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New AJ Sims Interview w/ Paul Barnett


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Kilo Klub Member
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Oct 30, 2014
AJ Sims rarely does interviews but when he does they're always great with the knowledge he has. No timestamps for this one. He did confirm what we all thought about Justin Rodriguez - he's a water buffalo and he'd do all sorts of manipulations with diuretics, potassium, etc., the last week before the show to bring him in correctly. He said he'd typically pull 7-9lbs. of water off him.

AJ Sims rarely does interviews but when he does they're always great with the knowledge he has. No timestamps for this one. He did confirm what we all thought about Justin Rodriguez - he's a water buffalo and he'd do all sorts of manipulations with diuretics, potassium, etc., the last week before the show to bring him in correctly. He said he'd typically pull 7-9lbs. of water off him.

He’s going to be doing a lot more interviews. This is just the beginning.

I try to be objective on here given he’s my coach, but it doesn’t get better than AJ when it comes to coaching.

Very excited he’s openly sharing his knowledge.
He’s going to be doing a lot more interviews. This is just the beginning.

I try to be objective on here given he’s my coach, but it doesn’t get better than AJ when it comes to coaching.

Very excited he’s openly sharing his knowledge.
Not only is he one of the best coaches ever....and someone I really love learning from... but he is an AMAZING FATHER, HUSBAND, MAN AND FRIEND! The furthest thing from the normal industry guy...
He’s going to be doing a lot more interviews. This is just the beginning.

I try to be objective on here given he’s my coach, but it doesn’t get better than AJ when it comes to coaching.

Very excited he’s openly sharing his knowledge.
I have never seen a picture of himself or any of his clients that were not absolutely dickskin lean.

I selfishly wish he still coached open pros just because I enjoy the level of conditioning his competitors brought.

Kurt just had him on as well
I liked this one a lot more than the Paul one, which is funny because usually Paul does a great job. AJ's great and I hope he really does do some sort of regular Q+A with Kurt going forward.
AJ Sims rarely does interviews but when he does they're always great with the knowledge he has. No timestamps for this one. He did confirm what we all thought about Justin Rodriguez - he's a water buffalo and he'd do all sorts of manipulations with diuretics, potassium, etc., the last week before the show to bring him in correctly. He said he'd typically pull 7-9lbs. of water off him.

Great interview. I see AJ is doing more interviews recently I've seen him on a few others as well.
AJ use to post here long ago as Vegas cuts.
I remember he was one of the best young members with the most potential.
Now I hear he is famous in the industry!
Happy for him!
Last edited:
AJ is doing another interview this evening with Kurt on show prep for anyone interested. 😎


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AJ is doing another interview this evening with Kurt on show prep for anyone interested. 😎
Thanks! Have really enjoyed everything I have been able to find with AJ! If I decide to get back on stage again he definitely is someone I would love to potentially work with!
Thanks! Have really enjoyed everything I have been able to find with AJ! If I decide to get back on stage again he definitely is someone I would love to potentially work with!
Be ready if you do. There’s a reason I don’t suggest him to everyone on here looking for a coach. It’s a 24/7 all-in gig with him.

AJ will challenge you to not just be a better athlete, but a better man.

Always feel free to DM me if you want me to connect you.
I've known who he is for a while and his athletes are always crazy conditioned. I'm not on social media so this is the first im hearing him speak about what he does and his principles. Its awesome he's doing more interviews.
It is interesting -
GTFO with that garbage. This is Professional Muscle, not a philosophy or religion forum.

Keep your personal judgments of people you don’t know to yourself. Nobody is judging you for being an atheist.

If I’m not mistaken it’s a rule on here- no religion and no politics.
GTFO with that garbage. This is Professional Muscle, not a philosophy or religion forum.

Keep your personal judgments of people you don’t know to yourself. Nobody is judging you for being an atheist.

If I’m not mistaken it’s a rule on here- no religion and no politics.
I reported it to the mods. The fact that he would talk about Jews at all right now shows his intelligence.
One of the big takeaways I'm getting is that in modern bodybuilding, coaches and athletes are seeing the value in staying leaner and using less of the year to be in a surplus. Who's the most shredded on stage? The guy who white-knuckled it and suffered the hardest in some brutal gruelling 16 week prep ultra hardcore 2 hours on the stairs no carbs for 4 weeks? Or the guy who started significantly leaner and took 12-16 weeks or didn't start leaner but gave himself 24 weeks and never dropped his carbs below 200 on low days?


I noticed the same thing they were talking about on the prep episode WRT blood work offseason on "mild" compounds but lots of food vs bloodwork in a fat loss phase on harsher compounds and higher doses. Getting into prep, my health markers just kept improving as the weeks went on while in offseason, despite using the "safe" stuff and eating very clean, my bloods were still trashed. Overreating is really bad for you, even if you're eating clean. It might be worse for you to be in a 500-700 calorie daily surplus for 6+ months in a row on test+eq+npp+gh than a 300-600 deficit but with tren and winstrol in there.

