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OT/Shooting at Pittsburgh LA Fitness


Jul 1, 2009
Jut broke in on television station and said 8-10 people shot at LA Fitness in Bridgeville,Pa(Pittsburgh suburb). I have worked out there a few times. Details haven't been released yet.

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Hopefully it's not as serious as it sounds, Whether it's a disgruntled employee pissed at getting fired, a 140lb guy whose wife is sleeping with trainer, or random loon, I'm sure if it turns to a big story it will be , Roid Rage Blamed for Mass Shooting on the networks.

update-At least 5 killed including gunman.15 shot

Gunman walked into cardio area, turned off lights, and opened fire with people jumping off treadmills trying to take cover
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It is as serious as it sounds. A good friend of mine just texted me with some of the details. Many of her friends go to that gym. Keep in mind this is hearsay but 15 people shot, 4 dead. A trainer was involved in a love triangle, got fired and started shooting.
Yea it's bad. Big gym, old JC penney store, but it sounded like gunman walked past other areas going specifically for cardio area. Sad. I guessed disgruntled employee or romance issue, from what you said it sounds to be both. Six dead, all women besides him, idiot.
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Well damn

How much you want to bet they conclude that STEROIDS caused him to flip?

Yep.. its coming
Why off a bunch of cardio queens? Just pop the bitch who screwed you over and maybe a couple of her friends ;)
Yes, I am from that area and my friends are telling me the same thing. Girl dates a boy, meets another boy, girl breaks up with first boy...first boy goes nuts. Totally senseless.
Yes, I am from that area and my friends are telling me the same thing. Girl dates a boy, meets another boy, girl breaks up with first boy...first boy goes nuts. Totally senseless.

For your own sake, never fall in Love... :(
Horrible incident. I'm east of Pittsburgh so this wasn't far from me. My boss at work informed me this morning that her nephew's girlfriend was one of the girls shot... a bullet went clean through her leg as she tried to run away. This is pretty scary to think about - you never know when some senseless act of violence is going to occur...
i wish these people would just stay home and eat a bottle of pain killers or cut their wrist , all these freaks going on mass shootings is totaly senseless.
LA Fitness

I'm going to one in NJ for my lunch workout. I'm more concerned if the guy used a so-called assualt rifle. NJ's gun laws are already a pain in the ass.

But I hope he wasn't on gear as well. IMO tho', if he was on gear it probably didn't help his already warped state of mind. I know DVDs don't make me more rational and loving.
Here is a little bit of the update on this.... the guy that did this was 49 or 48 years old, was not a member. Had BLOGGED about what he was going to do for the past few days, also said he tried to do it in January "but chicken out". There are confirmed 3 people murdered, he killed himself to make #4 and 11 injured (shot). My girlfriends sister was in the pool when it all went down but was never in harm’s way nor saw what happened.
I as well have worked out at this gym many times, and it is a nice area.
From my understanding Mary (the teacher of the class) is/was pregnant...no report of her losing child yet...he shot her in the chest....the news is saying something about him having an ex girlfriend but there is NO evidence she even worked out at this gym. Lots will come of this....no steroid talk here at least...
It’s so sad and sick that this middle age fuck just walked in and decided it was time to end 3 people’s lives...and tear their families apart. I hate these coward pieces of shit that hurt innocent people..women at that...which were just trying to better themselves.
They were doing raw interviews at the scene...it was so disturbing, you could feel and sense the terror these women went thru.
here is the link to our local news....
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prayers go out to all the family members. Things like this sadly is a way of life, c'mon how many times have we seen this,postoffices,etc etc.Most people who commit these crimes are all usually psychotic,this man clearly was way off his rocker with a hatred towards woman, burn in hell asswipe......................FTW
Foxnews.com had a link up the guys blog -- it's now unavailable. It was some crazy stuff. Guy basically babling for pages on end about how he hasn't had a girlfriend or had sex in over 20 years -- no enjoyment left in life. Was targeting women because, according to him, he was consistently rejected by them.

Sad day.
I am a GM on the west coast at for the corporation and we have had people coming in all day today asking about what kind of security we have in the perimeter etc etc.... my heart is with you guys
I am at a loss for words

Peace be to those families
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