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Question for DNP gurus

I don't get any nausea but it can throw some people off. Stomach discomfort is another fairly common side effect. What's your typical diet when running DNP? Even when dieting I try to consume a healthy diet with different colours on every plate and nutrient dense fruits and that always increased my well being even when calories are low. I would recommend adding in ginger root as that is really good for nausea and comes with various other benefits for bodybuilders when dieting (digestion, insulin sensitivity, anti-inflammatory etc).

Diets the same as the rest of the year, chicken, rice, Oatmeal, Greek yogurt, Berries.

Also just done psmf.

Doesn't really seem to matter what I eat it's always the same.
I never have had nausea as a side. The only sides for me are fatigue and heat, with fatigue being extremely noticeable.
Diets the same as the rest of the year, chicken, rice, Oatmeal, Greek yogurt, Berries.

Also just done psmf.

Doesn't really seem to matter what I eat it's always the same.

I just wondered because many do PSMF or similar on DNP and that could definitely add to nausea when taking something as strong as DNP. Everyone is different but I can feel off after taking various things on an empty stomach so that's why when dieting I like to keep food volume fairly high (low calorie high volume foods) until the end when my main aim is to shrink my waist so food volume is reduced significantly.

If that's the case and it's just DNP that makes you feel nauseous regardless of diet I would definitely recommend the ginger root. It has so many benefits and can be great for nausea. I would never recommend more than 4000mg per day but 500-2000mg would be best for most people. Literally anywhere from 250-550mg ginger root 1-4 times daily (basically as needed) before meals.
Geno sells DNP, T3 and Clen. There is a reason I wanted to stock DNP in our other shop. It's much more effective than t3 and clen and I think it's safer but only when used at a sensible dose (250mg for example). Although take a massive dose of any of those drugs and you will end up in hospital. The issue with dnp is someone could really struggle and be in a bad place by taking just 3 or 4 caps per day. So treat it with respect and run 1 cap (no more than 2) per day and the results will be amazing.

The forum's have alsorts of nonsense posted about the likes of dnp and insulin. Although more people are educated due to the supply of information so you don't see bad info as much as you did in the past but it's still funny some of the things I hear. I have had guys who run 200mg tren daily and grams of gear and high orals tell me they won't use dnp because it's poison/dangerous. If something is posted online it's often duplicated and the articles written on DNP in the past were copied and pasted on every forum and that's why people feel the way they do. I have sold DNP to a massive amount of people on here so I know it's super popular but some don't like to post about it because of it's old reputation but the more threads I see on it the more I see people use it and understand it. I still get people wanting 50mg caps because they think they could end up in hospital from taking 250mg per day though.

As posted a slight reduction in thyroid but nothing to be concerned with. Blood glucose will also initially increase on DNP but over time it will decrease and post cycle your insulin sensitivity will be maximized. Thyroid shouldn't be too much of a concern because DNP should be used for shorter periods especially if you are a competitor (imo). Competitors know how to diet and they shouldn't need to lose too much fat so I would recommend using it later in prep when you are already lean but just need to get the last bit of fat off.
Elvia what supps/ancillaries would you recommend will on DNP, I read from you dribose, an antihistamine like maybe benadryl.
Elvia what supps/ancillaries would you recommend will on DNP, I read from you dribose, an antihistamine like maybe benadryl.

Those 2 can be very useful. Nothing is essential and the most important thing is staying hydrated. The vital components for a successful cycle are the dnp, your diet and fluid intake. Although I am a fan of adding in some EAA's with a hydration complex throughout the day. Anyone on low calories (especially fat) I would 100% recommend a good quality omega 3 product (fish/krill oil). I always add in 3-4g of fish/flaxseed/krill twice daily. Vitamin c for it's anti-oxidant and diuretic properties is useful when taking DNP. For additional results l-carnitine (synthetine) is always fantastic to use when trying to get shredded.

I don't really think DNP warrants supplement usage unless you experience certain side effects and if that is the case sometimes things can be taken to minimize the severity of those side effects. Most of these suggestions are mainly general ones and not just for DNP usage. Another good supplement for people especially when dieting is a multi-vitamin especially for guys who diet on basic foods void of micronutrients. Another vital vitamin is vitamin D especially in the winter months as most people are deficient so that could add to overall health and the vitamin is closely linked to fatloss, obesity and even belly fat.
Those 2 can be very useful. Nothing is essential and the most important thing is staying hydrated. The vital components for a successful cycle are the dnp, your diet and fluid intake. Although I am a fan of adding in some EAA's with a hydration complex throughout the day. Anyone on low calories (especially fat) I would 100% recommend a good quality omega 3 product (fish/krill oil). I always add in 3-4g of fish/flaxseed/krill twice daily. Vitamin c for it's anti-oxidant and diuretic properties is useful when taking DNP. For additional results l-carnitine (synthetine) is always fantastic to use when trying to get shredded.

