not looking hard enough. Besides if you gonna base you whole life on BB, you never going anywhere...my .02
yeah the jobs are out there, but there are so many college students and people with a lot of work experience that are getting a lot of the jobs. i have my associates right now, so im going to start back this summer and get my BA/BS then i know i will have a little more job security. right now my job is OK, however i would be a lot better off with a BA incase something ever happened. i dont wanna be 40yo with a family and kids and be unemployed without the skills to land a good job.

BTW, JB is right you cant base your life around BB. get yourself settled with school or a good job, then fit in BB after that is all dont. im 21 so im not too old, but heck ill be atleast 24 by the time i finish school. it sucks but better now than when i have a family im trying to support.

Good Luck,

Re: unbelievable

Johnny Bravo said:
You guys I swear, Your gonna have to move where the jobs are. Monster.com and a boat loads others are out there. The jobs are not going to come knocking down the door for you. Instead of BOO HOOing on a BB board about not having a job, you need to start pounding the pavement and selling yourself and your skills. I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but come on..the jobs are out there, your just not looking hard enough. Besides if you gonna base you whole life on BB, you never going anywhere...my .02

fuck you bro...

i spend 6-7hrs a day in a job search...

its not that i dont put the effort in....its that i have a felony. i do consulting on the side, but that doesnt mean i dont want a job with benefits.

i do get like 3-4 interviews per week...

and BB is not really that important to me... it maybe occupies 4-5hrs a week in total for me. which is nothing companerd to some of the people around that get nothing back out of it.
ok..fuck me then..I got a job asshole, "a felony"! sounds like a personal problem, I have a friend who had a felony and he now has a 70k year job,, go cry somewhere else..no body cares..especially ME!
Re: Re: unbelievable

and BB is not really that important to me... it maybe occupies 4-5hrs a week in total for me. which is nothing companerd to some of the people around that get nothing back out of it. [/B][/QUOTE]

what do you exactly mean get nothing back out of it? i get self satisfaction out of it. thats all its worth to me, i dont do it for any other reasons.

btw, yeah its can be rough finding a job, there are so many kids coming out of college right now it just makes it even harder. your felony im sure is hurting you, but just keep motivated and something will come your way.

Good Luck,

Let's not argue amongst ourselves!

If you really want to make good money - start your own business. Notice I didn't say go to work for yourself - there's a big difference.

Having an good business established should always never require your presence to operate well. Being self-employed only means that you're working for yourself rather than someone else - meaning, if you don't work, you don't get paid!


Johnny Bravo said:
ok..fuck me then..I got a job asshole, "a felony"! sounds like a personal problem, I have a friend who had a felony and he now has a 70k year job,, go cry somewhere else..no body cares..especially ME!

no personal problems here bro..where do you see my crying...?
i am so happy for you and your friend, you guys must be sitting pretty in your life... well wait, you must not be, if you were truly happy with yourself you would not be subject to such outbursts toward total strangers... go work out your anger isses elsewhere...another closet homo....taking his rage out on the internet....

i wasnt whining... then you addressed your post including me...so i responded.. and if you didnt care you would be posting in this thread...lol

i love internet toughguys...

oh, and once again, fuck you bro...
Johnny Bravo said:
ok..fuck me then..I got a job asshole, "a felony"! sounds like a personal problem, I have a friend who had a felony and he now has a 70k year job,, go cry somewhere else..no body cares..especially ME!

If you don't care then don't respond to this thread palne and simple. If you don't have a felony and again don't care keep it shut cause that really pissed me off! You don't live in michigan do you? Do you know what it's like here. When the economy went, I believe this was one of the most affected states. Do you know how many factories have split and taken our jobs to mexico. Everyday I turn on the news and you hear about 200, 800, and as many as 1,900 people losing there jobs in a given day. This is the kind of shit that brings down boards, no positive reinforcement. So do us all a favor and keep it shut if it isn't constructive or positive!
Re: Re: Re: unbelievable

Got Juice said:
and BB is not really that important to me... it maybe occupies 4-5hrs a week in total for me. which is nothing companerd to some of the people around that get nothing back out of it.

what do you exactly mean get nothing back out of it? i get self satisfaction out of it. thats all its worth to me, i dont do it for any other reasons.

btw, yeah its can be rough finding a job, there are so many kids coming out of college right now it just makes it even harder. your felony im sure is hurting you, but just keep motivated and something will come your way.

