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Recovery at half time for NFL football players


Jun 5, 2002
Good day to all you bros. I am asking this question , searching for an answer. If you were to suggest a halftime recovery for an NFL football player, mainly a defensive lineman, that would allow himto be at his best possible for the second half of the game, and his best performance, what would it be, in reguards to carbs, protien, fastacting carbs, glutamine. I dont ask many questions, because I am a newby, but have a friend who is an aspiring college player and I feel he knows shit about recovery, as it relates to training, and his halftime recovery, your input is well appreciated. thanks.
Just a quick thought

I would probably mix a little juice, maltodextrin powder, whey protein, creatine, glutamine and a little pedialyte together.
I generally take 1-2 tbs of glutamine, ultra 40(basically liver tabs), amino acids, gatorade or the pedyalite will work. Creatine ocassionally but I'm not sure about its affects during the game. He should stretch during this time, seems easy enough but many people only use this time to sit and relax. The stretching is a big part of the halftime recovery. Clen at half is another good idea, helps open those airways for the second half and gets you flying to the ball.
But as far as the NFL goes, its a different world! There are guys strapped to iv's and taking this and that and who knows what. There you have chiropractors adjusting you at halftime and access to all kinds of goodies. I'm sure there are several that also use EPO which I'm sure is a good idea also. Tell you friend ggod luck
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You'll want quick acting carbs to replenish burned glycogen. Gatorade and Coke are good bets, maybe a few capsules of sodium. Even pour some table sugar in your mouth.

Creatine, glutamine, and protein's will do little more than bloat players guts and make them sluggish.

Idealy, you should take in sugar & electrolyte drinks constantly throughout the game.

I recall many studies on Coke vs. Water on professional cyclists, all showed Coke enhanced proformance.
Armageddon said:
I generally take 1-2 tbs of glutamine, ultra 40(basically liver tabs), amino acids, gatorade or the pedyalite will work. Creatine ocassionally but I'm not sure about its affects during the game. He should stretch during this time, seems easy enough but many people only use this time to sit and relax. The stretching is a big part of the halftime recovery. Clen at half is another good idea, helps open those airways for the second half and gets you flying to the ball.
But as far as the NFL goes, its a different world! There are guys strapped to iv's and taking this and that and who knows what. There you have chiropractors adjusting you at halftime and access to all kinds of goodies. I'm sure there are several that also use EPO which I'm sure is a good idea also. Tell you friend ggod luck

IV's and EPO?! Thats pretty extreme and also potentially dangerous. What evidence do you base this assertion on?
The carbonation in the coke will also disrupt one stomach during activity like this. Besides the sugar rush lasts for a short period of time and energy levels will fall off further than before. Glutamine does actually help, I've had no problems with it. There was another thing, get some potasium citrate from Animal. Helps reduce lactic acid from activity and this will work to add recovery.
Get some halos then. Drink them down with gatorade and a good energy bar. But the pros have access to the best in each world hell if you make millions a year a hurt toe or sprained ankle or back ache you better be playing. Im sure nubain and all the sorts are in the NFL whatever it takes.MM
Epo is based on several studies done over on Animal's board. Its not that dangerous if you know what your doing. Did Halos last week, not the best idea. Died out bad in the second half. BAsic things work. Just get his ass in shape and stay hydrated!
Plenty of electrolyte drink, 80g dextrose for energy, a small amount of whey protein is optional (< 20g), 5g creatine to help restore ATP levels for explosive performance, magnesium and any other supps that help prevent cramping, glutamine is optional. He should also sip said dextrose/electrolyte drink whenever possible during the game.

Stay away from fat, complex carbs (during the game), large amounts of protein, and carbonated beverages.

I also second the idea of stretching rather than resting. Studies have said that stretching during exercise improves muscular performace by sometimes more than 30% over not stretching.
thanks for the response

Hey bro I am very thankful to the bros onthis board, for your responses. I posted this question on several board that I belong to, but this one as usuall, always has the most comprehensive, sensible and mature responses. As A newby I have been just sitting back and learning from poast as MR Magoo has taught me, and I have learned continuously. Thank you for all you help, , I will hope that when I relay some of your comments to him he will put some of the infomation to use that you guys have shared.

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