Contest prep normally lasts for 12-20weeks and if you are using gear, you would obviously want to be on for the whole time to preserve as much muscle mass as possible.
But it came to my attention that if you end your cycle with the contest, then you wouldn't be able to take full advantage of the 'post contest anabolic window'. I just made that term up lol.
What I'm saying is once the dietary restrictions are lifted, then it would be the prime time to grow. But if you're on PCT, would you be able to take advantage of this time?
I can see this contest prep cycle quickly turning into a never-ending cycle, which I really don't want. Would it be better just to take it easy for awhile and recover after the contest?? Any thoughts on how to go about this?
But it came to my attention that if you end your cycle with the contest, then you wouldn't be able to take full advantage of the 'post contest anabolic window'. I just made that term up lol.
What I'm saying is once the dietary restrictions are lifted, then it would be the prime time to grow. But if you're on PCT, would you be able to take advantage of this time?
I can see this contest prep cycle quickly turning into a never-ending cycle, which I really don't want. Would it be better just to take it easy for awhile and recover after the contest?? Any thoughts on how to go about this?