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Pin Size Info/Use Suggestion


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
I'm not sure why everyone likes to use big pins. Here's my $0.02 worth on size and why.

Use a 20g or 18g to draw gear with. Suck a little air in syringe then replace the pin with a 25g (of course remove air before you poke). Use a 1" for everywhere (quads, delts, bis. tris) and a 1-1/2" for glutes (unless you're one of those skinny guys w/no arse).

You dull a needle poking through the septum in a vial. So, doing this will give you fresh pin for the poke. It takes a LONG time to draw gear through a 25g pin (very frustrating if you do). The 25g will make you inject SLOWER. You shouldn't be injecting faster than 1cc per minute. The 25g will help injections go slower and will cause less trauma at injection site.

The exception to this rule is suspension, which can have rather large crystals and has plugged 23g pins. I guess that’s a good reason not to use suspension, since I’m tired of clogged pins.

For injection techniques, check out: How To Do Injections, Injection Instructions, Injection Methods, Injection Guide, Injection Photos, Injection Pictures, Sterile Needles

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So would a 1" 23 gauge be ok for me to use in delts and quads for my first cycle im new here also ******** ive been reading alot on other forums thats how I found professional muscle ive lifted since high school on and off been in the gym hard now for 4+ years
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I personally like 23s; and 1" is all you need for quads IMO; I never see the need to go too deep in the quads as if I do it hurts like a bitch for days/
slin pins FTW

I am not saying to do this but this is what i do. I draw up what i need with a 18g and i backload slin pins (29g 1/2"). i then heat a glass of water in the microwave for 1:30-2 minutes until it boils and then i throw the backloaded slins in the water to absorb the heat. I then inject once they are nice and hot. With this method i have yet to find an oil that will not push through. if it wont go through heat it more.. Im able to pin my quads, delts, bis, tris, and chest with these with no issue at all. I find it much more comfortable to inject with and it never hurts during or afterword but ive never been prone to PIP. Just make sure that areas that are low in fat and that you indent into the skin not rest on the surface. I am not super lean by any means, sittling around 14-15% but my body tolerates this fine and ive never had an issue because of the small pin. SlinPin FTW :headbang:
I microwave water ... Slip in vial, let it sit while I shower, soon as I get out shower.. Bam.. Swab top, 18/20g into vial to draw, shoot nice and slow with a 25g by 1inch
I let my vials sit in hot water for 2-3 mins before each pin. Extracting thru a 25g pins is smooth like butter no matter what im pinning (exept Test-susp as mentioned above)
I prefer 27 gauge with heated oil. You can really feel the difference when the oil is heated. Much easier to push through.

Do you guys put the vial in the water with nothing wrapped around it?

I have just tried the warm water thing with a plastic bag around the vial.
I have always used a cannon to draw, and a 23g has been easiest size of choice when you warm everything first! No extended pain even with UGL gear when the BA is out of proportion!
I am not saying to do this but this is what i do. I draw up what i need with a 18g and i backload slin pins (29g 1/2").:

Hell I don't even heat it and it's a very smooth injection with backloaded slin pins.
After using slin pins ed for tren a its a no brainer for me.

25g 1inch glutes/quads.
Have great luck with clean gear and 29guage

delts like the smaller pin size
I like 25' the hell do you use such small pins and not bend them? I know that sounds like a dumb question, but if you are hard, couldn't that be an issue?
I am about to do some prop ed@20 mg, and tren ace eod@25mg, both as starting point, then seeing from there; I am opting as experiment for slin pins. Your thoughts.
I am aware that these figures are low.
i draw with 22gauge. Anything bigger chews up the rubber after a few pricks

inject with 23g 1.5"
or a 25g 1" depending on area
1-1/4" 27g BD for everything, draw with 20-23g.

Using 27g on a 1cc syringe is not that hard to push.
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i draw with 22gauge. Anything bigger chews up the rubber after a few pricks

inject with 23g 1.5"
or a 25g 1" depending on area

Nothing worse than seeing those pieces of rubber floating in the oil. :mad:
haven't used anything bigger then slin pin in idk how long... can't remember last time i used a regular pin... :star-:ars

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