he definitely tried to.. i think you'd definitely have to have some "tendencies" for that to even cross your mind, hahah..
and mace123 - how can you be so sure it's not real? there wouldn't be anything difficult at all about turning on a web cam before he went into his room.. do you think things like this don't really happen in this country? with all the flat-out spoiled pussies in america these days, i can assure you things like this happen every single day.. and in general, warcraft fanatics would definitely be more of the pussy type of kid that would be do something like this.. if it is fake, he's a pretty good actor, and i don't see what kind of desire he would even have to make a fake video like that, which is extremely embarrassing
This was probably fake but have to ever seen the one with the german kid that beats the shit out of his computer??? That shit was real and funny as Fuk