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Opinions on a strategy


Sep 29, 2008
I had recently read something Cedric McMillan was saying about lagging body parts or muscles he wanted to emphasize more.

He wanted to develop his biceps and triceps more, so he is doing alternating days of 6 sets (12-20 reps) for biceps one day, then triceps the next day, AFTER his regular work outs.

Lighter weight, not enough to damage the muscles or impede recovery.

Then someone else added to that by saying this was an old school technique that people used to do (that isn't talked about much). Basically getting blood in the area all the time which puts the nutrients where they need to be to emphasize growth at the targeted area

If I have heard this idea before, I forgot or never paid much attention to it. It seems interesting though.

Any opinions or people who have tried this or a variation of it?
Sounds like the FST-7 technique. Its about going after the pump and streching the facia that way.

i will most likely start training this way for arms again. Its hard to go heavy when it takes 20 minutes just to warm up my elbows

I had recently read something Cedric McMillan was saying about lagging body parts or muscles he wanted to emphasize more.

He wanted to develop his biceps and triceps more, so he is doing alternating days of 6 sets (12-20 reps) for biceps one day, then triceps the next day, AFTER his regular work outs.

Lighter weight, not enough to damage the muscles or impede recovery.

Then someone else added to that by saying this was an old school technique that people used to do (that isn't talked about much). Basically getting blood in the area all the time which puts the nutrients where they need to be to emphasize growth at the targeted area
If I have heard this idea before, I forgot or never paid much attention to it. It seems interesting though.

Any opinions or people who have tried this or a variation of it?

Would you pleae explain
1. What nutrients do the muscles need?
2. How much more blood is needed to carry these nutrients?
3. Is there not blood in the target muscle all the time regardless?
Would you pleae explain
1. What nutrients do the muscles need?
2. How much more blood is needed to carry these nutrients?
3. Is there not blood in the target muscle all the time regardless?

ha ha phil...good one

so in theory! notice how i said "in theory"
1. nutrients being amino acids for repair and growth
2. don't know but the theory is the more blood you get into a targeted muscle the more building blocks aka amino's available for growth and repair
3. yes there is but by getting "extra" blood into a targeted muscle you are getting "extra" nutrients aka amino acids.

:( :eek:

i know you weren't asking me, but you can be intimidating with your "great knowledge"... no joke phil!
I had recently read something Cedric McMillan was saying about lagging body parts or muscles he wanted to emphasize more.

He wanted to develop his biceps and triceps more, so he is doing alternating days of 6 sets (12-20 reps) for biceps one day, then triceps the next day, AFTER his regular work outs.

Lighter weight, not enough to damage the muscles or impede recovery.

Then someone else added to that by saying this was an old school technique that people used to do (that isn't talked about much). Basically getting blood in the area all the time which puts the nutrients where they need to be to emphasize growth at the targeted area

If I have heard this idea before, I forgot or never paid much attention to it. It seems interesting though.

Any opinions or people who have tried this or a variation of it?

I use to think that was overtraining......until I starting doing it for my lagging bodyparts. :D
Would you pleae explain
1. What nutrients do the muscles need?
2. How much more blood is needed to carry these nutrients?
3. Is there not blood in the target muscle all the time regardless?

1. I have heard there are various growth factors that are released during work outs.. for instance during a heavy leg workout. I have heard an idea of manipulating that release into another muscle group for growth. (Not sure how sound that theory is though)

So perhaps they meant that increasing blood to a target muscle will help flush out ammonia and lactic acid, help with recovery, increase amino acid concentration, increase MGF autocrine/paracrine production, direct systemic IGF and increase localized IGF production. Maybe it would also increase protein synthesis in the area, or up-regulate androgen receptors. (I'd have to look into it). Seems like there may be lots of possible benefits.

One random example off the top of my head on why increasing blood flow to a certain area MAY help:

During training, muscle communicates with the bone marrow by secreting HIF1 hypoxia inducible factor-1. (during hypoxic situations) The bone marrow then releases CD34 cells expressing CXR4 receptor with the target of regenerating the specific muscle being trained.

Then what was interesting is stories of people in some countries (Not USA) supplementing with G-CSF (used in cancer patients) for instance to possibly stimulate progenitor cells from the bone marrow which would go towards being grafted in the muscles, and increasing potential for muscle growth. Basically increasing satellite cells in a muscle. Stem Cell experiments using the bodies own stem cells and the bone marrow as the laboratory lol.

Unfortunately I gave up research when I found out G-CSF was very costly, but still without supplementing anything, that is one example of ways the muscles can communicate with the body, and increasing blood flow would probably help that.

2. For your next question, I do remember Milos Sarcev explaining his pre, intra, and post workout nutrition theories, stated something like 80% of blood flow during a work out goes to a muscle being trained, when otherwise it was something minimal like 10%-20% (I don't remember his exact statement), so his point was to take advantage of that situation by flooding the muscle with the appropriate nutrients, hormones, growth factors, etc.

I THINK I recall there was differences in protein synthesis when there is a surge of nutrients compared to a slow stream.

3. Yes obviously your right! There is blood in all muscles at all times

4 (My comments) I made this thread to ask opinions on it, I do not know much about the idea myself. Seemed interesting to me, so I just want to make it clear that I was asking rather than stating some claim.

I could talk about the science and details on paper all I want, but we both know that doesn't always work out in real world application. So I'm just interested in opinions and feedback. I'll try it out either way.. after all that's the best way to find out something right! :D

Have you ever done something like that, or heard of anyone trying it?
ha ha phil...good one

so in theory! notice how i said "in theory"
1. nutrients being amino acids for repair and growth
2. don't know but the theory is the more blood you get into a targeted muscle the more building blocks aka amino's available for growth and repair
3. yes there is but by getting "extra" blood into a targeted muscle you are getting "extra" nutrients aka amino acids.

:( :eek:

i know you weren't asking me, but you can be intimidating with your "great knowledge"... no joke phil!

Hey B-boy, thanks for replying. Yes Phil can be intimidating at times :)

I'm one of those types that asks lots of questions and studies as much as I can on something, so it's good that someone is keeping me on my feet with their own questions haha.
I use to think that was overtraining......until I starting doing it for my lagging bodyparts. :D

Thanks for replying
So you felt like it did give you some benefits then?

Now I'm excited to try it out, I'll do it starting today and see what happens with it.

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