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Pre Employment drug test (retest) !


New member
Nov 27, 2007
I am trying to get this much better job and had to take a drug test that tested for Everything. The only thing I was on waas Tren Ace (home made from pellets) so I got off of it 3 months ago. After the preemployment drug test i was about to start another cycle as I know I had nothing in my system. A funny voice inside said to wait till I got the job offer etc. I got a notice for a drug TEST RETAKE ? IF I had jumped the gun I would have been screwed. I am not sure whey I have to take the reatke. I think I drank to much water before the test to pee and maybe it screwed things up?

Maybe it is a Setup trick by the employer.. They give you this false sense of security after you legitamately take the first test and pass it. They figure you will no go out and party etc afterwards. Hee Hee and they will catch you.
This reminds me of the speed trap I saw on the highway. About one more mile down there was a second speed trap (independent of the first) to catch all the speeders who figured they were home free after the first speed trap. After all what is the chance of a second speed trap one mile down!
I am glad I abstaiend from starting another cycle. I am take nothing else but Tren Ace and it has bee over 3 months. There is no way it is still in my sytem ?:eek:
I am trying to get this much better job and had to take a drug test that tested for Everything. The only thing I was on waas Tren Ace (home made from pellets) so I got off of it 3 months ago. After the preemployment drug test i was about to start another cycle as I know I had nothing in my system. A funny voice inside said to wait till I got the job offer etc. I got a notice for a drug TEST RETAKE ? IF I had jumped the gun I would have been screwed. I am not sure whey I have to take the reatke. I think I drank to much water before the test to pee and maybe it screwed things up?

Maybe it is a Setup trick by the employer.. They give you this false sense of security after you legitamately take the first test and pass it. They figure you will no go out and party etc afterwards. Hee Hee and they will catch you.
This reminds me of the speed trap I saw on the highway. About one more mile down there was a second speed trap (independent of the first) to catch all the speeders who figured they were home free after the first speed trap. After all what is the chance of a second speed trap one mile down!
I am glad I abstaiend from starting another cycle. I am take nothing else but Tren Ace and it has bee over 3 months. There is no way it is still in my sytem ?:eek:

I would imagine unless your an athlete or elite position that you are not even tested for AAS.
The company is a giant pharmacutical manufactuer. I had several vials of blood drawn and a urine test. They clearly stated they were looking for all rec drugs and steroids. To be honest, I have jumped through many hoops so far for these guys and I am getting tired. I expect a job offer in the next week but if I don't then I simply wasted my time.
Well, if they sprung a retest on you I would be willing to bet money they will also conduct random tests also, anytime without notice!!!
I took the second test today and got a call from the Hiring MGR and the HR person. It was positive so I expect a job offer by the end of this week !!!\

On the Piss test it stated " DO NOT DRINK LOTS OF WATER". I found this hard to belive. I had to drive a bottle of water to get myself to pee. I am not a machine that can piss on demand. I think my piss was to wtered down. I heard they look at creating and otehr things and always suspect someone trying to beat the system. I am simply jumping through the hoops to get this job. It includes a comapny car so they want to cover themselves .
Most companies don't test for steroids mainly for the cost of the procedure!
I passed the 2nd test and got the job !

This company is a big Pharma and they specifically tell you up front the test is for rec drugs and steroids etc. They took urine and several vials of blood. This company is ANAL and sometimes I wondered why I was jumping throught the hoops for them. I got off Tren for 3 months and take nothing else (vitamins). I passed. :D
Congrats! Two pieces of advice: 1. Make future gains slowly, fear the retest. 2. Prepare to be amazed at the retreats/conventions for big pharma. Best looking, eager ladies I've seen gathered. Had the good fortune of running into an outing in Hawaii sponsored by one of the companies. Those outside reps they hire can be unbelievable. On occasionn a doctor friend of mine will invite us out to be wined and dined be the Viagra Girls from Phizer.

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