Acqua Blue
In Rome, most of the restaraunts are pretty good, it is sort of like San Francisco or New Orleans in that regard. Most of the restaraunts in near the tourist areas are a little lower caliber. You can actually get good food with a great selection at their version of a caffeteria. It is like nothing you have ever seen as far as selection and not considered low grade.
Acqua Blue is my favorite Seafood Restaurant in Rome. The seafood from the meditarranean sea has a different flavor. The shellfish especially. My alltime favorite is a Dish of grilled Scamp. It is like a large shrimp or small lobster. They also serve them raw "cooked" in an oil and vinegar prepartion.
Also don't mistake the pizza you see already prepared and sold by weight for the "authentic" pizza. It is filling but not the light, almost airy pizza, you can get in the restaraunts removed from the tourist squares.
My live in girlfriends mother and nephew arrived Friday from Rome, I will ask them tonight and repost. Last night we had Baked beets with goat cheese, pesto gnocchie, roasted peppers soaked in olive oil, grilled shrimp, and whole roasted red snapper. Its good to have "mom" in town.
My live in girlfriends Mother and nephew just came in Friday for a six week visit, I will ask tonight and repost.