Hey guys, just curious to see what others use as a good post-workout shake. I have played around with home-made shakes with skim milk/OJ/whey/yogurt or banana, N-Large, and also proteinfactory's post workout mix.
~60g Unflavored Whey protein isolate
~60g Dextrose
Extract flavoring (either blackberry, vanilla, or raspberry)
This is very sweet (dextrose is ~25% less sweet than sucrose)
Dextrose (glucose) immediately fills-up muscle and glycogen stores. I have it right there and drink it when I'm done working out.
Just wondering about the dextrose you guys are using. Are you guys buying the dextrose sepearate or is it included in your protein drink. I usually drink a labarada 60 with banana and ice cream. MM
I use a product called Nitromax by Sandco International. The only way I find this stuff is through their web site: http://www.sandcosports.com/nitromax.jeo?refid=14
The web site is horrible, their products are horrible, and everything they sell "works better than steroids", BUT their Nitromax post workout drink is awesome. I get 25lbs for $167 and it lasts almost a year.
1 scoop:
40g glucose/dextrose
26g whey protein
1g fat
plenty of aminos and vitamins
and silly stuff like MCTs and Nitrogen, which is this product's claim to fame, thusly NITROmax.
1 hour later: (blended)
1/2 c cottage cheese, 1 c skim milk, 1 tsp PB, 1 MRP, 1 c water
This drink is consumed slowly over a period of about an hour... mostly because it's thick and filling, and drinking it fast gives me ass-erruptions.