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Best Lat MASS Builder?

Chin ups have me feeling like I could take flight.
Unilateral Hammer Strength low rows with a neutral grip were one of my best lat builders. Work up to rowing 5 plates unilaterally for 10 and I guarantee you'll be happy with your lats.

That and Smith rack deadlifts put most of the thickness and density on my back.
Unilateral Hammer Strength low rows with a neutral grip were one of my best lat builders. Work up to rowing 5 plates unilaterally for 10 and I guarantee you'll be happy with your lats.

That and Smith rack deadlifts put most of the thickness and density on my back.
Never seen rack pulls done on a Smith. Do you have to use an angled Smith or does just about any Smith work?
Never seen rack pulls done on a Smith. Do you have to use an angled Smith or does just about any Smith work?
I've done it on both but I prefer angled. I like pins set just above knees so it almost completely takes lower body out of it.
They all work bro I would just find the ones you feel best.

In regards to Joe Bennett and people like him they have built their careers by in a sense over complicating everything you really don’t need an a degree in bio mechanics and a 20 minute video to know how to do a lat pull-down 😅 not knocking these guys but there’s tonnes of guys wayyyy before all the over analysing everything brigade took to the scene who made gains

Nothing works quite as well as bent barbell rows for me for pure mass.
Where do you find one of these nowadays?! lol
No idea. The gyms that I go to don’t have one or anything like it. I used one a lot when I was younger and my back grew like crazy I know nautilus still makes equipment. I’m sure there are other versions of it somewhere.
No idea. The gyms that I go to don’t have one or anything like it. I used one a lot when I was younger and my back grew like crazy I know nautilus still makes equipment. I’m sure there are other versions of it somewhere.
I’ve been to a lot of gyms and none have it anymore. Great piece of equipment.
I wish more gyms had it.

HS makes one but not the same. Panatta makes one that is decent.
Where do you find one of these nowadays?! lol
Most older La Fitness gyms still have them if they haven’t been upgraded to Esportia yet.
Go to a gym with a good weight loaded pullover machine that you could use heavy weight with and then ignore that machine and use 40lbs on the pulleys for the cable version of the same movement and really focus on the feel
Go to a gym with a good weight loaded pullover machine that you could use heavy weight with and then ignore that machine and use 40lbs on the pulleys for the cable version of the same movement and really focus on the feel
Pull overs using the cable machine is very underrated. I saw chase irons doing them a few months ago in one of his videos, so tried them the same way he does(Using a “tricep shake strap” attachment)... Great stretch and awesome pump. Much better than using a regular rope or straight bar because it really takes the arms out of it.
Where do you find one of these nowadays?! lol
I belong to 3 gyms and believe or not, 2 of them have this machine. Honestly, I don't "feel" it in the lats as much as Dorian and others speak of. But I still do them cuz...well Dorian speaks of them ;-)
Nothing works quite as well as bent barbell rows for me for pure mass.
I want to like these. But honestly, all I ever get is a lower back pump. I feel this mostly low back, then biceps, then last would be upper back. I recently saw an IG post that Jordan Peters considers these an erector exercise and not lats or upper back. This guy uses 400+ lbs on these so he is a beast. And what he posted jives with what I feel even though I only go up to 225 or so.
I want to like these. But honestly, all I ever get is a lower back pump. I feel this mostly low back, then biceps, then last would be upper back. I recently saw an IG post that Jordan Peters considers these an erector exercise and not lats or upper back. This guy uses 400+ lbs on these so he is a beast. And what he posted jives with what I feel even though I only go up to 225 or so.

I guess it would depend on your position. I just cant do a 90 degree bent row, mine ends up being in kind of a squat position, but man i can feel it widening my back.
Single arm Cable rows with the prime handles for me. I cue driving the elbow back and dragging the elbow as close to the floor as possible. Absolutely lights my lats up. It's the only movement that gives me a ridiculous lat pump.
Dc rack chins, and 1 arm barbell rows for me
Most older La Fitness gyms still have them if they haven’t been upgraded to Esportia yet.
I belong to an LA Fitness. Their dbs top out at 100lbs and all machines are HS or Life fitness.

Needless to say, I rarely go there lol
I belong to an LA Fitness. Their dbs top out at 100lbs and all machines are HS or Life fitness.

Needless to say, I rarely go there lol
That’s when you pin a weight to rack like in the old days. 😂 but yeah I rarely go there unless I’m looking to avoid people as it’s where the elderly train these days. LOL
Where do you find one of these nowadays?! lol
I have a pullover machine in my home gym. Don’t use heavy weight but slow controlled reps to failure
tonight I just trained 3 sets of pullover and 3 sets of face pulls and my lats and upper back were blown up
For me it’s been SA cable rows as well as CG pulldowns (really driving the elbows down, not back) both of those have consistently built my armpits thicker and thicker.

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