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OT/ Misspelled tattoos


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 16, 2007
I am not a great speller myself, but if I were going to give someone a tattoo I would double check all the spelling! Hard to believe that some of these were done.

10 Misspelled Tattoos - Oddee.com
Most of the time you have no idea whats going on when ur getting a tattoo. Id be so pissed if that happend to me.
ummmm... guess some people are too cheap to go to a good tattoo artist... you get what you pay for.

the problem is, the tattoo artist always shows me the stencil before he puts it on the skin to make sure it's correct... these guys must've been piss drunk! LOL!
Wow, the people who got the tattoos are just as moronic as the tattoo artist. Like Buselmo said, I always have the stencil showed to me before it goes on.:banghead:
LMAO! Time for some cover up work! :D
as a tattoo artist i find errors like this a stain on my profession. when in doubt i check...easy. the client must write down any names and writing on the paperwork. the client can also see the design in a mirror before the actual tattooing begins.

the artist has a responsibility to the client. unfortunately many of these were done in someones kitchen and the "artist" didn't have any training. to do something like that already shows a disregard for the client , so why bother checking spelling ?
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I had a friend of mine get a Chinese symbol for lucky put on his arm.

2 years later we were at a Chinese food resturant eating and they had a bunch of symbols hanging on the walls.

I looked at the one and said "Hey man that looks just like yours but upside down"

He calls over the waitress and asks her what the symbol on the wall means. She tells him it means lucky. He says no this one means lucky and shows her his arm.

She says "No, that one upside down, maybe it mean unlucky" Then laughs and walks off.
I work in a prison, they tattoo each other regularly and Ive seen a few bad ones.

One guy had little dicks tattooed all over his back, he thought they were going to be bullets I think it was. And I lettering it read I love dick.

Another has "I love cock" on the ridge of his ear.

A few other good ones but I cant remember them now.
I work in a prison, they tattoo each other regularly and Ive seen a few bad ones.

One guy had little dicks tattooed all over his back, he thought they were going to be bullets I think it was. And I lettering it read I love dick.

Another has "I love cock" on the ridge of his ear.

A few other good ones but I cant remember them now.

LMFAO. That is awesome.
I tried to find this pic of this one guy who was a recovering drug addict and he wanted Xx Drug Free xX Tattoo'd down his leg, instead the guy tattoo'd Xx Free Drugs xX on him
I am not a great speller myself, but if I were going to give someone a tattoo I would double check all the spelling! Hard to believe that some of these were done.

10 Misspelled Tattoos - Oddee.com

Ive seen this happen to a guy that I personally know.
Talk about some bad luck. I would be furious.
ummmm... guess some people are too cheap to go to a good tattoo artist... you get what you pay for.

the problem is, the tattoo artist always shows me the stencil before he puts it on the skin to make sure it's correct... these guys must've been piss drunk! LOL!

Every artist I know and ever one in my shop shows people the stencil when its on them. The problem is the customer.
I had a mispelled TAT

it was big and across my back, i got home and my wife was pissed. she made me go back to the shop and she went off never seen her so mad at someone else ever !!!!. it was a good shop, but the guy was supposed to be doing something fairly simple so the experienced guys gave him some room to breath and i got screwed. It was supposed to read Chief and instead it was " Cheif " in 3inch letters i think, so pretty bigat the time (1999). Here it is after it was fixed **broken link removed**
any time i get tattooed, i know they ALWAYS show me the stencil before they start.

i couldnt even fkn imagine how these idiots didn't overlook the tattoo 100% before they started letting them tattoo...unless these artist suck and they just slap the stencil on and start going at it without even letting the customer look!



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