Good Luck,

Todd [/B][/QUOTE]

i meant that more like..... there is gonna be a point that you can only put so many hrs into something before it interferes with other things and there is no additional payoff.... like it would be quite silly for me to devote 8hrs per day to BB because i get self satisfaction out of it....i get satisfaction out of the time i do put in and need to direct my time elsewhere during the non-bb hrs as to keep all areas of my life in balance....

you know there are some guys that all they do is BB then when they are like 35 or 40 they wonder where their whole life went and why they still arent a pro and various other things... thats what i was referring to..

Armageddon said:

If you don't care then don't respond to this thread palne and simple. If you don't have a felony and again don't care keep it shut cause that really pissed me off! You don't live in michigan do you? Do you know what it's like here. When the economy went, I believe this was one of the most affected states. Do you know how many factories have split and taken our jobs to mexico. Everyday I turn on the news and you hear about 200, 800, and as many as 1,900 people losing there jobs in a given day. This is the kind of shit that brings down boards, no positive reinforcement. So do us all a favor and keep it shut if it isn't constructive or positive!

thanks bro.. thats what i am saying... ..

and he is talking like 70k is a lot..... i was doing 4x that when i was 22yrs old...
ok, i see waht you are saying GERM and for most people including me thats the right attitude to have. first work, then whatever makes you happy, then BB, thats how it goes for me. i take it seriously but realize there is more to life and other things that make me happy.

Again good luck,

I keep forgetting

I'm dealing with the upper crust here..lol! Mcdonalds is always hiring. 70K is not alot in LI, but in the south you can make a good living, the point was he was able to get a good job at a Oil Company down there. GERM your just a typical NY asshole, No wonder you dont have a job. If any of you have knowledge in Engineering I might be able to point you in the right direction.
Detroit Jobs

Monster/Hotjobs have a shitload of jobs posted for the Detroit Area, in several different categories. Also, you could try that clickondetroit.com and go to the job connection. Put together a resume and start sending.

Banks are always hiring tellers in the area and there is always the Temp-services route as well. Additionally, you could also go to Michigan Works and see if they cant help place you in a good job. Good luck with the search..

Thanks Slide for that info, I appreciate it, I'm looking hard! Hopefully something pops up soon.
Re: I keep forgetting

Johnny Bravo said:
I'm dealing with the upper crust here..lol! Mcdonalds is always hiring. 70K is not alot in LI, but in the south you can make a good living, the point was he was able to get a good job at a Oil Company down there. GERM your just a typical NY asshole, No wonder you dont have a job. If any of you have knowledge in Engineering I might be able to point you in the right direction.

its funny how you initially went on the attack...hammering us, but as soon as we say anything off you call us assholes..

you are too funny bro..

plus i had a good job(pay wise) after my felony but the company went under..

you speak like you have any clue about anything except what happens in your microcosm...

you have a real reading comprehension problem, i never said i cant get a job cause of my felony... i said that is a contributing factor, plus there were virtually no IT positions here in NY for the past 8 months or more... they are just opening up..

never did i say i cant get a job, i just cant get the one i want...

now if you wanna come back and yell at me and call me names to make yourself feel better.. go right ahead and prove how much of an internet toughguy you are...

you remind me of the icy hot stuntaz guys...
Re: I keep forgetting

Johnny Bravo said:
I'm dealing with the upper crust here..lol! Mcdonalds is always hiring. 70K is not alot in LI, but in the south you can make a good living, the point was he was able to get a good job at a Oil Company down there. GERM your just a typical NY asshole, No wonder you dont have a job. If any of you have knowledge in Engineering I might be able to point you in the right direction.

I don't know your history but this again isn't positive in anyway. If you feel the need to call people assholes and what not take this somewhere else. We don't need this attacking attitude from anyone here. You are no better or worse than anyone. The attitude from your responses seems condesending, again we don't need it.
Michigan works doesn't have much or atleast not in my area. I know a woman that works for man power in my home town and she's worried about losing her job, because the economy sucks so bad in our state at the moment. I don't know how true it is but someone told me today that the unemployement rate in Mi is up over 7%.

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