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Oct 8, 2008
Anyone want to share experiences with this? How long did it take to go away and what did you do to get it to go away?

I have it, super painful at times, especially in the mornings...doing a ton of stretching and anti inflamatories.....
not sure wht ur talking about???but on stretching u dont work on th muscle but th nerve so when u stretch tighten ur muscle at th end and hold u ll get way more out of it,hope this help,
Anyone want to share experiences with this? How long did it take to go away and what did you do to get it to go away?

I have it, super painful at times, especially in the mornings...doing a ton of stretching and anti inflamatories.....

Have you been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome? or Sciatica? who diagnosed you with this? thats not a real common diagnosis(piriformis syndrome), so I am just curious.

you do know Piriformis is a muscle and not a condition right? Just the way the question was asked made me wonder?

What you are doing is recommended treatment along with rest, massage,ultra sound,hot and cold etc... time frame for recovery or relief of symptoms varies amongst individuals.
not sure wht ur talking about???but on stretching u dont work on th muscle but th nerve so when u stretch tighten ur muscle at th end and hold u ll get way more out of it,hope this help,


geesh! :rolleyes:
Anyone want to share experiences with this? How long did it take to go away and what did you do to get it to go away?

I have it, super painful at times, especially in the mornings...doing a ton of stretching and anti inflamatories.....

I thought I had this, so did my doc, until he did an MRI. It revealed mild congenital spinal stenosis. So unless you have had this diagnosed via MRI from a good doc, I would recommend it.

BTW, a treatment would be cutting the piriformis muscle...
My wife had issues with her piriformis. She had a cortisone shot and now over a year later it is still fine.
I strained mine back in 1993 while doing sprints and had to get a cortisone injection. I wore compression shorts for awhile after that. I haven't had any problems since then.
Anyone want to share experiences with this? How long did it take to go away and what did you do to get it to go away?

I have it, super painful at times, especially in the mornings...doing a ton of stretching and anti inflamatories.....

Use the bar on the leg press, or something else that is about the same height and same strength. ease into it with the affected area directly on the point of the bar. At first it will be tender, but continue to fight through the pain for at least 90 seconds at a time.

For stretching, use a bench or bed (@ same height). Cross your leg in front of you, put it up on top, and face directly forward towards the bench. (straighten youtr foot as well, everything pointing forward but the leg up) I have found the leg curl machine is the perfect height, but yours might be lower. Pull your body forward and twist a little into the stretch. This will allow the back not to be involved and all the stretch be on the glute. This injury, if pir. syndrome, will take a while to get better, but if you continue this rehab, it will start to get better immediately.

Also keep your back (lower) and hams nice and limber as a tweak in those areas will force the hips and glutes to compensate and throw you back a few steps
I pulled my piriformis last summer.
Doing deadlifts I was warming up, second set with 225 and twisted to the right slightly and felt it in my right glute immediately.
I could sit, walk, or run but standing still I would feel it down the back of my right leg and in my calf.
The stretches mentioned above helped, do them in the morning and 3 or 4 more times a day.It took me a few massages where they worked on that area for an hour at a time and about 6 months for it to finally loosen.
Another thing that might help is pulling your knee up as close to your chest as you can while sleeping.
Sleep with that leg straight and it will tighten up and pinch.
Do the stretches and get massages and try to work that knot out.
I did a search here before and I think someone recommended sitting on a tennis ball directly where it hurts - but you may want to see a Dr. first to make sure you haven't injured a disk.

Use the bar on the leg press, or something else that is about the same height and same strength. ease into it with the affected area directly on the point of the bar. At first it will be tender, but continue to fight through the pain for at least 90 seconds at a time.

For stretching, use a bench or bed (@ same height). Cross your leg in front of you, put it up on top, and face directly forward towards the bench. (straighten youtr foot as well, everything pointing forward but the leg up) I have found the leg curl machine is the perfect height, but yours might be lower. Pull your body forward and twist a little into the stretch. This will allow the back not to be involved and all the stretch be on the glute. This injury, if pir. syndrome, will take a while to get better, but if you continue this rehab, it will start to get better immediately.

Also keep your back (lower) and hams nice and limber as a tweak in those areas will force the hips and glutes to compensate and throw you back a few steps

I was goig to refer to this stretch as well.... I always do this, especially after leg day, feels great. When I have low back pain, besides stretching my hip flexors, I feel this stretch really helps alleviate it.

For rehab, a great exercise is...
1) Go on all fours
2) Extend your LEFT leg out, while extending your RIGHT arm out, both to parallel with the floor
3) Repeat #2 but alternate
4) 3 sets of 10 or failure

K1D is a Chiro... he might know of some others
Thanks for the replies guys...I've been doing some of what you have mentioned...the first 20 minutes of cardio this morning was a pain literally but it loosened up...it's always worse in the mornings.

I did go to the Dr. over at Houghston sports clinic who were the ones to diagnose...said it was more than likely caused by the way I walk..my right foot seems to point outwards when I walk, and when I squat if I start the movement with my foot straight it will rotate out...sprained ankle in high school I believe...even my right calf has a different shape than my left.

I try to get to the chiro. once a week and about two weeks ago the chiro said my right glute was visibly tightened and pulling things over. It was already giving me some problems but last week I remember doing deadlifts and feeling something like I pulled something in my back, but the next day my back was fine.

The past two weeks the weight I use in my squats and deadlifts has gone way down...like over 100 lbs on both. Leg curls are almost impossible when I get to heavier weights but standing leg curls seem bearable.

youtube has several demonstrations for stretches...along w/ the one's mentioned they are all super painful when I tuck my chin...back is fine but this pain in my tail is rough lol.....
rolling a golf ball or tennis ball between the area and a wall also works very well
Have you been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome? or Sciatica? who diagnosed you with this? thats not a real common diagnosis(piriformis syndrome), so I am just curious.

you do know Piriformis is a muscle and not a condition right? Just the way the question was asked made me wonder?

What you are doing is recommended treatment along with rest, massage,ultra sound,hot and cold etc... time frame for recovery or relief of symptoms varies amongst individuals.

X2...probably a back problem giving you sciatica. I was told I had piriformis syndrome and the Doc had me stretch and see a PT for about a month. This did nothing but waste my time and cause me pain. The physical therapist put me on a machine that was kinda like a medieval rack and strecthed me. The pain would ease and he recommended a MRI which showed degenerative disc disease. A few spinal injects later...good as new. :)
he recommended a MRI which showed degenerative disc disease. A few spinal injects later...good as new. :)

So true!!!

Without a proper diagnosis, it is just a shot in the dark!
You guys were dead on...another dr. and an mri later...herneated at l5/s1....we'll see where we go from here...just wanted to update the post...
That sucks!

I have had a herniated disc in L5 for 30 yeras and have lived with it without surgery. I just had to learn what I coulddo and what I couldn't. Keeping the lower back & hips loose helped me a lot.

Good luck with your healing!

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