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Starting on a diet on Jan, getting ready for a fight in Feb and a show in march.

The Wolf

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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 7, 2006
I'm gonna do the Dave Pulcinella diet, the 6 foods that work thing. Can it be done boxing and bodybuilding at the same time? People think Im crazy trying to do two at the same time but Im looking forward to the challenge.
It definatley can be done. Ha alot of old school boxers though refuse to lift and think it will slow you down. MMA guys are more progressive and no better. How long have you been boxing? I would add some things for rotational strength and speed if you haven't already. I like landmines. How tall and how much do you weigh? I'm going to fight at 240lbs 5'11''.
Well Im 100 kgs now, typical off season heavyweight. When Im ripped I will be between 80-85 light heavy. Im 5 11 too and I had a fight two weeks ago with a 6 5 guy that was above my real weight class. He used his jab and didnt want to trade, also being off season I got gassed real bad in the last round so the guy took it on points. I would have done much better at light heavy and I will be looking great too so I can do a bodybuilding or fitness contest as well. I got some real good exciting plans for the new year. :)
I would tend to want to cover my ass in a fight and then just hope I look good in a bikini.

just sayin' :D
Good luck Wolf! I know you can do it, just put your mind to it, and it'll all come together for you my brother!

Thanks good advice Amazon Doll, lol! Cheers mountaindog1, its a hobby at the end of the day but you need goals to keep being motivated. I'm not bothered if I get beat up or what I place on stage just as long as I know I gave it my best. If I didnt give it my best, then I would be upset. :)
sure it can be done, i would think it would be a great challenge though. fight then show...best of luck to you. just work hard and keep the foods clean, but you already know that
Thanks good advice Amazon Doll, lol! Cheers mountaindog1, its a hobby at the end of the day but you need goals to keep being motivated. I'm not bothered if I get beat up or what I place on stage just as long as I know I gave it my best. If I didnt give it my best, then I would be upset. :)

Good attitude, but sure would be nice to win both.
good luck w/ it, braver man then I
Thanks guys. :)
Its definitely going to be a tradeoff. The volume of cardio and the intensity of the cardio you do prepping for a show if different than that of prepping for a fight. I am in a similar boat as I am training for a full contact fight in Feb/March then need to get it together in July for a couple of bodybuilding contests. Fact is, I noticed my legs have been getting smaller from all of the kicking I have been doing- I don't see a way around that. In my case, I figure I have a few months to recover before my contest- you only have a month. I know you don't kick while boxing- but the same principal applies. I could see the delts and arms getting over-trained.
I used to be a promising boxer when i was a kid, but got into girls and bodybuilding etc. I came out of retirement a couple of years ago after a 6 year break for 10 fights. Here's my thoughts:

Too much muscle will make you blow faster, it dosent slow you down if you can convert your strength to power, ie more speed training and plyometrics, but it will make you gas faster, as you'll have a higher oxygen debt by having more lean weight than your opponent.

Too much gear will also make you blow faster, keep the water weight off by taking non aromatising gear and keeping doses to a minimum, or just come off completely for a while. If your heart has to pump loads of water around you'll blow faster.

The other thing I noticed was the chronic adaptations of C.V training can take years to get back, people who have continiously done high intensity training from an early age can just fight non stop.

I ended up going back into retirement, but
my lesson was learnt, I'll never stop doing C.V exercise, I always get on the bag, do
some sparring and running, you never know when you'll have to run or fight or your life. Its taken me a year to get back to where I was in terms of muscle mass and weights being lifted, much faster than trying to
regain my C.V fitness.

Good luck, it's a tough sport and you need to be 100% committed, otherwise you might as well give up, in the end that's what I had to do :(.
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that will be a real challenge...good luck to ya....where are the fights at and what show are you planning on
Cheers, the fight will be an A.I.B.A. fight in Turkey with 3x3 minute rounds so I feel that even a months intensive cardio will prepare me for that if I box smart. Its not so much the cardio but my arm endurance, after the second round I feel my arms are too pump and my guard keeps dropping down because it feels like my arms and shoulders burning and is too painfull to keep my guard up. I think doing more bag work and keeping my reps high with weights will help alot. As for the bodybuilding show that will also be in Turkey and one in North Cyprus, I will aim for one of them. If my legs get too small, as I also have that problem when Im leaning out then maybe I might enter the Athletic/Fitness catogory.

When I start eating clean again all my water weight go's and that will only help me in the fight. :)

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