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Recent health issue, input appreciated


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
For the last few mos I've been suffering pretty much chronic nausea, real low threshold to vomit just abt any time and have had 4 days where shit got so gnarly i ended up in the ER twice. Thankfully on the other 2 gnarly days i had several meds i had been given from the ER visits and i was able to manage at home. Those 4 bad days turned into unbelievable abdominal pain like my stomach was dissolving itself while it twisted and tied into knots while I'm puking like Regan MacNeil. Like getting to out of body level pain/misery. If they said "we'll snap your arm and your belly will feel better" i would've let them snap my arm. This shit is way worse than the various orthopedic and muscular injuries I've enjoyed over the years.

I've lost at least 30lbs and I've quit weighing myself because its a mindfuck and i can see it in the mirror anyway. I will say my abs and delts are poppin (i actually have my long-lost 7th ab making a comeback) but i already had abs when this started so I've lost a lot of muscle. I'm swimming in my XXLT shirts now. I just cant eat very much at all and I've been feeling so shitty in general that my workouts are rare and generally pathetic right now
- Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

We're now considering things like gastroparesis, abdominal migraine has even come up, possibly a motility issue we might need to explore.

Meanwhile i feel like shit, pretty much all day every day, like a dull gnawing ache in my belly that gets a lot worse when i eat or start vomiting. Haven't had booze for over 2 mos, no THC for the same duration or more. No weird diet shit... idk.. it's wearing me out too and I've got a much shorter fuse w my kids.
Running my usual 250 test +100mast that i generally run this time of year. Same gear/provider for years.
Also running GH and just tonight i pinned BPC157 for the first time.
Any thoughts? Tough love? Tell me to suck it up? haha
I had all of your described symptoms for a while, and it eventually progressed to not being able to eat anything without vomiting-having to sneak bites of food here and there and praying it would stay down. It got to the point that when my wife would be cooking just the smell would have me fighting back vomit. After a million tests and misdiagnosis I got diagnosed with Celiac disease. This was a while back when nobody had really heard of gluten or Celiac but I have been completely fine since.
Maybe, gastroenteritis. Try to eat only bananas rice apples toast for a few days. What are you eating?
For the last few mos I've been suffering pretty much chronic nausea, real low threshold to vomit just abt any time and have had 4 days where shit got so gnarly i ended up in the ER twice. Thankfully on the other 2 gnarly days i had several meds i had been given from the ER visits and i was able to manage at home. Those 4 bad days turned into unbelievable abdominal pain like my stomach was dissolving itself while it twisted and tied into knots while I'm puking like Regan MacNeil. Like getting to out of body level pain/misery. If they said "we'll snap your arm and your belly will feel better" i would've let them snap my arm. This shit is way worse than the various orthopedic and muscular injuries I've enjoyed over the years.

I've lost at least 30lbs and I've quit weighing myself because its a mindfuck and i can see it in the mirror anyway. I will say my abs and delts are poppin (i actually have my long-lost 7th ab making a comeback) but i already had abs when this started so I've lost a lot of muscle. I'm swimming in my XXLT shirts now. I just cant eat very much at all and I've been feeling so shitty in general that my workouts are rare and generally pathetic right now
- Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

We're now considering things like gastroparesis, abdominal migraine has even come up, possibly a motility issue we might need to explore.

Meanwhile i feel like shit, pretty much all day every day, like a dull gnawing ache in my belly that gets a lot worse when i eat or start vomiting. Haven't had booze for over 2 mos, no THC for the same duration or more. No weird diet shit... idk.. it's wearing me out too and I've got a much shorter fuse w my kids.
Running my usual 250 test +100mast that i generally run this time of year. Same gear/provider for years.
Also running GH and just tonight i pinned BPC157 for the first time.
Any thoughts? Tough love? Tell me to suck it up? haha
Like the poster above said. This could be celiac disease. My daughter has celiac disease and it was ruining her life until it got figured out. What are your bowel movements like?

My first thoughts are the same as the others => Celiac disease.