I don't really think DNP warrants supplement usage unless you experience certain side effects and if that is the case sometimes things can be taken to minimize the severity of those side effects. Most of these suggestions are mainly general ones and not just for DNP usage. Another good supplement for people especially when dieting is a multi-vitamin especially for guys who diet on basic foods void of micronutrients. Another vital vitamin is vitamin D especially in the winter months as most people are deficient so that could add to overall health and the vitamin is closely linked to fatloss, obesity and even belly fat.
Do you think oral l carnitine will work? Or is injectable much better?
Do you think oral l carnitine will work? Or is injectable much better?

Oral l-carnitine will still work but inj l-carnitine is far superior. It's not even just an issue in regards to absorption so you simply take more oral l-carnitine to make up for things. Very high doses of l-carnitine can cause side effects that inj l-carnitine as never given me such as headaches and for me it doesn't have the same physique benefits of the injectable version. However try oral and see how you get on then try the inj in the future and compare the two and see what you notice.
DNP causes proton leak preventing protons from being pumped into the mitochondrial matrix during oxidative phosphorylation, and thus dramatically reduces (essentially obviates) ATP synthesis, increasing RMR (dissipating energy as heat; thermogenesis). Anabolic processes (muscle growth) use ATP (energy-consuming; anabolic) to build macromolecules (proteins) in a state of positive energy balance. Since DNP so effectively increases RMR (inducing negative energy balance) & prevents ATP synthesis, attempting to grow on DNP is laughably illogical. Further, ATP is involved in muscular contraction (recocking of the globular head), and so there's even a direct effect on performing repetitions under load.

DNP, by uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation ⇒ ↑↑O₂ consumption (reflects ↑RMR) & ADP:ATP ratio, ↑lactate synthesis (the latter due to a compensatory ↑glycolysis due to low ATP, thereby ↑pyruvate [glycolysis end-product]) & ↓glucose (due to the ↑glycolysis). Practically, DNP is less insulin sensitizing than aspirin.

DNP certainly is a poison. Fatal dose in adults is about 1 to 3 g by mouth; 3 g has also proved fatal in divided doses over a period of 5 days. Its practical risks are compounded by wide variation in pharmacokinetics between individuals (e.g., in 2 groups of inpatients suffering from DNP poisoning, one group [intensive HP] being essentially doomed to die and the other [routine HP] being relatively unlikely to die, the elimination half-life [t1/2] of 2,4-DNP was 88.78 ± 14.66 h in the routine HP group, while the t1/2 was only 54.58 ± 12.92) h in the intensive HP group).

I doubt any effect by DNP, either indirect or direct, on thyroid function. The absence of any authoritative evidentiary support (bolstered by conciliator's analysis) is a strong indication of this.
This the first time I have heard the correct function of how DNP works. From my understanding it also raises AMPK which will shut down any growth signals.
I have done DNP about five times. The first one was the inferno cycle as this was about 16 years ago I made it through about 5 days and thought I was going to die which I could have since I started at 500 and upped the dosage to 800 and then quit after that day as I couldn’t walk with out feeling like I was running a marathon. That turned me off from DNP even though I lost about 15 lbs after all the water came off ten days later. The next time I did 500 mg all the way through for ten days and lost a ton but was still miserable soaking the bed with sweat. The next time I did 30 days at 250mg everyday before my show light heavy weight and got totally shredded. Won my class and qualified for nationals.

I am currently on 250mgs. About 9 days in I got really tired as my job high out put all day heavy lifting, so I stopped for two days and will take another pill today see how I feel if all god I might just do two days on one day off to keep levels optimal we’re I can function but high enough to stay on this for a full thirty days. I already have abs so I’m hoping to pull body fat down to single digits as my abs are out at like a legit dexa scan of 13.5% I hold my fat on the sides of my chest.

