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Paul Chek opinion of whey products


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Kilo Klub Member
Aug 3, 2009
Paul Chek's opinion of whey products

What do you guys think of this guy and his take on protein powders?

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I've been giving my 5 pound jug of protein powder the stink-eye since reading his article. I'd really like to here Dante's take on this guy.
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Guy seems like a guy with zero practical or real world experience

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Heres the thing with chek...and before i start or come of jaded, i want to get out there i really respect the guy, hes a beast in the gym in terms of strength so he does get respect there too. He works with a lot of pro athletes, hockey players i believe, mike modano def comes to mind...

now his ideology is just too much for me....ie

1. you cant drink ice cold water, the water causes crystals to explode in your cells, killing them

2. you have to buy into his religion about aliens and blah, blah, blah....religous beliefs have no place in training, especially when Im paying for it

3. you have to take a 18in long dump each day, it must not smell, it must not float...ya, talking bowel movements here

4. his training system so you can be "chek" certified comes in stages and cost 1000s of dollars upon 1000s of dollars...i know a few chek practitioners

5. i honestly could go on and on...

you can wait for dante to chime in or you can just believe that paul chek is pretty out there. everything is made out to be bad for you by everyone who has an agenda...so if you think whey is bad for you and milk is too, what about any product that comes from milk...cheeses, etc...they bad too...do you eat them as well?

if you eat cheese, then what about when whey protein is derived from cheese?
Well while not on board whit 100% anti milk I will say at the bare minimum the milk we have ready access to today COMPARED to raw/unpasteurized non homogenized is crap. Not saying worthless or the spawn of satan as some do really well on it but others not so much. I do believe that many could benefit from higher quality raw dairy.

That being said I am not sure you could even make a raw whey protein. Of course companies are held to the laws of the land and good companies, true protein, prescription nutrition and synthetek are bringing the highest quality they can within the allowable regulations.
Where would someone get milk that is not pasturized. Lol don't say a farm cause I live in the city. Ha plus me and my two sons go through over a gallon a day.
I agree with Paul and think he has put together a pretty solid case.. He is not anti-milk at all.. Read carefully.. It is the current system that Paul is against and its so crystal clear that it is highly flawed.. One of the strong take home arguments is that whey is not a complete food and depletes vitamin stores.. Specifically vitamin A.. Thats why high protein diets need fatty foods like liver, butter, cod liver oil, etc. To keep vitamin content in check and ward off major deficiencies. Science is so anti bacteria, but one of the most beneficial ones comes from nature "lactic acid". When we consistently bombard our system of pasturized products and antibiotics we kill off our natural defenses.. Thats why raw foods in the form mother nature intended are very beneficial to us.. I think Paul is spot on again, about putting whey in the "supplement" category.. It is there to supplement an already nutrient dense diet.
Where would someone get milk that is not pasturized. Lol don't say a farm cause I live in the city. Ha plus me and my two sons go through over a gallon a day.

Depends on where you live. Some state allow the sale of raw milk, I think California is one. Other wise you have to find a farm where you can get into a cow sharing program. Essentially you buy a piece of a cow and come by every so often to pick up your share of the milk. For some this is not practical of course.
Cali is not "raw friendly"

Depends on where you live. Some state allow the sale of raw milk, I think California is one. Other wise you have to find a farm where you can get into a cow sharing program. Essentially you buy a piece of a cow and come by every so often to pick up your share of the milk. For some this is not practical of course.

Maybe it's a city-by-city thing in Cali, but cops just raided a few organic food stores (one in Venice) with guns drawn looking for raw milk to charge owners with selling....

YouTube - Police Begin Guns Drawn Raids on Organic Food Stores in California 8/2010
my dairy farm guy where i get Raw milk also sells this liquid whey protein..im not sure how they extract it but its fresh
I thought chek's article was pretty poor

I don't have a dog in the raw milk fight ... but I thought Chek's rambling piece was very shaky and unscientific. Chek's website notes his many books and lectures, and certification as a "holistic health consultant" in California.

I found this more persuasive:
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Concerns about milk-borne diseases remain relevant. There is a debate about the role of a really tough milk-borne pathogen mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Crohn's disease. (This organism actually survives most kinds of pasteurization). The point is that we may well need better pasteurization not less.

I'm not a big dairy guy, but there is no reason to toss your whey protein. There are plenty of studies showing it works well. There are arguments about superior protein sources: LBAs, blends, etc., but this pasteurization thing is irrelevant. My 2 cc's ...
we have an announcement pending a deal with our supplier...its been under wraps for a little bit but maybe its a bridge for some of you guys...whey is mostly made from milk currently...well we might have to change that...i still think chek is a little wacky. i see the point for his nutritional arguments in a way, but still some of his stuff is just wacky....

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