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Slightly elevated estrogen


Oct 29, 2011
47 years old, Running 20mg test sub q every day.

I have only slightly elevated estrogen by maybe 10pts on the scale private md labs uses, which causes painful puffy nips and eventually low level gyno. It will all subside in 3 weeks if I stop the test.

I have tried so much stuff of over the 17 years to combat this but have never been able to get it right. This has ultimately kept me from increasing my dose even a little or adding anything else in which I would like to.

Wondering what Ai and dose or just Nolva. I have just about everything on hand from Ralox, Nolva, Aromidex, exemestane

Wondering what will work to reduce my estrogen just enough without causing me any other issues. I would like to dial up my test dose to maybe 40mg a day but cannot until I get this under control.

Looking for any input thanks
Ok so it sounds like you are suffering from high estrogen symptoms. If you are overweight losing weight helps decrease aromatase activity in fat tissue which leads to less estrogen side effects.

If I were you I would start off with aromasin. Take 1 tab and see how you feel. When high estrogen side effects appear again take the aromasin again. There is no set schedule to take AI you just use it as needed.

Also if you have gyno then you need to take Nolvadex because AI’s are not as effective as SERMS for treating gyno. If the gyno is hard and fully formed then surgery is your only option.
What are your actual test and E2 numbers on different dosages. As well as your stats?
I will add I have been struggling with this for the better part of 2 decades. Lean or not even small increases in estro cause me gyno symptoms which have always kept me from really increasing dosages or being able to run almost any extra compounds

If I stop it all goes away in a couple weeks
47 years old, Running 20mg test sub q every day.

I have only slightly elevated estrogen by maybe 10pts on the scale private md labs uses, which causes painful puffy nips and eventually low level gyno. It will all subside in 3 weeks if I stop the test.

I have tried so much stuff of over the 17 years to combat this but have never been able to get it right. This has ultimately kept me from increasing my dose even a little or adding anything else in which I would like to.

Wondering what Ai and dose or just Nolva. I have just about everything on hand from Ralox, Nolva, Aromidex, exemestane

Wondering what will work to reduce my estrogen just enough without causing me any other issues. I would like to dial up my test dose to maybe 40mg a day but cannot until I get this under control.

Looking for any input thanks
As said above, DEFINITELY check prolactin. This happened to a friend of mine and dr wouldn’t check prolactin until he insisted (because I was urging him, he was just running trt basically) and his prolactin came back sky high because of a tumor on his pituitary.
Zero sex drive and getting gyno (AI did nothing) for quite awhile and it pretty much led to his divorce. He’s actually much better off now without her so it was kind of a blessing lol.
What is your past experience with Ralox, Nolva, Aromidex, exemestane, priviron, primo, Eq, etc?
What is your past experience with Ralox, Nolva, Aromidex, exemestane, priviron, primo, Eq, etc?
Nolva\Ralox never seemed to do anything at all to help. Arimidex and exemestane i could never get dialed in properly it didnt feel like. Felt some joint pain when running what other folks run as standard AI doses
Nolva\Ralox never seemed to do anything at all to help. Arimidex and exemestane i could never get dialed in properly it didnt feel like. Felt some joint pain when running what other folks run as standard AI doses

Were the AI's and SERM's you used Pharma grade?
I seem to be am outlier here. I can't handle estrogen, period! 200mg test/week, 25mg aromasin every day. Pharma grade, ugl, don't matter. I've tracked labs, e2>5, I feel better than at 12, 22, 25, 27, 90, 100, I'm sure I've hit in between there too. Low teens, that's where I feel best.

6.25mg aromasin ed on 200mg test/week, e2 would sit 22-25, slowly high estrogen sides set in and those numbers don't work anymore. Any time I try to cut 25mg back to 12.5mg, I loose it a little. I honestly don't think aromasin is much stronger at 25 than 12.5. Studies indicate 50mg is no stronger than 25mg.

I'm not saying go jump into the deep end of the pool but I am saying that if you are having issues with e2 at a number most guys around here feel good, you might be a little more sensitive to estrogen like me.
Well had my bloods drawn yesterday

Progesterone 0.5
Prolactin 9.7
Estrodial 53

Guess I just need to continue to try to get the AI dose right.

Arimidex or exemestane? What dose? I’m sensitive to all of this and got sore joints in the past from AI
My estrogen stays in range and still get flair ups gyno. Nolva 10-20mg eod or twice a week has worked best keeping it in check. Everyone is different. Just need to find the right one.

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