SOUNDS like celiac...what's diet like BG?
Sounds a lot like cannabinoid hypermesis. You aren’t using and thc at all?
Thanks all for the replies. What i am eating is not much. Yogurt has been a staple throughout this, i eat some amount chobani complete and oikos pro most days. Having whey protein + milk after workouts. Some fruit and veggies here and there.. I dont normally eat a lot of wheat products anyway, even before this started, it wouldn't be hard at all to eliminate that completely. I think that's a great suggestion but I'm not too optimistic. I'm sure I've ingested some gluten in the past week but sitting here now i cant recall when. As above, that wasn't really a big part of my diet before and my doet now is so minimal. I'll totally try being sure to eliminate it all together. How long did it take after being completely gluten free that you guys saw improvement?
It sound and most likely is Celiac disease. I would consider stop taking whatever you are taking and see a gastro specialist. It's best to rule out everything until you get this under control. Most ER doctors are no even aware of Celiac disease TBH. As to those that are wondering what Celiac disease is: A chronic immune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion. It results in damage of intestinal lining and causes diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia. Specific treatments will help, but thier is no known cure. My wife has suffered from Celiac for years. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted. I know from seeing her suffer how bad the pain is.
Sounds a lot like cannabinoid hypermesis. You aren’t using and thc at all?
Correct. I have occasionally enjoyed some weed/THC for most of my adult life but very rarely more than a few times per month. I always thought using weed should actually make me stoned (like the stupid laughter, music way too cool, etc..) and any time, like maybe some brief periods in college, if my use was frequent it would start losing that effect. Anyway, i know that's in the differential so it has been eliminated altogether since early October.
It sound and most likely is Celiac disease. I would consider stop taking whatever you are taking and see a gastro specialist. It's best to rule out everything until you get this under control. Most ER doctors are no even aware of Celiac disease TBH. As to those that are wondering what Celiac disease is: A chronic immune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion. It results in damage of intestinal lining and causes diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia. Specific treatments will help, but thier is no known cure. My wife has suffered from Celiac for years. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted. I know from seeing her suffer how bad the pain is.
I have been seeing a GI doc. He did biopsies on my EGD. I'll ask him specifically abt celiac. I posted above in response to the others regarding celiac as well. It won't be hard at all to eliminate wheat completely from my diet as i normally eat very little wheat products anyway.
Though all of this and seeing a gastrointestinal specialist you haven't had an endoscopy , barium swallow , gastric emptying study.??
Biopsies , cultures , anything??
They just taking guesses??
It sound and most likely is Celiac disease. I would consider stop taking whatever you are taking and see a gastro specialist. It's best to rule out everything until you get this under control. Most ER doctors are no even aware of Celiac disease TBH. As to those that are wondering what Celiac disease is: A chronic immune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion. It results in damage of intestinal lining and causes diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia. Specific treatments will help, but thier is no known cure. My wife has suffered from Celiac for years. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted. I know from seeing her suffer how bad the pain is.
What do you mean stop taking whatever i am taking? Like meds or supplements? Or diet?
Though all of this and seeing a gastrointestinal specialist you haven't had an endoscopy , barium swallow , gastric emptying study.??
Biopsies , cultures , anything??
They just taking guesses??
From my original post🙂

Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

Barium swallow to check for motility stuff and gastric emptying are proposed as the next tests. He did biopsies but i think mainly looking for h pylori.
What do you mean stop taking whatever i am taking? Like meds or supplements? Or diet?
I may have read that you are taking test. If you are not my sincerest apologies. I am a true believer that if you are experiencing any difficulties stopping of a cycle should done till you have a good idea of what is causing these issues.
From my original post🙂

Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

Barium swallow to check for motility stuff and gastric emptying are proposed as the next tests. He did biopsies but i think mainly looking for h pylori.
It seems like they are running all test available - hopefully they will find whatever the culprit is.
I may have read that you are taking test. If you are not my sincerest apologies. I am a true believer that if you are experiencing any difficulties stopping of a cycle should done till you have a good idea of what is causing these issues.
Oh no, you read correct. I cant come off exo test at this point. Been blasting and cruising for years. I am presently on a bit of a supraphysiologic dose (250 test and 100 mast E) i had thought to reduce that to an a actual psychologic TRT dose but I've hesitated with the thought of muscle catabolism increasing even more. But...
Overall health >>> muscles
I had shit like this for years..I did a full elimination diet and stopped all vitamins..started with carnivore for like 3 months and added rice..I ate like this for over a year..by the end I was eating beef, rice and cooked spinach 4-5 times a day..

