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New AJ Sims Interview w/ Paul Barnett

I've thought about this too with respect to health. Tons of guys abuse AAS, lean guys using too much tren to stay lean year round. But...the people we always see dying the scale weight is always up there we never see the men's physique type die. Could be correlation between size means more AAS but I think we all know smaller guys abuse too.

260lbs running 1g test 400 tren
200 lbs running 1g test 600 deca 500 tren

Who is "harming their health" more? I don't have the answer but an interesting question. Maybe comes down to who is controlling BP?

Justin harris and I spoke on this before. I had much better bloodwork blasting away tren mast winny on a cut then just a test eq offseason with less overall mg by far.
I think a factor most don't mention is what they did when they were building most of their muscle mass? Its not just high food or high drugs or longer bulks its probably all of them.

I believe @TheOtherOne55 had mentioned when you first hit a new weight territory it wont be pretty and you have to hold it. Its just another way of saying recomp at that bodyweight for a bit then diet down slow. As with everything, individual response reigns supreme.

I'm trying out the opposite way compared to you going to push up to 240-250 then hold it for the rest of th year then start prep in Jan. I've done the shorter bulks and mini-cuts while I did make progress always wondered what they other side of the coin would be.
It comes down to your blood markers and vitals. That’s what AJ is saying in the interview and also I know this from working with him. It’s also heavily dependent upon your genetic tolerance.

You can only push the body so far when going up. If you push up in weight and your RHR stays spiked, BP is up and your bloodwork starts to look bad it’s time to make a change.

As a bodybuilder we can use supplements, diet, cardio, avoid any crap foods, use minor meds when needed and rotate compounds. But eventually you reach a point of being unhealthy and you have to decide how long you want to stay there.

AJ and myself included believe in staying healthy year round. Not “health phases” or “blast and cruises”, but about optimizing all aspects of the body.

There’s a life outside of this sport and after competing. How hard we push now determines the quality of that life on the other side.
It comes down to your blood markers and vitals. That’s what AJ is saying in the interview and also I know this from working with him. It’s also heavily dependent upon your genetic tolerance.

You can only push the body so far when going up. If you push up in weight and your RHR stays spiked, BP is up and your bloodwork starts to look bad it’s time to make a change.

As a bodybuilder we can use supplements, diet, cardio, avoid any crap foods, use minor meds when needed and rotate compounds. But eventually you reach a point of being unhealthy and you have to decide how long you want to stay there.

AJ and myself included believe in staying healthy year round. Not “health phases” or “blast and cruises”, but about optimizing all aspects of the body.

There’s a life outside of this sport and after competing. How hard we push now determines the quality of that life on the other side.

This should real life message in the sky for every young gear user

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