So I have to get an operation on my pecker.
Just kidding. My pec.
If anyone has had this before (tendor tear repair) let me know? I want to ask you a few simple questions.
I expect my rehab will be as quick as possible. Ill take 300 or 400 mg enanthate a week while rehabing and 3.6 iu Genotropin a day. I might get some IGF, but its pricey and I dont really feel great about UG relabeled stuff.
Anyhow... I was reading that most pec tears occur on the last part of the eccentric movement of a bench press. It said it can push the fibers up to 40 percent past what they are designed to do. Whatever that means.
I wasnt going heavy when I got hurt.
HOW do you prevent these kinds of injuries? It seemed so random. I want to keep getting bigger, but is it possible? Obviously it is. Other people do it... but how to get larger without having muscles tear?
Is it just about stretching and keeping hydrated? Is it that simple?
Thanks yall
Just kidding. My pec.
If anyone has had this before (tendor tear repair) let me know? I want to ask you a few simple questions.
I expect my rehab will be as quick as possible. Ill take 300 or 400 mg enanthate a week while rehabing and 3.6 iu Genotropin a day. I might get some IGF, but its pricey and I dont really feel great about UG relabeled stuff.
Anyhow... I was reading that most pec tears occur on the last part of the eccentric movement of a bench press. It said it can push the fibers up to 40 percent past what they are designed to do. Whatever that means.
I wasnt going heavy when I got hurt.
HOW do you prevent these kinds of injuries? It seemed so random. I want to keep getting bigger, but is it possible? Obviously it is. Other people do it... but how to get larger without having muscles tear?
Is it just about stretching and keeping hydrated? Is it that simple?
Thanks yall