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Running insulin withour GH


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Jul 23, 2022

For personal reasons I will not run GH ‘high ‘ dose anymore. Maybe 2-3iu in the future but for now none.

Insulin really helped me with recovery(humalog around workouts). Is it still usefull to run slin without GH? Do people here do this?

I would say it is, but maybe am I missing something.

yeah it will still be useful.
just keep in mind to adjust the insulin to your macros and not the way around.
so if you have 450c a day dont add in more just because you use insulin
Insulin should be used as needed based on diet and BG levels…
Yes insulin still works great if you are not taking HGH
As others said yeah insulin does what insulin does regardless of what you take with it. I tried it with no gear even and it still will increases fullness and enhance recovery. At least it did for me.
I personally would only use 2-4 units of insulin pre if you’re going to run low amounts of HGH. The two are extremely synergistic.
you can use insulin without GH, but it has a completely different purpose than when you have GH in the background
I personally would only use 2-4 units of insulin pre if you’re going to run low amounts of HGH. The two are extremely synergistic.
Thanks guys!

And without GH @bbxtreme, any point of running it then?
@luki7788 What do you mean with that other then that the two are synergystic?
Thanks guys!

And without GH @bbxtreme, any point of running it then?
@luki7788 What do you mean with that other then that the two are synergistic?
endurance sports competitors such as cyclists and triathletes also use insulin without the use of GH, it helps them regenerate faster between training sessions where they often train 2-3 times a day and without it it would be impossible to achieve it and to be able to store larger amounts of glycogen than without it.

However, in bodybuilding I don't see the point of using insulin without GH
endurance sports competitors such as cyclists and triathletes also use insulin without the use of GH, it helps them regenerate faster between training sessions where they often train 2-3 times a day and without it it would be impossible to achieve it and to be able to store larger amounts of glycogen than without it.

However, in bodybuilding I don't see the point of using insulin without GH
For me I find it helps recovery, so that´s pretty much the same then right?

For example with insulin I can hit legs twice in 7-8 days. Without it there is no chance.
For me I find it helps recovery, so that´s pretty much the same then right?

For example with insulin I can hit legs twice in 7-8 days. Without it there is no chance.
I absolutely disagree with this - insulin only really accelerates the "loading" of glycogen, and bodybuilding training doesn't really use much glycogen, but that's my opinion and you can only do it your way, so there's no point in telling someone what to do.
I absolutely disagree with this - insulin only really accelerates the "loading" of glycogen, and bodybuilding training doesn't really use much glycogen, but that's my opinion and you can only do it your way, so there's no point in telling someone what to do.
as you know insulin has other properties besides shuttling in glycogen into the sells.
it has strong anticatabolic effects and increases muscle protein synthesis.
so i would say it is still beneficial, if used correct, in a setting without hgh
For example with insulin I can hit legs twice in 7-8 days. Without it there is no chance.
This would make me think there’s something else off with recovery or training… what’s your leg days like?
as you know insulin has other properties besides shuttling in glycogen into the sells.
it has strong anticatabolic effects and increases muscle protein synthesis.
so i would say it is still beneficial, if used correct, in a setting without hgh
this is true, although steroids do the same - personally I am not a fan of using insulin without GH but as I wrote it is my opinion and it is not the only right one and no one has to do what I think
endurance sports competitors such as cyclists and triathletes also use insulin without the use of GH, it helps them regenerate faster between training sessions where they often train 2-3 times a day and without it it would be impossible to achieve it and to be able to store larger amounts of glycogen than without it.

However, in bodybuilding I don't see the point of using insulin without GH
In my opinion, NO there is no benefit that I would see as a bodybuilder to run insulin without HGH.

Can you do it? YES

You likely will gain a lot more fat doing it that way which mitigates any progress IMO.

Remember, a ton of top coaches and guys on here don’t use insulin.

As I said in my previous post I could maybe see using 2 units pre with injectable carnitine as a potential benefit. But even then would prefer HGH in even if it’s as 2 units per day.

Again, all my opinion and what I would do.
In my opinion, NO there is no benefit that I would see as a bodybuilder to run insulin without HGH.

Can you do it? YES

You likely will gain a lot more fat doing it that way which mitigates any progress IMO.

Remember, a ton of top coaches and guys on here don’t use insulin.

As I said in my previous post I could maybe see using 2 units pre with injectable carnitine as a potential benefit. But even then would prefer HGH in even if it’s as 2 units per day.

Again, all my opinion and what I would do.
you wont gain more fat if you use insulin with the same diet as you would without
you will gain fat if you think you have to use a 150g carb intra workout in addition to your diet.
and you will most likely even stay leaner if you do it correct. think about it, you use insulin to drive your blood sugar down faster.
but as you said - tons of different opinions on this matter.
i am glad that i am not in the position to think if i have to run insulin without hgh...
you wont gain more fat if you use insulin with the same diet as you would without
you will gain fat if you think you have to use a 150g carb intra workout in addition to your diet.
and you will most likely even stay leaner if you do it correct. think about it, you use insulin to drive your blood sugar down faster.
but as you said - tons of different opinions on this matter.
i am glad that i am not in the position to think if i have to run insulin without hgh...
I could debate that, but I’ve already outlined the process with sources on here multiple times with citations in regards to how insulin stops fat burning or using fat for fuel. HGH helps offset that.

It’s Easter and don’t feel like reposting it all, but it’s in one of my threads if anyone wants to search for it.

But like I said, you can absolutely do it. I just personally would not do it.
it works, not nearly as efficiently, and I retain fat way easier without running it alongside gh
even 2iu gh was enough for me to do 10iu 3x per week pre workout and get peeled and dick skin

I have some sitting here long acting but have not been using it, I feel better in general not being on insulin, I did it for a month recently microdosing like 3-5iu 3x per week yes I got bigger and had better workouts but I didn't look better or feel better

just my experiences
this is true, although steroids do the same - personally I am not a fan of using insulin without GH but as I wrote it is my opinion and it is not the only right one and no one has to do what I think
I agree and do not like running insulin without HGH. They both work synergistically and accent each other. I have tried insulin alone and never had the same results. I think I just got bulkier because insulin shuttles nutrients not only into muscle cells but fat cells as well.

"Insulin optimizes the anabolic effects of HGH and inhibits its fat-mobilizing properties" ~diabetesjournals.org

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