Whats the reason kids skin and women's skin looks so much better than grown men's? I used to think it was lack of androgens and that androgens made leathery and rough skin (still kind of do think it), but I have been on deca only cycle and also other times done avodart where my dht should have been close to 0 and still my skin never was that smooth. I thought maybe HGH since kids have such a high level, but I've done HGH and seen people on high dose HGH and their skin ain't like that. I mean my skin did get better on HGH but no where near say a 16 year old's or maybe a young adult woman like 24. I know it's a vain question, but I am curious what the hormonal reasons are for why kids and women have much better skin. I do use moiturizers and take good care of my skin, but still