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Questions for those with experience prepping females…


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 8, 2012
Hi guys. My wife and I are currently prepping for competitions later this year. Her first is in about eight weeks and then a couple of national level shows throughout the year. The plan is for her to do either the Team U or Masters Nationals to try for her Pro Card, and for both of us to finish the year at the North American/Pro Masters World in Pittsburgh in September (Which of those she does, of course, os dependent upon the outcome from the previous national level show).

The show she’s doing in June, in eight weeks, is just to get her qualification updated to do the national shows. I don’t need to have her in super-peaked shape at that point, but I do feel like we’re just a little bit behind from where I want to be.

She’s worked with coaches in the past, and essentially, the approach just came down to quote chicken and vegetables, chicken and vegetables, chicken and vegetables… And up the cardio“. Based on some things that we learned with me handling her nutrition in the off-season, I’m prepping her this time around. While she is a head of where she has been at this point previously, her lower body is going to need to be harder for her to be as competitive as we want at those national level shows. She placed top-five in her class two years ago, but I think she has the structure and ability to win. I just need to get her lower body liner.

We don’t want to do anything dangerous, she’s doing the typical figure competitor protocol… 75mg Primo weekly, 10mg of Anavar daily (5 training days), 20µg of clenbuterol twice a day, and 25µg of T3 daily. She was on 12.5 T3 as a
n HRT prescription, and after consulting with her HRT doc, we doubled that for the time being. She is losing bodyfat and continues to lose. Her upper body is going to be ready probably in two or three weeks, and while her lower body is by no means out of shape, but things need to accelerate.

We are using alpha yohimbine early in the day, steps per day are at 12,500. Currently (56 years of age), she weighs 130 lbs., eating 150 g of protein, 125 g of carbohydrate (about 15-20 of that is fiber, depending on the day), and 35g fat. 30 minutes of cardio, post weight-training, figures into the 12,500 steps.

I would welcome input; pharmacological, nutritional, & supplementation from any of you that have experience dieting females down for competition. Obviously, we are slowly increasing the caloric deficit. I just didn’t know at what point I really needed/wanted to mash the gas, since the June show is not the final target, really just the starting point.

Thank you in advance!
I'm sure @Shelby will say a lot more here, but from my experience I will say that without direct interference with estrogen it will be difficult to get her lower body dry

she is postmenopausal so estrogen is negligible but it comes only from aromatization so adex will work well here, in premenopausal women you usually need to use both IA and serm
I'm sure @Shelby will say a lot more here, but from my experience I will say that without direct interference with estrogen it will be difficult to get her lower body dry

she is postmenopausal so estrogen is negligible but it comes only from aromatization so adex will work well here, in premenopausal women you usually need to use both IA and serm
Crap! I didn’t put that’s she’s on Anastrozole, 0.5mg every other day…sorry!

Woils there be any additional benefit in adding the tamoxifen?
Should the anastrozole increase?

Thank you again.
I have several females i train , 1 is post menopausal and on a low dose of arimadex 1/2 mg Mon/Thursday. And adding 20mg Nolvadex did indeed help with bringing her legs/glutes in the last 6 weeks with her last show as opposed to the previous year. Rhe younger ones use just some Nolvadex.
Crap! I didn’t put that’s she’s on Anastrozole, 0.5mg every other day…sorry!

Woils there be any additional benefit in adding the tamoxifen?
Should the anastrozole increase?

Thank you again.
I don't think that Nolvadex will help her because after menopause the ovaries stop producing estrogen and only the amount that comes from testosterone aromatase is left and it is known that there is very little of it in a woman

the dose of Adex she takes is also high and it is possible that even too high and you have lowered her estrogen too much, which makes burning fat tissue more difficult.
Well, damn. Okay, we’ll pull that back to 0.25. I think the prescription cancer dose is 0.5mg, 2x weekly, so that seems more in line.
you have lowered her estrogen too much, which makes burning fat tissue more difficult.
I had no idea that lowering estrogen too much could be a detriment to fat burning… this is why I’m asking these questions!
I’ve been training for 34 years and working with chemicals for 20, and this site still makes me feel like such a novice!🤦🏼‍♂️
Aikman, my old friend...that profile/avatar pic is DOPE! I'm tuned into this thread to learn!
You’re the reason I’m even on this forum!
it only took the full of responses from members to tell me things that I didn’t know, this is such a different experience than working with (or being) a guy.
I keep hoping @Shelby will chime in.
Crap! I didn’t put that’s she’s on Anastrozole, 0.5mg every other day…sorry!

Woils there be any additional benefit in adding the tamoxifen?
Should the anastrozole increase?

Thank you again.
I would swap anastrozole to tamoxifen when it comes to females, especially without test in their cycle
You’re the reason I’m even on this forum!
it only took the full of responses from members to tell me things that I didn’t know, this is such a different experience than working with (or being) a guy.
I keep hoping @Shelby will chime in.

Every female is individual, just like every male. There isn't a set way to do anything, in my experience. Individual metabolisms, fat distribution, response to diet, cardio, training, supps, etc. - all vary so much.
If you posted pics, that might help a bit.
Every female is individual, just like every male. There isn't a set way to do anything, in my experience. Individual metabolisms, fat distribution, response to diet, cardio, training, supps, etc. - all vary so much.
If you posted pics, that might help a bit.
I’ll put them up and tag you when we do update photos Saturday. Many thanks.
I’ll put them up and tag you when we do update photos Saturday. Many thanks.
For some reason I don't get any notifications from the tags. So send me a PM after you post here.
At Aikman 56 , interesting, your wife and my wife are very close in age (mine 57). My wife has been on female HRT for many years perscribed 25 mg test Cyp wk with progesterone. She cycles the same amount of Primo and Var as your wife. 6-8 weeks on and 8-10 weeks off Var and Primo.
Its has been many year since my wife competed , however , she has expressed interest in competing again ( after getting here left knee sorted out). She is using GH for the last 13 months between 1.5 and 1.7iu day Meditrope from TP.

Honestly, the GH has been a game changer for my wife. Have you possibly considered GH?

I do have a another suggested add on if you may want to talk in a PM.
To add, my wife is quite lean with matching muscularity at 130 pound at 5'6" right now. It would not take much more for her to compete in masters again and do well.

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