Well, powerlifting is known to facilitate the strengthening of tendons and ligaments, as well as increasing the effetiveness of neural-muscular pathways. The typically lower-volume powerlifting routines do not necessarily incur extensive damage to the muscle tissue itself, thereby stimulating only minimal hypertrophy.
The purpose of bodybuilding, on the other hand, is to encourage muscle fiber hypertrophy, which is, put simply, an enlargening of the muscle fiber itself.
In order to get stronger and denser, while at the same time adding weight and muscle size, I would want to incorporate aspects of both types of training into my regimen. I would recommend to start off every workout with a *core lift, going as heavy as possible, followed with higher volume, higher rep secondary exercises. I would also go heavy on the first exercise of any muscle group.
(Ex) Chest, tris, abs
- Bench Press - 4x5 + 1x2 with the first 3x5 sets being warm-ups.
- Incline DB Press - 2x8
- DB Flys - 2x10
- Dips - 2x5 + 1x2 with the first 1x5 being a warm-up.
- Skulls - 2x8
- Abs
Powerlifting alone will likely not quite get you that big bodybuilder look, unless it's already in your genes. But as long as you're eating enough cals and training with the right type of stimulus, you'll surely keep getting stronger and keep gaining weight.
*core lifts: bench press, squat, deadlift, push/military press, bent-over barbell row