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Bottom line! What do you think of it? Work good? Bad? I am hypoglycemic so I am concerned with that as well! Also what if you ran 1 gram a week of test with it?
No. I have been on this diet for about 6 wks, started at 215lbs and I am now at 208lbs and holding getting leaner though. Kinda annoying cause my goal was to compete as a mw again, but that ain't happening.
Lilsavage, I tried finding some research on this (glycerol throwing u out of ketosis) and didn't find much... I do know I was running my palumbo diet in addidition to 9 tbls of lba a day and was never thrown out of ketosis
Here's something out of ''Muscle Building Nutrition by Will Brink''
The bottom line is that glycerol do not spike insulin, it is not stored as a carb and unless you are in a starvation state it is not transformed into glucose by the body.
The Glycerol Story: is it a carb?
Glycerol (1,2,3 -propanetriol) is a nutrient that has gotten some attention in
the bodybuilding magazines as a supposed “plasma expander” and is
hocked as having some ability to increase the fullness of muscles.
It’s also added to MRP bars for its mild sweet taste and gives the bar good
texture similar to fat. Glycerol is used in the food industry to improve
moisture, palatability and as a sweetener.
Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of confusion over
exactly what glycerol is and what it is not. Is it a carb? A fat? Can it
increase performance? First, let's get to the basis of what glycerol is as it's
defined chemically. Glycerol is an integral component of the triglyceride
molecule. As most people who have taken a basic nutrition or biology
course will tell you, glycerol forms the backbone of the triglyceride
molecule, which is one of several ways the body transfers fat around in the
Most people also know that high triglyceride levels are a risk factor for
heart disease. Does that make glycerol a fat? Not exactly! If you break up a
triglyceride, you will get three free fatty acids and glycerol (hence the
reason it's called the back bone of a triglyceride).
Now that you've liberated glycerol from the clutches of fatty acids, what
does glycerol become? A fat? A carbohydrate? Or maybe it really doesn't fit into any neat category. This is where things have gotten messy and why
there is so much rampant confusion, leading some less than ethical
supplement companies to make wild claims about glycerol.
So what exactly is glycerol you ask? If you go by how chemistry books
define carbohydrates and glycerol, you'll see that fitting glycerol into the
carbohydrate category is not going to happen. I won't bore you with the
details, but you won't find glycerol defined as a carbohydrate in any
biochemistry textbooks (Lehninger, A.L., 1993).
Glycerol is defined as a naturally occurring trivalent alcohol. Similar to
carbohydrates, glycerol oxidation yields 4.32 kcals per gram. So even
though the number of calories in carbohydrates and glycerol are the same,
structurally, they aren't the same. Besides, proteins and carbohydrates have
a similar caloric value also, but they sure as heck are not the same!
So if glycerol is clearly not a carb, what about the people making a big deal
out of its conversion to glucose? Does glycerol act like a carb from its
conversion to glucose (blood sugar)?
The big question is whether or not glycerol contributes to the formation of
glucose, via a process called gluconeogenesis. The basic answer is no! For
example, if you starve yourself for 3-4 days, then glycerol might contribute
a bit to glucose production (about 22% of total glucose production).
But if you don't starve yourself on a regular basis – and no one should if they can avoid it – glycerol contributes much less than 5% of total glucose
production (Baba, H., et al., 1995).
When the body is starved for both calories and carbohydrates, under the
right conditions, it will convert certain non-carbohydrate substrates to
glucose, such as glycerol, certain amino acids, etc., but this is not major
source of carbohydrates (glucose) under normal conditions. Under normal
conditions, like when a person is eating normally (i.e. not starving
themselves) you can consume enough glycerol to fill an elephant, but you
don't get large changes in blood glucose and insulin.
For instance, in a study published in the "European Journal of Applied
Physiology," on six healthy, non-obese men – 32 years of age on average -
during exercise to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer (73% of V02max). The
men either ingested glucose, glycerol or placebo. The ingestion of glucose
(1 gram per kg body weight, equal to 70 grams for a 150 lb person) 45
minutes prior to exercise produced a 50% increase in plasma glucose, as
well as a 3-fold increase in plasma insulin at zero minutes of exercise.
On the other hand, glycerol consumption (1 gram per kg body weight) 45
minutes prior to exercise produced a 340-fold increase in plasma glycerol;
but resting levels of plasma glucose and insulin did not change (Gleeson,
M., et al., 1986).
Is there any use to glycerol in the diet? Possibly. A Dr. Jose Antonio
suggests that substituting glycerol for high-glycemic carbohydrates could minimize the plethora of health problems associated with eating cookies
and cakes and other very high GI foods. As Dr. Antonio points out,
“glycerol has little if any effect on resting plasma glucose and insulin at rest
even after taking whopping doses.”
Is glycerol a legitimate ergogenic aid? Because of glycerol enables you to
retain more fluid, some scientists theorize that taking exogenous glycerol
might help performance. This is based on the fact that if you keep yourself
well-hydrated, then you'll be able to train harder and longer, particularly in
hot environments.
Some studies have found mild improvements in endurance athletes given
glycerol (Wagner, D.R., 1999; Montner, P., et al., 1996.) but studies have
been mixed with some finding no effect. As with all science, there isn't a
unanimous consensus on glycerol's effects. Some sports nutrition
companies sell glycerol to bodybuilders as a “plasma expander” as glycerol
can pull fluids into the vascular system temporarily and may enhance the
pump you feel in the gym or when stepping on stage.