Obviously I am neither a high level coach nor athlete. Feel free to call me full of crap, but this whole "food is our main anabolic, just rely on extended surpluses on safe well tolerated compounds. Don't cut too much, you can never build muscle in a deficit and you gotta let the bodyweight marinate after you do your 24+ week bulk" is making me scratch my head when I've actually tried it. I'm personally going to experiment with much shorter bulks and more frequent fat loss phases and having a much lower average caloric load and much lower average bodyfat throughout a given year and see what happens both in terms of results and health. Maybe I'm wrong and long mega-bulks really are the best way to get the best results on stage; but I like to actually look good just walking around among the normies and for all the gym thotts and for myself when I just pass by the mirror, so I'll probably do it this way even if it does turn out to be suboptimal after trying both approaches.This isn't my career and while I have competed and plan to continue doing so well into my 50s, the competition results matter far less than me than walking around and being pleased with how I look on a daily basis, which doesn't require all that much dietary restriction.
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Great interviews! He has so much knowledge and his passion really shines through!
One of the big takeaways I'm getting is that in modern bodybuilding, coaches and athletes are seeing the value in staying leaner and using less of the year to be in a surplus. Who's the most shredded on stage? The guy who white-knuckled it and suffered the hardest in some brutal gruelling 16 week prep ultra hardcore 2 hours on the stairs no carbs for 4 weeks? Or the guy who started significantly leaner and took 12-16 weeks or didn't start leaner but gave himself 24 weeks and never dropped his carbs below 200 on low days?


I noticed the same thing they were talking about on the prep episode WRT blood work offseason on "mild" compounds but lots of food vs bloodwork in a fat loss phase on harsher compounds and higher doses. Getting into prep, my health markers just kept improving as the weeks went on while in offseason, despite using the "safe" stuff and eating very clean, my bloods were still trashed. Overreating is really bad for you, even if you're eating clean. It might be worse for you to be in a 500-700 calorie daily surplus for 6+ months in a row on test+eq+npp+gh than a 300-600 deficit but with tren and winstrol in there.

Obviously I am neither a high level coach nor athlete. Feel free to call me full of crap, but this whole "food is our main anabolic, just rely on extended surpluses on safe well tolerated compounds. Don't cut too much, you can never build muscle in a deficit and you gotta let the bodyweight marinate after you do your 24+ week bulk" is making me scratch my head when I've actually tried it. I'm personally going to experiment with much shorter bulks and more frequent fat loss phases and having a much lower average caloric load and much lower average bodyfat throughout a given year and see what happens both in terms of results and health. Maybe I'm wrong and long mega-bulks really are the best way to get the best results on stage; but I like to actually look good just walking around among the normies and for all the gym thotts and for myself when I just pass by the mirror, so I'll probably do it this way even if it does turn out to be suboptimal after trying both approaches.This isn't my career and while I have competed and plan to continue doing so well into my 50s, the competition results matter far less than me than walking around and being pleased with how I look on a daily basis, which doesn't require all that much dietary restriction.
I think a factor most don't mention is what they did when they were building most of their muscle mass? Its not just high food or high drugs or longer bulks its probably all of them.

I believe @TheOtherOne55 had mentioned when you first hit a new weight territory it wont be pretty and you have to hold it. Its just another way of saying recomp at that bodyweight for a bit then diet down slow. As with everything, individual response reigns supreme.

I'm trying out the opposite way compared to you going to push up to 240-250 then hold it for the rest of th year then start prep in Jan. I've done the shorter bulks and mini-cuts while I did make progress always wondered what they other side of the coin would be.
One of the big takeaways I'm getting is that in modern bodybuilding, coaches and athletes are seeing the value in staying leaner and using less of the year to be in a surplus. Who's the most shredded on stage? The guy who white-knuckled it and suffered the hardest in some brutal gruelling 16 week prep ultra hardcore 2 hours on the stairs no carbs for 4 weeks? Or the guy who started significantly leaner and took 12-16 weeks or didn't start leaner but gave himself 24 weeks and never dropped his carbs below 200 on low days?


I noticed the same thing they were talking about on the prep episode WRT blood work offseason on "mild" compounds but lots of food vs bloodwork in a fat loss phase on harsher compounds and higher doses. Getting into prep, my health markers just kept improving as the weeks went on while in offseason, despite using the "safe" stuff and eating very clean, my bloods were still trashed. Overreating is really bad for you, even if you're eating clean. It might be worse for you to be in a 500-700 calorie daily surplus for 6+ months in a row on test+eq+npp+gh than a 300-600 deficit but with tren and winstrol in there.

Obviously I am neither a high level coach nor athlete. Feel free to call me full of crap, but this whole "food is our main anabolic, just rely on extended surpluses on safe well tolerated compounds. Don't cut too much, you can never build muscle in a deficit and you gotta let the bodyweight marinate after you do your 24+ week bulk" is making me scratch my head when I've actually tried it. I'm personally going to experiment with much shorter bulks and more frequent fat loss phases and having a much lower average caloric load and much lower average bodyfat throughout a given year and see what happens both in terms of results and health. Maybe I'm wrong and long mega-bulks really are the best way to get the best results on stage; but I like to actually look good just walking around among the normies and for all the gym thotts and for myself when I just pass by the mirror, so I'll probably do it this way even if it does turn out to be suboptimal after trying both approaches.This isn't my career and while I have competed and plan to continue doing so well into my 50s, the competition results matter far less than me than walking around and being pleased with how I look on a daily basis, which doesn't require all that much dietary restriction.
I've thought about this too with respect to health. Tons of guys abuse AAS, lean guys using too much tren to stay lean year round. But...the people we always see dying the scale weight is always up there we never see the men's physique type die. Could be correlation between size means more AAS but I think we all know smaller guys abuse too.

260lbs running 1g test 400 tren
200 lbs running 1g test 600 deca 500 tren

Who is "harming their health" more? I don't have the answer but an interesting question. Maybe comes down to who is controlling BP?

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