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slin protocol what would u change?


New member
May 27, 2009
ok so ive done some slin before and I seemed to take in too many carbs cuz I started to get fat and it was summer so I stopped to figure out a better protocol so this is what I'm doing now and just want some input thanks.
I'm 27 5'10" and 255 around 12 %
first I'm drinking a shake with 50 grams protien 5g creatine, luecine,and glutimine. and 2 packs of quick oats mixed in for around 60 carbs i take this shake then about 15 min later I take my skin as follows I started the first day with 2 iu and was fine the. I went to 4 iu and was fine today I'm gonna try 5 iu and see if I'm fine or start to go hypo. I have glucose tabs in my gym bag invade I need it. I plan to keep adding ius till I start to go hypo and stop going higher becuase my trainer has me on a diet an I don't wanna add anymore cals in carbs. now would u guy keep this the same or what would u do diff? have any of u ever tried pre and post workout slin?

also while I workout I drink a bcaa drink with extra 5 grams leucine, creatine and glutimine. and pw I drink another 50 grams protien with the same extras thanks guys
ok so ive done some slin before and I seemed to take in too many carbs cuz I started to get fat and it was summer so I stopped to figure out a better protocol so this is what I'm doing now and just want some input thanks.
I'm 27 5'10" and 255 around 12 %
first I'm drinking a shake with 50 grams protien 5g creatine, luecine,and glutimine. and 2 packs of quick oats mixed in for around 60 carbs i take this shake then about 15 min later I take my skin as follows I started the first day with 2 iu and was fine the. I went to 4 iu and was fine today I'm gonna try 5 iu and see if I'm fine or start to go hypo. I have glucose tabs in my gym bag invade I need it. I plan to keep adding ius till I start to go hypo and stop going higher becuase my trainer has me on a diet an I don't wanna add anymore cals in carbs. now would u guy keep this the same or what would u do diff? have any of u ever tried pre and post workout slin?

also while I workout I drink a bcaa drink with extra 5 grams leucine, creatine and glutimine. and pw I drink another 50 grams protien with the same extras thanks guys

I am not going in this insuline talk, however one think I will tell you, if your muscles are not deplited from carbs (glycogen) and you take insuline and carb the carbs will go to the fat cells, and you will still go hypo.
Why not stay at 2ius for a week or two? Than 3...maxing out at 5-7 ius.....Even a small amount will have a positive affect on recovery.... Plus I would get a glucometer to check your fasting blood sugar...if it starts rising too much it's time to stop the insulin for a time period to regain sensitivity.
Why not stay at 2ius for a week or two? Than 3...maxing out at 5-7 ius.....Even a small amount will have a positive affect on recovery.... Plus I would get a glucometer to check your fasting blood sugar...if it starts rising too much it's time to stop the insulin for a time period to regain sensitivity.

Definetlly, if you plan to take insulin than a glucometer is a must.
This is the protocol I am using. I do not recommend it as it was made personally for me according to my weight, food intake and training schedules.

AM 10iu slin, 60g of isolate protein, 70g carbs, 10g glutamine, 10 g creatine, 5 g arginine, 10 g bcaa.
After workout 9PM. 10 iu slin, Cell-Tech, 5 g glutamine, 5 g creatine, 5g bcaa, 65 g isolate. 2 h later solid protein meal. At 2 AM 40g protein, 60 g carbs.

Before anyone jumps at me, this was made just for me by a friend and very well know guy who trains current Olympia;)
Before anyone jumps at me, this was made just for me by a friend and very well know guy who trains current Olympia;)

and what did that cost
and what did that cost

Nothing:) We know each other thru the business and he did some stuff for me. Like supplement intake and workout.
Now i dont go and ask him for every little thing and stuff, i know he charges a lot and thats his job:)
You never mentioned what type of insulin your using and when your taking it during the day.
i use 10iu humalin preworkout and love it and been stayin pretty lean between my 10iu insulin, 5iugh and all my anabolics. But anyways on workout dayz only i take my shot then have a shke containg 70g viratgo/dextrose, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine, and 10-15g bcaas. After that shake i have a protein shake in water with 50g whey isolate. Then i got to gym 15mins lata and about 15mins into my workout i sip on a intraworkout drink. and when i come home i have another shake containing protein and honey. an hr after that i have a real meal with steak or chicken and brown rice or sweet potatoes
Why not stay at 2ius for a week or two? Than 3...maxing out at 5-7 ius.....Even a small amount will have a positive affect on recovery.... Plus I would get a glucometer to check your fasting blood sugar...if it starts rising too much it's time to stop the insulin for a time period to regain sensitivity.

ok sounds like good adivise I will keep it at what I have and not go up. how do u feel about slin pre wo vs pwo?
its great to see people sharing info on this subject, its seems all to often this is the dark secrect kept in the closet that no-one speaks of.....with said its true you should fully uderstand anything you put in your body and take proper precautions......i am currently running 2nd wk with steady increase in iu's till i reach ten......goodluck to all n be safe bro's.......
ok sounds like good adivise I will keep it at what I have and not go up. how do u feel about slin pre wo vs pwo?

Slightly more dangerous...but if your smart about your prior meals nutrition and have plenty carbs (extra justbin case) it's my prefered method....I think it allows u to stay leaner and get an anti catabolic affect that definitely aids in lean mass accrual....igf-1 2 hours pre wo (optional...and be careful it can mess with blood sugar) humulin r sub q 30-45 mins pre wo, gh or ghrp/ghrh pwo.
Slightly more dangerous...but if your smart about your prior meals nutrition and have plenty carbs (extra justbin case) it's my prefered method....I think it allows u to stay leaner and get an anti catabolic affect that definitely aids in lean mass accrual....igf-1 2 hours pre wo (optional...and be careful it can mess with blood sugar) humulin r sub q 30-45 mins pre wo, gh or ghrp/ghrh pwo.

thats actaully why im doing preworkout to hopefully saty leaner and i will be using cjc/ghrh6 3 times a day just havnt gotton it yet will start part tomarrow or the next day. thanks a lot for your input

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