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So damn sore...

Damn LATS, sorry to hear that my friend! You had me laughing and cringing. I remember ab work so brutal I could hardly move. In high school, calf work where I was late to most of my classes because I could hardly walk. Also while in high school I was doing a chest workout, one of the gym members I looked up to said, "Have you ever done negatives?" Me, "What are those?" The next week+ was not something I want to ever relive!!
Yeah it sucks.. today I finally grip shit with out my sphinter slamming shut..
I make my way to the bathroom and attempt to pull my little Irishman out of my Hanes and actually mumble " F%$#&" loud enough for my wife to ask what's wrong . I said " my frickin forearms are sore as hell..I can barely get my underwear off".. she laughs..
^^^lol ..she's awesome!!

►you know "rolling" your forearms (..you know, with a roller 😋) might help the pain subside (..disburse the lactic acid)

..or even taking a T-spn of Sodium Bicarb (..baking soda)
^^^it's helped me in the past when i over-fried my quads

..good luck amigo!!

nothing like palming the driving wheel to steer on the way home after one of these experiences at gym lol.

The effects of the Forearm Flexor Massacre of 2022 ( the official day of recognition im petitioning for) are slowly wearing off...

Yesterday I was able to do chest and delts .. luckily many of the chest machine I have allow for a neutral grip which was the most pain free. I then did light wrist curls with 20 pounds and just went for a good range of motion and pumped some blood into them..

Later I had a brilliant idea .. my wife has a few massagers .. now don't get perverted .. they are strictly body massagers.. so I went into the closet and grabbed the Vag Pounder 2000 and used it on my forearms..( odd name for a back massager) .. my wife was none to impressed me using her " neck and back massager" but it did do the trick.. ( oddly enough my dog will not stop trying to hump my arm today ) 🤔..

Tomorrow will be the test.. its back day.. I may have to drag out the straps .. I normally never use them.. but they may get dragged out of retirement..
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I have been sore times in my life.. been at this 40 years.. I have had quads so miserable I screamed trying to sit on the toilet for the morning Dookie. I've had triceps so sore I couldn't train chest for over a week. I've had calves so bad I called into work. So I've been there..

But the last two days have topped them all. So LATS you ask, what did you do that caused this new tortured pain so great that ibuprofen coukdnt touch it. ? So sore I literally have moaned out loud while watching cartoons because I didn't want to move to get the remote.

Was it squats.. nay.. was it deadlifts? .. nope.. did you do giant sets? Descending sets ? Rest pause?.. nope to all.. so what was it ???


Yep the dreaded wrist curl . I did bis and tris Friday. I never do forearms except for hammer curls. I never use wrist straps so my forearms always get a good workout.. they grow very easily.. so I've never ever trained them.. but I was bored.. so I plopped my ass down on a bench. Took a 35 pound dumbell.. and did a measly 3 sets of 20 wrist curls.. wasn't strenuous.. got a good pump.. showed my wife my beautiful veins and glories in my Popeye forearms..

Saturday I woke up to a twinge of soreness in the belly of the forearm.. felt good.. I was off training that day so i just relaxed. Saturday night I noticed the soreness escalating all the way to the wrist. But figure that was the height of it. Livable..

Oh.. but the tale doesn't end there. 3 45 am I wake up.. I dont know why.. but as I slowly gain consciousness I feel a throbbing pain in my forearms. I get out of bed.. move my wrists around.. it seems to diminish. I make my way to the bathroom and attempt to pull my little Irishman out of my Hanes and actually mumble " F%$#&" loud enough for my wife to ask what's wrong . I said " my frickin forearms are sore as hell..I can barely get my underwear off".. she laughs.. I think briefly I fell out of love and thought I coukd do a better job than oj. But it was brief..

