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Please help screwed up my back


Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 6, 2005
Doing stand up barbell curls I hurt my lower back, pain shooting down
my right leg like a son of bitch. Pretty sure I pinched my sciatica nerve.
I can't even walk 10ft with out having to sit for a few minutes. pain
is really bad and this has been going on now for almost a week. Anyone
else ever have this problem, and will it ever get better.
STEVO 47 said:
Doing stand up barbell curls I hurt my lower back, pain shooting down
my right leg like a son of bitch. Pretty sure I pinched my sciatica nerve.
I can't even walk 10ft with out having to sit for a few minutes. pain
is really bad and this has been going on now for almost a week. Anyone
else ever have this problem, and will it ever get better.
I did it to my back back in 1983 and i am still having problems and once i could not move for 5 days.. i pissed in a bed pan and cried when i sneezed,coughed or laughed.. it is no laughing matter and this is whjat i did to fix it and have been 80% pain free for 6 years...

Deep Tissue massage
Chiropractor (Dr. & friend for 23 years)

i did all 3 one after teh other 3 days a week for 3 weeks, i swear by all three but you have to be sure you get great guys and not quacks:

example of what Mon-Wed-Fri looked like for 3 weeks

DTM 1pm
ACCP 2:30pm
Thanks bbbd. At my gym the girl behind the deck gave me card from
a chirop. friend of hers that she swears by. I didn't know if that was
the way to go. I'm going to give it a try. Anythings better then the
shit I'm going through now.

Go see your chiro first and give it 3-5 treatments. If there is NO improvement, then your chiro should recommend x-rays and/or MRI. should be better by then though.
I had similar back in mid-90's. Was a hearniated disc. Couldn't get out of bed. But, as time went on it seemed to "heal itself" and now I can due just about anything. Man, that Siactic nerve can cause pain that no one can understand until they experience it!
Hope you get better soon!

My girl friend feels I'm over acting and has no idea the hell I'm going
through. Anyway it feels good that you guys have given me hope that
this can get better without an operation. Thanks a bunch guys.
mikeheavypecs said:
that Siactic nerve can cause pain that no one can understand until they experience it! Mike

I tell people it feels like a blowtorch on your ass. I tell people about the time I sneezed and squeeled like a girl from the pain and had to grab the truck I was standing next to to myself from falling over.
STEVO 47 said:
Doing stand up barbell curls I hurt my lower back, pain shooting down
my right leg like a son of bitch. Pretty sure I pinched my sciatica nerve.
I can't even walk 10ft with out having to sit for a few minutes. pain
is really bad and this has been going on now for almost a week. Anyone
else ever have this problem, and will it ever get better.

rest, aleve or ibuprofen. you may need to see doctor.
Hey man I'm currently going thru therapy for a herniated disk in my neck and felt all of those symptoms but in my right arm. Still am. First thing take some aleve or motrin and hope it reduces some swelling. Second go get and MRI because if its that bad and a nerve is pinched any manipulation down there could make it worse. If it is a a herniatad disk for the time being you can apply heat (to loosen up) then stretch orhave it massaged and then ice. If you go to any kind of therapy chances are you would get on a traction machine - stretches you out, pulls you in two directions to relieve pressure from that nerve that is causing the shooting pain. I would leave the chiro as my last option if it is a herniated disk that is causeing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Good luck any questions let me know and I'll ask my therapist and neurologist when I go on monday.
haze324 said:
Hey man I'm currently going thru therapy for a herniated disk in my neck and felt all of those symptoms but in my right arm. Still am. First thing take some aleve or motrin and hope it reduces some swelling. Second go get and MRI because if its that bad and a nerve is pinched any manipulation down there could make it worse. If it is a a herniatad disk for the time being you can apply heat (to loosen up) then stretch orhave it massaged and then ice. If you go to any kind of therapy chances are you would get on a traction machine - stretches you out, pulls you in two directions to relieve pressure from that nerve that is causing the shooting pain. I would leave the chiro as my last option if it is a herniated disk that is causeing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Good luck any questions let me know and I'll ask my therapist and neurologist when I go on monday.

Haze, I'm sure I have a slipped disc in lower back thats pinching the nerve
causing the pain in my right leg. If I lay on my right side the pain subsides
abit. Once I stand up within 1 minute I'm in tears. I'm going to give it two
more days to see whats up but it doesn't seem to be getting better. If
it's not too much trouble could you get a little info. from your therapist.
I have no health insurance so the money i spend has to be done sparringly.
Thanks so much. In the mean time I'll take you and Alin's advice and get
some aleve.
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