Never had another problem
From my original post🙂

Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

Barium swallow to check for motility stuff and gastric emptying are proposed as the next tests. He did biopsies but i think mainly looking for h pylori.
Wife is in same boat. Going for barium swallow and pH testing next. Has constant bouts of gastritis, nausea, stomach pain, difficulty swallowing, etc. Biopsies and camera always shows nothing: no H. pylori, no celiac, no significant irritation/lesions.

She has a shit diet but l'm about to put her on carnivore but she's got a child's palate; hates everything.
For the last few mos I've been suffering pretty much chronic nausea, real low threshold to vomit just abt any time and have had 4 days where shit got so gnarly i ended up in the ER twice. Thankfully on the other 2 gnarly days i had several meds i had been given from the ER visits and i was able to manage at home. Those 4 bad days turned into unbelievable abdominal pain like my stomach was dissolving itself while it twisted and tied into knots while I'm puking like Regan MacNeil. Like getting to out of body level pain/misery. If they said "we'll snap your arm and your belly will feel better" i would've let them snap my arm. This shit is way worse than the various orthopedic and muscular injuries I've enjoyed over the years.

I've lost at least 30lbs and I've quit weighing myself because its a mindfuck and i can see it in the mirror anyway. I will say my abs and delts are poppin (i actually have my long-lost 7th ab making a comeback) but i already had abs when this started so I've lost a lot of muscle. I'm swimming in my XXLT shirts now. I just cant eat very much at all and I've been feeling so shitty in general that my workouts are rare and generally pathetic right now
- Unremarkable CT abd/pelvis w contrast (thankfully no masses or malignancy)
- EGD showed only mild gastritis but this was abt 10 days after my first trip to the ER and i had been on protonix
- abd U/S showed tiny gallstones but gallbladder otherwise looked fine. GI doc proposed biliary colic but the surgeon who evaluated me wasn't impressed

We're now considering things like gastroparesis, abdominal migraine has even come up, possibly a motility issue we might need to explore.

Meanwhile i feel like shit, pretty much all day every day, like a dull gnawing ache in my belly that gets a lot worse when i eat or start vomiting. Haven't had booze for over 2 mos, no THC for the same duration or more. No weird diet shit... idk.. it's wearing me out too and I've got a much shorter fuse w my kids.
Running my usual 250 test +100mast that i generally run this time of year. Same gear/provider for years.
Also running GH and just tonight i pinned BPC157 for the first time.
Any thoughts? Tough love? Tell me to suck it up? haha

I am more well versed with abdominal pathologies than most. Here are my "evidence based" clinical tests I would recommend

Stool Calprotectin - If normal points against IBD. If abnormal could be a lot of things but a good east test.
H pylori in stool antigen preferably. - If your doctor was competent he tested this out on EGD biopsy. If not a competent doctors some centers miss staining for this organism which is fairly common.
HIDA scan - this will help to delineate if your gall bladder stones are causing the issue.
Stool ova and parasites - these are notoriously hard to catch and if you have always lived in USA then probably going to be normal but if you are someone that travelled a lot then may come back abnormal. most parasites though contrary to popular belief dont cause severe issues
Stool Elastase - this is to measure your pancreas is working well. If you were a heavy boozer it could have taken a hit.
MRI enterogram. - CT abd pelvis is good, but this is a better test to see if anything is going on at intestinal level i.e. inflammation in segments of your colon.
Gastroparesis study - its a nuclear medicine scan where they make you eat a radioisotoped labeled meal and follow how long it takes to empty.
Weed can cause cyclical vomiting syndrom also known as mairjuana hyperemesis sydrome. I dont know how much of this stay with you after you quit and if it resolves fully or not. You may have to do your own research.

These are shot gun studies. Some will be more high yield than others based on your history, other lab values, more detailed symptoms which I dont know off from just one post. i will update if i think of any further.
If i think of anymore i will update the list.

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