All day Sunday I did my best to keep the arm movement to a minimum.. eating ? I almost cried.. working my belt? I tinkled a little. Tying my shoe.. nope.. flip flops. Tried to do a chest workout. No go.. its too the point I feel the town shoukd have a telethon for me. 😔

Today.. I tried stretching them.. lapsed briefly into a dream sequence.. I am typing using one thumb and am still tearing up..😢

One again gentleman...WRIST CURLS..😳
Geez! Sounds like a mild to moderate case of acute compartment syndrome. Do you still have good sensation in your hands and fingers? Swelling?
Geez! Sounds like a mild to moderate case of acute compartment syndrome. Do you still have good sensation in your hands and fingers? Swelling?
Yeah .. everything normal except ...PAIN..lol.. no swelling .. thankfully today it's much better..
Your dad still around, still lifting? My dad is 70 he exercises but doesn’t lift shot anymore, hasn’t since he was 50, i
Still 7 years shy of 50 I can’t see why he quit training hard.
Hey bro - unfortunately, he’s no longer with us, but was a true bodybuilder until the day he died. If he were still here, I have no doubt he would still be at it.
Hey bro - unfortunately, he’s no longer with us, but was a true bodybuilder until the day he died. If he were still here, I have no doubt he would still be at it.
Sorry to hear but it’s awesome that you have that with him, my dad is Morman and hates my military services and despises bodybuilding so at least you have that 👍🏼💪🏼
I have called into work because of sore calves once also. I literally could not touch my heels to the floor, it felt like I had daggers in my legs. Had to walk on my toes or crawl.lol. Good times.

Dude I lifted with tried calf site injections with test prop on a Thursday before he had to drill and do PT all weekend with the National Guard. Friggin genius level there.

The effects of the Forearm Flexor Massacre of 2022 ( the official day of recognition im petitioning for) are slowly wearing off...

Yesterday I was able to do chest and delts .. luckily many of the chest machine I have allow for a neutral grip which was the most pain free. I then did light wrist curls with 20 pounds and just went for a good range of motion and pumped some blood into them..

Later I had a brilliant idea .. my wife has a few massagers .. now don't get perverted .. they are strictly body massagers.. so I went into the closet and grabbed the Vag Pounder 2000 and used it on my forearms..( odd name for a back massager) .. my wife was none to impressed me using her " neck and back massager" but it did do the trick.. ( oddly enough my dog will not stop trying to hump my arm today ) 🤔..

Tomorrow will be the test.. its back day.. I may have to drag out the straps .. I normally never use them.. but they may get dragged out of retirement..
I know I read once that forearms and calves burn the most bc they're far enough away from the heart that the muscles can't get enough blood flow and the muscles are unable to get enough oxygen to burn and begin burning sugar instead producing lactic acid. But lactic acid clears fairly quickly and they say can't account for DOMS. Why do you think you got such harsh DOMS this time? Is it because you don't train them very often you think? I want to do wrist curls after reading this but now I'm half afraid to. Lol
I know I read once that forearms and calves burn the most bc they're far enough away from the heart that the muscles can't get enough blood flow and the muscles are unable to get enough oxygen to burn and begin burning sugar instead producing lactic acid. But lactic acid clears fairly quickly and they say can't account for DOMS. Why do you think you got such harsh DOMS this time? Is it because you don't train them very often you think? I want to do wrist curls after reading this but now I'm half afraid to. Lol
Unless you're a professional arm wrestler, specific forearm training shouldn't happen. The pain and burning is caused by fascial restriction. Gripping too tightly, not using versa gripps, etc, excessively tight the flexors/extensors, which will manifest as elbow pain and the burning. Also leads to carpal tunnel problems.

