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Shaking legs


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
Anyone ever get them on the negative part of the rep? Mine have been horrible lately. It’s one on the negative part but it’s not just a little shaking almost to the point of violently shaking lol. It was bad enough on the leg press tonight but I cut extensions short because of it. I don’t know if it’s mental or what?
More details?

Just when training legs or every workout, every day?

How long has it been going on for ?

Every set or just working ones ?

Has it happened in the past?
More details needed for sure as said above, but overall sounds like CNS fatigue from over training or under recovering. Having things like electrolytes daily can help a lot with that as well. Even just a lack in the right phases of sleep can cause the nervous system to fatigue quicker than the muscle. So many factors.
Anyone ever get them on the negative part of the rep? Mine have been horrible lately. It’s one on the negative part but it’s not just a little shaking almost to the point of violently shaking lol. It was bad enough on the leg press tonight but I cut extensions short because of it. I don’t know if it’s mental or what?
I had that happening years ago. My brother the doctor told me it was because the adjacent muscle group the hamstrings were weak. So I started placing more emphasis on the hamstrings and in a month or so it went away. The hamstrings do control the movement in the negative it seemed to make sense and he was right. Might not be your issue but it’s a thought
More details?

Just when training legs or every workout, every day?

How long has it been going on for ?

Every set or just working ones ?

Has it happened in the past?
Yep definitely just legs

It’s happened off and on the past several months at least but seems to be hanging on now

Definitely more on the working sets
More details needed for sure as said above, but overall sounds like CNS fatigue from over training or under recovering. Having things like electrolytes daily can help a lot with that as well. Even just a lack in the right phases of sleep can cause the nervous system to fatigue quicker than the muscle. So many factors.
I should probably try to get in more electrolytes.

Sleep can definitely be messed up at times but the cpap helps with that big time
I had that happening years ago. My brother the doctor told me it was because the adjacent muscle group the hamstrings were weak. So I started placing more emphasis on the hamstrings and in a month or so it went away. The hamstrings do control the movement in the negative it seemed to make sense and he was right. Might not be your issue but it’s a thought
That makes some definite sense. I neglect them pretty bad. I tore a hamstring a few years ago. Had shit insurance at the time and never went to a doc. Went the TB500 and BPC 157 route but definitely should’ve had surgery. Whole leg turned black and blue
It still aggravates me at times, even something as simple as kicking off a pair of boots. Some real motivation to give them some attention.


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I should probably try to get in more electrolytes.

Sleep can definitely be messed up at times but the cpap helps with that big time
Electrolytes made a huge difference for me. First thing in the morning I drink 20oz of water with added electrolytes, glutamine and a dash of sea salt. Eliminated any cramps, shakiness etc while training.

Funny because I use sea salt on all my meals, get 1.5 gallons of water and did all the usual things, but still wasn’t enough.

Def would give it a go and dial in the sleep. And limit any alcohol (this can really fry the CNS). Know the last one is obvious. 😊
That makes some definite sense. I neglect them pretty bad. I tore a hamstring a few years ago. Had shit insurance at the time and never went to a doc. Went the TB500 and BPC 157 route but definitely should’ve had surgery. Whole leg turned black and blue
It still aggravates me at times, even something as simple as kicking off a pair of boots. Some real motivation to give them some attention.
I tore one of mine too. I’m pretty sure I tore it because I neglected directly training them. I hurt mine in a Seahawks practice squad scrimmage. I recovered from it but it took a few years .
I tore one of mine too. I’m pretty sure I tore it because I neglected directly training them. I hurt mine in a Seahawks practice squad scrimmage. I recovered from it but it took a few years .
Yeah they suck for sure. Mines not that glamorous lol.
I tore mine in one of those damn mud/obstacle runs. Went to run up the concave wall and just remember laying on the ground in serious pain. Some dumbass medical staff guy had me stretching it like it was a cramp. I didn't know what the hell was going on and somewhat in shock
Ya when I tore mine the team doctor was stretching it as well and it really fucked it up. I actually tried to go back out on the field a few times and keep playing like an idiot lol
There was nothing glamorous about being on the practice squad lol I got beat the fuck up every practice and spent almost of the time on ice. It didn’t pay like it does now either
Ya when I tore mine the team doctor was stretching it as well and it really fucked it up. I actually tried to go back out on the field a few times and keep playing like an idiot lol
Yeah I tried to keep going in the race too like a hard head but didn’t make it far damn near couldn’t walk. There was a worker that saw what happened following me in a golf cart trying to get me get in. He was “like dude it’s a fucking recreational run, get your ass on this cart”. Common sense prevailed.
OP, have you taken a week of rest and have the same issue? It sounds like others have said that your CNS is acting fatigued in a certain way. If you did a bodyweight squat for reps do you have the same issue or is this only heavy load?
OP, have you taken a week of rest and have the same issue? It sounds like others have said that your CNS is acting fatigued in a certain way. If you did a bodyweight squat for reps do you have the same issue or is this only heavy load?
Not a total rest but I did give my legs a little break as I have issues with my knees hurting pretty much all the time.
I did did a few body squats and notice anything besides the usual pain pretty much right below both knee caps

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