I keep you updated on what worked best.
This the first time I have heard the correct function of how DNP works. From my understanding it also raises AMPK which will shut down any growth signals.
I haven't looked into DNP with respect to AMPK, but yes, you can fairly anticipate that the increased ADP/ATP ratio signals to activate AMPK (Metformin does as well by mitochondrial electron transport Complex I inhibition). AMPK activation inhibits mTORC1/P70S6K1 phophorylation, thereby inhibiting hypertrophy signals.
Anyone know who has developed PN with DNP and how did solve it? I have been doing DNP cycles in winter for about 3 years (3-4week on-off) and since then i have noticed that my feet are more fragile than normal.
I was thinking of starting my third cycle (third in 4 years) of DNP (250 mg) for 3 weeks and stacking it with Clen (starting at 40 mcg and then increasing to 60 the second week and finishing at 80 the third week) I have already used both but never together, my idea was that Clen could and enhance its effect.
Anyone know who has developed PN with DNP and how did solve it? I have been doing DNP cycles in winter for about 3 years (3-4week on-off) and since then i have noticed that my feet are more fragile than normal.

It's been something associated with DNP usage but it's usually very high doses. In the below study the person suffered from anorexia and bulimia and took 1000mg DNP daily for 6 months before her symptoms started and continued to take that dose for another year afterwards. It states after a follow up 2 years later her symptoms had improved moderately but where still present.

If you have issues I would simply not use it again especially if you're not using a high dose. If you are using a high dose then I would come off, stay off until all issues disappear and if you ever want to use it again stick to 1 cap per day.
I was thinking of starting my third cycle (third in 4 years) of DNP (250 mg) for 3 weeks and stacking it with Clen (starting at 40 mcg and then increasing to 60 the second week and finishing at 80 the third week) I have already used both but never together, my idea was that Clen could and enhance its effect.

I don't see anything "wrong" with that so go ahead and report how you get on with it. 250mg per day is an effective but sensible dose and 40-80mcg is low-moderate and you plan to taper up so whilst they are 2 strong fatloss aids it's a smart/sensible plan.
I was thinking of starting my third cycle (third in 4 years) of DNP (250 mg) for 3 weeks and stacking it with Clen (starting at 40 mcg and then increasing to 60 the second week and finishing at 80 the third week) I have already used both but never together, my idea was that Clen could and enhance its effect.
Clen is a partitioning or recomp drug (increases LBM & strength/power), DNP will obviate that use. There are a plethora of superior fat loss agents than clen (and DNP really just completely overpowers them).
Anyone know who has developed PN with DNP and how did solve it? I have been doing DNP cycles in winter for about 3 years (3-4week on-off) and since then i have noticed that my feet are more fragile than normal.
Peripheral neuritis had a 2.5% prevalence of frank cases (yours may not be; based on what you're describing, fragile feet) from a sample of 159 subjects in Simkins' 1937 study in obese subjects.

Rather than dose- related (dosing was 100 mg the first day, 200 mg the second day, & 300 mg daily thereafter & at the end of one week, the dose was regulated as needed per patient), peripheral neuritis' occurrence was more related to time. Paresthesias, such as numbness and "pins and needles" developed and after the drug was stopped cleared up slowly, within three weeks to two months. Cases of motor weakness, such as drop foot were rare. The symptoms developed very gradually in all, and only after prolonged medication (4 - 10 weeks). The weakness disappeared when the drug was stopped, usually within a week.

The occurrence of peripheral neuritis in all subjects occurred between four & ten weeks (so 3 weeks would seem very low risk for peripheral neuritis to occur).

Is this correct?
The advantage of DNP is that I can cut bodyfat faster and retain more muscle, than I would by reducing calories and increasing output.

That’s the general idea

Cardio and caloric reduction will burn fat, glycogen, and lean tissue (less so if you are on aas).

Dnp will burn fat and glycogen
Clen is a partitioning or recomp drug (increases LBM & strength/power), DNP will obviate that use. There are a plethora of superior fat loss agents than clen (and DNP really just completely overpowers them).

What other fat burners are there that are better than clen besides dnp?
What other fat burners are there that are better than clen besides dnp?
Better is a relative term. Some things influence bodyfat over time (gh). Some things boost metabolism (t3). Some suppress appetite and lower blood glucose (semaglutide). Some help with nutrient partitioning (tren) Etc etc.

Horses for courses and all.

DNP is peerless for aggressive adipose tissue reduction, but boasts an equally daunting side effect panel.
Better is a relative term. Some things influence bodyfat over time (gh). Some things boost metabolism (t3). Some suppress appetite and lower blood glucose (semaglutide). Some help with nutrient partitioning (tren) Etc etc.

Horses for courses and all.

DNP is peerless for aggressive adipose tissue reduction, but boasts an equally daunting side effect panel.

With dnp, the dose REALLY seems to make the poison

I’m dropping loads of fat on 250mg per day, and I’m not feeling bad at all.. maybe a little warm, tired, and flat

I probably wouldn’t notice any sides except for flatness if I moved the dose to every other day instead of every day

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