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Oral l-carnitine


New member
Nov 18, 2008
I just broke my last bottle of synthetine. Can I maintain elevated levels of l-carnitine using oral supplementation. I would use the protocol outline in dats article which was(if i recall correctly) 200mg twice a day with 100g carbs.

I just broke my last bottle of synthetine. Can I maintain elevated levels of l-carnitine using oral supplementation. I would use the protocol outline in dats article which was(if i recall correctly) 200mg twice a day with 100g carbs.

Just order another synthetine.........then you have no doubt.
Just order another synthetine.........then you have no doubt.

I plan on it, but i wont have money for it until next week then another week for it to get here. So, would oral supplementation be an effective way of keeping levels elevated since i have already loaded for lack of a better word.
Oral is fine.. You can even use Choline to increase its uptake..
I don't have any references but I'm pretty sure that I have read that oral
Carnitine's effectiveness is virtually nill as majority of the substance will be
destroyed in the stomach.

So little would be absorbed that you would need to intake very large
amounts just to equal a standard dose from an injectible version.
Oral won't do shit.
Sigma Tau produces a fantastic product that is backed by a plethora of data/research.....also, Lonza produces a very solid product
sorry, but not the case with l-carnitine l-tartrate...

I'd be interested in some more information on it. While I'm at it, I'm going to do a little google search on that right now :D
Just read a study on oral l-carnitine, and basicaly the molecule is too fragile for a double pass through liver, you end up with about 10% absorption. Gotta go with injectable. God bless you bro
Oral is a waste of time. You would need a truck load in your gut to even make it mildly effective. IM is the best and fastest way to get it into your system.
you guys can argue about oral all you want...just do yourself a HUGE favor and try the injectable version (synthetine)and see the results for yourself. There is a MAJOR difference...
been taking the LCLT for about a yr now at 2-3 grams per day, significant difference IMHO... here is a study in pigs (yes , yes, before any goes apeshit, there is relevance, and at least studies on the subject)

the ester versions of carnitine like propionyl or acetyl were thought to help with absorption but did not pan out... the salts like LCLT and fumerate were far more effective...

Free and total carnitine concentrations in pig pla... [Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2005] - PubMed result

I have been using carnipure in NOW brands version, and recently switched to our anavite when we released it with 2 grams daily dose... the injectable is great, just requires a lot of volume daily...
One the main reasons of using the injectable is so that you can quickly reach higher levels within the mitochondria. These levels would take a few months to reach via oral administration. I feel that while you are waiting on some more injectable, administering the oral L-Carnitine would help keep your levels saturated to a decent degree. This is just speculation though
One the main reasons of using the injectable is so that you can quickly reach higher levels within the mitochondria. These levels would take a few months to reach via oral administration. I feel that while you are waiting on some more injectable, administering the oral L-Carnitine would help keep your levels saturated to a decent degree. This is just speculation though

neither way will give you directly more carnitine in muscle tissues...it is the effects of carnitine, not the saturation that is the benefit(s)...
I'm a fan of the Anavite myself.

been taking the LCLT for about a yr now at 2-3 grams per day, significant difference IMHO... here is a study in pigs (yes , yes, before any goes apeshit, there is relevance, and at least studies on the subject)

the ester versions of carnitine like propionyl or acetyl were thought to help with absorption but did not pan out... the salts like LCLT and fumerate were far more effective...

Free and total carnitine concentrations in pig pla... [Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2005] - PubMed result

I have been using carnipure in NOW brands version, and recently switched to our anavite when we released it with 2 grams daily dose... the injectable is great, just requires a lot of volume daily...

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