Same with calves... except in the distal leg, it's also due to imbalanced electrolytes, low minerals, dehydration... as well as excessive tightness and lack of stretching
I know I read once that forearms and calves burn the most bc they're far enough away from the heart that the muscles can't get enough blood flow and the muscles are unable to get enough oxygen to burn and begin burning sugar instead producing lactic acid. But lactic acid clears fairly quickly and they say can't account for DOMS. Why do you think you got such harsh DOMS this time? Is it because you don't train them very often you think? I want to do wrist curls after reading this but now I'm half afraid to. Lol
I never trained them.. basically I never use wraps in my back training.. my forearms always just grew from making them non reliant on wrist straps.. so forearm yraini g really wasn't needed... BUT.. I was bored and just threw them in.. lol.. I saw a video with Lee priest that day doing wrist curls and I was " determined" to throw them in lol.. I think the motion of actually training them threw a full Range of motion just nailed me.. sadly I don't need forearm training lol. I was telling one of my co workers the story and he said " Jesus dude.. they don't need to be bigger".. lesson learned 😏
I never trained them.. basically I never use wraps in my back training.. my forearms always just grew from making them non reliant on wrist straps.. so forearm yraini g really wasn't needed... BUT.. I was bored and just threw them in.. lol.. I saw a video with Lee priest that day doing wrist curls and I was " determined" to throw them in lol.. I think the motion of actually training them threw a full Range of motion just nailed me.. sadly I don't need forearm training lol. I was telling one of my co workers the story and he said " Jesus dude.. they don't need to be bigger".. lesson learned 😏
Ah, Lee Priest. Got it now. I once watched a video years ago of Arnold Schwarzenegger doing chest and I was determined when I got to the gym to just wail on my chest. Omg... I hurt so bad for a week or longer. Just reaching for something hurt. Good to hear you're coming out the other side of all that now. 👍
Unless you're a professional arm wrestler, specific forearm training shouldn't happen. The pain and burning is caused by fascial restriction. Gripping too tightly, not using versa gripps, etc, excessively tight the flexors/extensors, which will manifest as elbow pain and the burning. Also leads to carpal tunnel problems.

Same with calves... except in the distal leg, it's also due to imbalanced electrolytes, low minerals, dehydration... as well as excessive tightness and lack of stretching
You feel this about the belly of the forearm or do you include the brachai as well, just wondering?
i wish i could get sore forearms.
i'll do 4 sets of em like u did, i'll grab 15 pound kettleballs by the bottom and do as many reverse curls with em as i can for 4 sets, then grab the handles and do some more... i'll hang from a pullup bar for 45 seconds at a time over and over.....nuthin.
rake and pick up shit off the grass for hours, drag trees for a hundred yards into the woods cuz im too cheap to rent a chipper....
my 14 inch little fuckers just keep on at it.
You feel this about the belly of the forearm or do you include the brachai as well, just wondering?
Not sure of the question. Its most commonly palpated on the radial side of the forearm, but will develop trigger points on the extensor side, between radius and ulna. In the belly of the flexors.

I most commonly strip the forearm on patients, including bicep and tricep,, and around the elbow.

It just gets too tight and adhered, commonly from repeated, excessive gripping.

Example, someone who regularly does improper, heavy lat pull-downs. If you pull with the hands, rather than 'lead with the elbow' too much of the exercise is in the forearm, and not the back. Overuse/misuse, over a period of time, leads to the issue
Not sure of the question. Its most commonly palpated on the radial side of the forearm, but will develop trigger points on the extensor side, between radius and ulna. In the belly of the flexors.

I most commonly strip the forearm on patients, including bicep and tricep,, and around the elbow.

It just gets too tight and adhered, commonly from repeated, excessive gripping.

Example, someone who regularly does improper, heavy lat pull-downs. If you pull with the hands, rather than 'lead with the elbow' too much of the exercise is in the forearm, and not the back. Overuse/misuse, over a period of time, leads to the issue
I was saying so I know you aren’t for wrist curls but the top of the forearm training like reverse curls you feel the same way about that and if so why and I agree I always see terrible form on pull ups or lay pull downs bc they only focus on weight not contracting the muscle. It’s why I only strap up for heavy deads, if my form is right I shouldn’t need straps for pull downs or rows imo anyhow.
i wish i could get sore forearms.
i'll do 4 sets of em like u did, i'll grab 15 pound kettleballs by the bottom and do as many reverse curls with em as i can for 4 sets, then grab the handles and do some more... i'll hang from a pullup bar for 45 seconds at a time over and over.....nuthin.
rake and pick up shit off the grass for hours, drag trees for a hundred yards into the woods cuz im too cheap to rent a chipper....
my 14 inch little fuckers just keep on at it.
How old are you, genetics play a role but forearms generally come with age and years of training, in general bc they are repetitive motion muscles like calves the body generally doesn’t want them big just strong so volume volume volume and if you’re not getting a pump then you’re likely not growing. Keep at it I bet they grow.

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