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running - prepping for a race


New member
Jun 18, 2002
Sorry if this is a little ot

I've been running with my wo partner for about a year or so. Guy's been running for a long time runs in triathalons etc. We generally run about 4-5 miles on Monday and Friday after we lift. I'm on 1 50mg winny tab a day for a few weeks. (My goals have shifted away from being huge) Lately I've been running fast as shit (for me anyway) and beating the guy.

Last night, I had too many burgers and my friend beat me pretty soundly. I just felt like crap. After the run, he was mouthing off as if he beats me all the time. So, this Friday we're gonna see what the real deal is.

My question is - what should I do between now and Friday to be sure and whip this shitstick? Any particular prepwork? More winstrol? I believe runners usually carbload, but is that just for marathons?

Thanks for any advice. - CH

My advice would be to drink alot of water during your friday workout(not too much that you get a cramp while running), and take some xenadrine mid way though your workout, if possiable sip on a carboforce drink during the workout as well, another bit of advice would be to skip your leg workout this week. Relax, stretch, get a good nights sleep. In my football days I used to try and employ visualization, ie see yourself destroying him, and telling him he needs to pick it up.
I would suggest that your last meal before workout/run consist of some "good" complex carbohydrates (yams, long grain brown rice, etc) and fats - along with protein, of course. This should be absorbed slowly enough to provide some sustained energy. Remember, simple carbs like pancakes, bread, etc will get used by your body before you leave the gym - or maybe even before you get to the gym :)

This seemed to work for me when I was racing off-road cross country motorcycle events.

CH...race him to the massage parlor!

Hehehehee...you'll win for sure!
Winner pays for services rendered....:D

The problem with racing to the Scrub N Jerk is that I'm so damn tired on the run home. Plus, I've already had a whore's bath and I hate getting sweaty all over again. - CH
This sounds...

like more of a long "sprint" than a real long distance race. 4-5 miles is not a very long run, but if you wanted some added pharmaceutical advantage try this:

Procrit (Epoetin alfa) - this will up your RBC count and give you more endurance, and you'll feel less fatigued. FYI - A low level of RBCs or hemoglobin (the oxygen carry protein in RBC's) decreases the blood's ability to carry oxygen to tissues. The body responds by increasing the heart and breathing rates in an attempt to pump more blood to the tissues, giving them more oxygen. So by upping the RBCs/Hemo you'll feel less stressed while running or doing other physically demanding tasks. You don't really have time to do this, but if you did, it's the shit - esp. for endurance athletes. Obviously it takes time to form RBC's so this won't really work for you in 2 days - but in a couple weeks you'd be feeling it. If you want to do this, start by using 5000U injected 3 times per week SQ (this is a moderate dose, as 50U/kg is considered low and I've assumed you weigh 80-100kg).

Other than this I'd try some Tren or Winny as you'll get strength but minimal bloat. And these you'll feel in a day or 2.

Well thought I'd throw this out there for you,

Preparation must start the day before. Don't beat yourself up too much in the gym on Thursday, and get plenty of sleep Thursday night, after eating a wholesome complex carb and protein meal for dinner. Before lifting on Friday, eat plenty of complex carbs and protein again. Immediately after lifting, drink your regular post-workout drink, which should consist of glucose/dextrose and whey protein. (Don't forget to drink another one after the race.) In the middle of your workout, I suggest taking an ephedra/caffine sup, so that it kicks in before the race. Definitely do NOT add Tren or anything else that will get you over-pumped. Running on Tren is painful, but then you don't really have enough time to get it into your system anyway. If there's any way you can sip an electrolyte drink half-way through the race, do it. That's just about everything I can think of off the top of my head.
If he even feels the affects of the Tren by Friday it's not going to help. Tren reduces your cardio output for the 1st 4weeks your on it. You hit a plateu and have to run through it. I wouldn't suggest this. If you've beat him before you can beat him again. Just use the force Luke. Also the EPO is alittle dangerous and wouldn't work that fast either.
Maybe if you get your head out of your ass you might be able to run better?what ya think?haha:D no but for real. bump up to 100mg's winny ed and run furher distances one day then do sprints the next day or you could do them both on the same day. this worked for me but I wasn't on the winny.later
C_Horse said:
Sorry if this is a little ot

I've been running with my wo partner for about a year or so. Guy's been running for a long time runs in triathalons etc. We generally run about 4-5 miles on Monday and Friday after we lift. I'm on 1 50mg winny tab a day for a few weeks. (My goals have shifted away from being huge) Lately I've been running fast as shit (for me anyway) and beating the guy.

Last night, I had too many burgers and my friend beat me pretty soundly. I just felt like crap. After the run, he was mouthing off as if he beats me all the time. So, this Friday we're gonna see what the real deal is.

My question is - what should I do between now and Friday to be sure and whip this shitstick? Any particular prepwork? More winstrol? I believe runners usually carbload, but is that just for marathons?

Thanks for any advice. - CH

Unfortunately if he has been beating you for a year there is nothing you can do to beat him by Friday.

Except maybe do a BIG leg workout and just sand bag it, maybe he will be so tired you can win.

You are going to have to start doing interval run training or over distance training on your own without him if you REALLY want to beat him.

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