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Tyson vs. Jake Paul

Netflix will sponsor anything these days. But is Paul really going to “think” he’s some badass “if” he beats a 57 year old Tyson. 🤣
He’s turned himself into a character. It’s all a show and he’s cashing in. It’s like pro wrestling at this point.
I figured. Everything is fake these days. I miss the old world where everyone wasn’t lying all the time. It just seems acceptable now to be full of shit
I have had this thought. It is all WWF repackaged (or whatever abbreviation is used for fake wrestling these days )
With as worked up as guys got about this I can't believe none of you have updated this thread with the latest news - https://www.usatoday.com/story/spor...-tyson-jake-paul-fight-rules-set/73499967007/

Texas is sanctioning this as a professional fight that counts on records.

Gloves will be 14oz.

Rounds will be two minutes.

Paul has pushed his weight up to 230lbs. and is said to look quick and comfortable at that size.
I was going to post it but I thought people would go ape shit for bumping the thread back up hahaha you especially! Haha
Iron Mike is going to make Jake his bitch!
DARN! Can’t post my favorite Tyson video. It’s age restricted.
“I’ll eat your aszhole! I funk you till you love me you little faggot!”
Mike has a way with words! 🤣
I have had this thought. It is all WWF repackaged (or whatever abbreviation is used for fake wrestling these days )
NFL sure seems rigged these days
Iron Mike is going to make Jake his bitch!
DARN! Can’t post my favorite Tyson video. It’s age restricted.
“I’ll eat your aszhole! I funk you till you love me you little faggot!”
Mike has a way with words! 🤣
I guarantee ol boy that yelled out put him in a straight jacket got scared shitless when Iron Mike singled him out to rape him!!!! His asshole snapped shut right quick! Most likely quickly got out of the line of fire and bolted… Lol

I guarantee ol boy that yelled out put him in a straight jacket got scared shitless when Iron Mike singled him out to rape him!!!! His asshole snapped shut right quick! Most likely quickly got out of the line of fire and bolted… Lol

He did the 50 yard dash out of there faster than Usain Bolt.
I’d love to see the list of people with that money to blow but not the social influence to meet them for free.
There's way more than you'd think. A study came out yesterday showing Dallas is the 22nd most wealthy city in the world - we have 68,000 millionaires; 125 residents with net worth over $100MM; and 15 billionaires.
There's way more than you'd think. A study came out yesterday showing Dallas is the 22nd most wealthy city in the world - we have 68,000 millionaires; 125 residents with net worth over $100MM; and 15 billionaires.
I would’ve thought the numbers of millionaires might’ve been higher. It’s really not that hard to attain if you even just used company matched IRA’s and started early
I would’ve thought the numbers of millionaires might’ve been higher. It’s really not that hard to attain if you even just used company matched IRA’s and started early
Yeah but matched IRAs are incredibly rare outside of enterprises these days and about the only people starting there right out of college are developers. Houston was ahead of Dallas thanks to all the oil money.

If you get a company matched IRA absolutely take advantage of it. I do the minimum of 3% because I have other retirement accounts well funded and my company account has about $50K after four years.

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