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Regarding Wylde

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Big A

IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator
Staff member
Jun 4, 2002
I read through the locked threads and I didn't want to unlock them.

Wyld did work with Jennifer McVicar last year, for the Arnold and Jan Tana, I believe. This is fact as I introduced them to each other.

He also knows Jason Arntz and Michal Kindred as he was talking with me about seeing whether I can help them get sponsorships with Synthetek. If he didn't know them, why would he do that?

Regarding everything else, I got not idea.

No offense, but my boyfriend and I spent over an hour speaking with Jason Artnz and he had only met wylde once prior for a few minutes down in the lobby right before we saw him. Before that, he didnt know who the guy was. You dont go around saying you're doing peoples diet and then you see the guy and of course you're not so you try to cover your ass and tell the pro an ass backwards story just in case we saw him later on that night.

He is b.s.'ing a lot of people. I feel bad to say that because I was sincerely fooled going into this show. Until I saw it in person with 2 people, Jason and Tonia, I would have never believed it. Its sad that some make their name by saying they helped others when in reality they didnt do a damn thing for them.

and if he did help jennifer, I'll have my friend Joanna Thomas call her and have Jennifer post something on here herself to prove a yes or no. If its yes, great! If no, well....... that'll be #3.
Amanda-how about you DONT call anyone else, and ask them to post busting anyones balls anymore, OK? Look Wylde has for sure helped alot of guys/gals here and posted valuable info since back in the Renegade days. Now he has been retired off the board because of all this. Some think thats good, some dont. But the guy is gone now, its over, so can we shut up already?
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Yea amanda I think your the only one that gives a shit! Ivan (known and respected) exposed this and since I have known him on the boards for some time I listen and respect what he has to say! You seem like you are trying to make freinds or gain exposure by kicking a man when he is down! Please just let the issue die! You yourself said you were fooled so the man obviously knows his shit and I still think you owe him a great deal for the help! How do you show your appreciation??? By trashing on him every chance you get! To me thats a very shallow thing to do and says alot about ones self!!! I don't know wylde not even through pm or anything but I do always read what he has to say at least twice! With that being said its too bad that he left becuase regardless if he lies about who's diet he is doing he knows his stuff!!! Don't get me wrong I don't think this is acceptable behavior but still I wish he come back come clean and put this past us! So as Mikes stated can we shutup already??
Also amanda I am sure you could be a great help to this board but if you post anymore on this topic I hope a mod bans you! Its just not productive and I don't know why your upset you looked great and did well in your show!
Amanda said:
and if he did help jennifer, I'll have my friend Joanna Thomas call her and have Jennifer post something on here herself to prove a yes or no. If its yes, great! If no, well....... that'll be #3.

That shows that you don't trust what I say, which is your perogative.

By all means call Jen up. While she used to post frequently on my old probb board, I doubt that she will post here after my history with her and Aaron. Even though there are no hard feelings between us anymore, I just don't think that she will come here.
I am not upset at all with my placing... you guys got it all backwards here... Really I could careless about all of this, I just dont want anyone to have the problems I did the day of the show because of the lack of knowledge or clear thinking (maybe more so) on wylde's part. He's a smart guy and helped me a lot the last 3 weeks, but when it comes to winning a show or possibly have serious medical issues because of wylde's suggestions, thats when things needed to be taken more serious.

I've been done on this topic for 2 days now it just seems to keep getting rehashed for some reason. If everyone leaves it alone, I wont say another word.... I think Jeff has learned and feels bad enough as it is. Its too bad bc we really could have done well working together offseason to bring me in for next years nats. Oh well......

Amanda-you say you are over it. You say if noone else bring it up you will drop it.
I didnt see your opinion asked for nor your name mentioned or questioned in BigAs post. Obviously you are NOT willing to keep your mouth shut or drop it.
I dont expect that everytime Wyldes name comes up, thats the signal for you to automatically start all this shit up again, just because someone else brought his name up. JUST DROP IT!

This board used to be free of this crap and now its become a zoo.
You are a new member. You are not going to come on here and help take things in a direction that the flavor of this board does not reflect, I dont care what your placing is in what show. Your posts are accusational and confrontational, and the posts in reply to your statments are also. This is not what we are about here.
If you cant stop beating a dead horse (as has been asked before), please go back to where you came from because you will no longer be welcome here.

This board is about learning, and discussing scientific BBing in a mature manner. Please read the rules for further clarification.
wow , this is all getting wayy out of hand u know , how about some arguement betw 3-4 indivuduals be kept private and the board return to normal !? jesus , look at all the unwanted threads on these subjects !
I feel it is the persons job to ask the proper questions to someone that they are going to ask for help.

PAst training history?

List of clients and their e-mails so I can ask them how they thought you did?

Your knowledge when it comes to AAS and other super supplements?

How deep is your knowledge with nutrion as far as body building is concerned?

Little questions like these can help out a lot.
Cover your own ass don't try and have someone do it for you.

Now back to what this board is all about...knowledge and people helping people...DAMN!!!
Thank you for you support and agreement-
RAY, Steak, and Stack (and others in previous threads)!

Mike S is right! I was probably the most vocal about it but only after I saw a wrong about to occur so I stepped in and backed the right group of guys. I will not even touch this subject on this board again I'll do whatever I am going to do offline I suggest you do the same.
Re: Amanda

Fathead said:
Mike S is right! I was probably the most vocal about it but only after I saw a wrong about to occur so I stepped in and backed the right group of guys. I will not even touch this subject on this board again I'll do whatever I am going to do offline I suggest you do the same.

Exactly, Fathead! As a matter of fact, thats the way Pig (I think you and I talked a few times also) and I discussed a sensitive matter of $100k loss about 1yrs ago. Email and PM if necessary.
I think it is good when we have dissagreements on some issues, and we bring it to the table. BUt when it comes to point blank slaps in the face, that is when we should address the issue else where(off the board).


I know I am not a MOD or the owner of this board, I would just like it to stay professional.
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By the way, anyone know how i can reach wyldeone? I've tried his box, but it's full and he didnt reply to a post i made here. I just want to know if he assists lifetime naturals in contest prep. Easy question :confused:
I dont care what anybody has to say I happy to have him helping me with my up comming show.
The Man Backs Him !!!

Chad Nicholls (ProDrDiet) backs him, that's enuff for me.

MikeS said:
This board used to be free of this crap and now its become a zoo.

i feel like i'm at UG
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