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Dec 28, 2005
Whats the reason kids skin and women's skin looks so much better than grown men's? I used to think it was lack of androgens and that androgens made leathery and rough skin (still kind of do think it), but I have been on deca only cycle and also other times done avodart where my dht should have been close to 0 and still my skin never was that smooth. I thought maybe HGH since kids have such a high level, but I've done HGH and seen people on high dose HGH and their skin ain't like that. I mean my skin did get better on HGH but no where near say a 16 year old's or maybe a young adult woman like 24. I know it's a vain question, but I am curious what the hormonal reasons are for why kids and women have much better skin. I do use moiturizers and take good care of my skin, but still
Demo2 said:
Whats the reason kids skin and women's skin looks so much better than grown men's? I used to think it was lack of androgens and that androgens made leathery and rough skin (still kind of do think it), but I have been on deca only cycle and also other times done avodart where my dht should have been close to 0 and still my skin never was that smooth. I thought maybe HGH since kids have such a high level, but I've done HGH and seen people on high dose HGH and their skin ain't like that. I mean my skin did get better on HGH but no where near say a 16 year old's or maybe a young adult woman like 24. I know it's a vain question, but I am curious what the hormonal reasons are for why kids and women have much better skin. I do use moiturizers and take good care of my skin, but still
Your just getting old. lol
your skin is an organ, when it is taxed it will show in appearance! the skin is the bodys largest detoxifing organ!

free radicals are produced in many different forms thqt will affect the skin, a lot of the apperance of the skin is genitic...

now the best way to improve the apperance of your skin...

coconut oil! get in the shower wash your self, when your done get a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil and rub it all over your body whaen the skin is still wet, when finished dont rinse, just turn the water off and towel off the excess oil on the skin... do this 2x a day for a few weeks and you will be very happy with the apperance of your skin, it also helps to tighten the skin and helps to nourish it by providiing mct's that are found naturally in the oil...

put it on your face too... it wont make you break out
Diesel250 said:
Your just getting old. lol
Yes, I know (though I am still only in my 20's and my same age friends have better skin which I might attribute possibly to higher androgens making my skin dryer). But, I am asking if anyone knows the actual reasons (possibly hormona) children and women have better skin than men. Like the hormonal reasons it happens (if that is indeed the case). Because like I said, I have altered my hormones (though my goal was bodybuilding and strength, but they ahve been altered none the less) in the past without noticing this effects. Infact, my HGH levels should have been higher than even when I was a child. So one would think with the higher HGH levels, I would make more collagen and my skin would have looks just as good as it ever did. But that was not the case. So i am curious if anyone has any theories on the subject of why childrens and women's skin tends to be better than men on the average (even same age between men and women)
km2000 said:
your skin is an organ, when it is taxed it will show in appearance! the skin is the bodys largest detoxifing organ!

free radicals are produced in many different forms thqt will affect the skin, a lot of the apperance of the skin is genitic...

now the best way to improve the apperance of your skin...

coconut oil! get in the shower wash your self, when your done get a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil and rub it all over your body whaen the skin is still wet, when finished dont rinse, just turn the water off and towel off the excess oil on the skin... do this 2x a day for a few weeks and you will be very happy with the apperance of your skin, it also helps to tighten the skin and helps to nourish it by providiing mct's that are found naturally in the oil...

put it on your face too... it wont make you break out

Thanks for the tip! I do have some coconut and avocado oil in the cupboard I was using for cooking. I will try the post-shower coconut oil.
"Testosterone only" (more androgenic) cycles will decrease collagen synthesis up to 50%. You will notice better skin with drugs which increase collagen synthesis, i.e. Deca, EQ, HGH etc. Not sure why you haven't experienced the same. I am currently doing Test only and I can tell a difference big time. I have bumped up my Vitamin C and other collagen boosting vitamins to help. There's nothing more depressing than having a great physique yet you cannot take your shirt off due to bad skin!
Thank you Mixxin. You're right about it being depressing. Also even the face. Can you discuss more about the collagen building vitamins you take and doseS?
Demo2 said:
Thank you Mixxin. You're right about it being depressing. Also even the face. Can you discuss more about the collagen building vitamins you take and doseS?

Here are some good ones:

Retin-A or Vitamin A cream (the first being prescription but easy to get)
Zinc 50mg/day
Vitamin C 2-3G/day
retin A rocks for sure

don't apply too much or it'll dry your skin big time and avoid the sun

it gets rid of any acne
High doses of fish oil. Charles Poliquin (world renown strength coach) recommended it on T-Nation and everybody that tried it claimed their skin looked 10 years younger so I had to give it a shot. I always use fish oil at about 10 grams a day which is no where near the amount he recommends of 30-40 grams per day. I'm still in my early 20's and my skin still looks great but I did notice some small improvements. Give it a shot for a few weeks. Obviously get a liquid Omega because it's a lot easier to take 4 tbsp throughout the day than 40 capsules. As far as acne goes someone on this board or another recommended "Ance Terminator" obtainable at CVS for $7 and it freakin WORKS. On a 1-10 my ance is probably about a 2.5 but still enough to cause confidence issues and I've tried Pro-activ and that sucked, various other Benzyl Alcohol products and they sucked and dried my face out something fierce but after 3 days this stuff started kicking ass. Just a tip.
Some good info. Thanks to everyone.

Mike/Mixxin, have you guys tried Retin-A on your face? Can you comment on how it turned out?

Abadseal, I currently take 3gram fish oils 3x a day (9grams total). I'll try bumping it up to 20grams for a week or two then up again to 40. But is it not true too much fish oils can be bad and end up with negative effects? I read it somewhere.
Yes I use Retin-A. It increases cell turnover which is good as long as you exfoliate the dead skin. Look at it like this, remember when you were young and the zit/cut/wound dried up and the scar disappeared faster? Retin-A helps older peops like us who don't have that increased collagen synthesis anymore. Something to be aware of though is that Retin-A will make you break out initially if you're prone to it since it unclogs the pores. It also causes the skin to dry so use a moisturizer. Make sure you stay out of the sun or wear SPF since the new skin is fresh.
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