Technically i know he is not fat... but because he is Ronnie .. for him that looks fat. Seriously, how many of you guys would want to BE this big?
Im 305lbs at 5ft11 when massing and that looks FAT. I only start to get lean around 275lbs. I would never want the burden of being as big as Coleman. No clothes would ever fit... you wouldnt get any pussy cause most women hate that look.... and no matter how big you get, your dick doesnt get any bigger so the bigger you are the littler your dick looks... hey, thats just the way i think.
On top off all this, just imagine the health problems he (and most of todays pros) is going to have later on in life. To many drugs and to much heavy lifting will tear a man down sooner or later.
You gotta give him props though... he is a big ol mo fo
Fuck that.