I agree with Pesty and Mr. Smiles (having just read his reply).
And further more, in my opinion, if you need that much now, you have
bigger, more important problems to solve before you get even close
to the dosages you plan on taking.
I can understand your impatience. You are probably young, maybe 20 years
old (your second cycle already?) and have not even come close to realizing
your maximum natural potential. I'm guessing but most likely you just want
to look good for summer (which is already here unless you live below the
equator) for your friends, while you hang by the pool or mow the front lawn.
But your ignorance is on par with your with your enthusiasm. Nothing wrong
with being ignorant, we are all ignorant in many areas. Hell, I'm the King of
Ignorance, with some stupidity thrown in for good measure.
You will probably go ahead and do what you want to do, regardless of the
advice of many experienced and knowledgeable people on this board (use
the search engine, and if you did, you are ignoring some key advice).
Which is sad really, because to get where you want to be, you will be
missing out on many opportunities for growth along the way. If your heart
and aspirations are set again on AAS and an upcoming big cycle and
nothing we say will dissuade you, you should be (and maybe you are but
I doubt it) milking every conceivable amount of progress from each and every
cycle, starting with very low doses and progressing up from there, and
adding only when you have expired all other available resources. And that
includes a good trainer as well.
And then and only then should you start mixing and maxing other compounds.
What's your next cycle going to look like, 3g's?. Heck, even my doctor told
me to go up slow, in small increments, when I wanted to increase my dosage
of just plain testosterone. And I did and got regular blood test along the way.
And I eventually reduced the dosage, and not becasue of the gains in muscle
or what my blood looked like, but becasue I did not like the way I felt. Don't
forget, you do have a life to live in the mean time . . . well . . . at least some
of us do.
This is not the time to play, to guess, to hope and pray. Heck, you don't
even know what your blood pressure is now. And that is not ignorant, that
is what I call just plain stupid. Keep accurate, very detailed records along
the way if you chose to continue down this path again because if you mess
up along the way, at least you will have some clue as to what caused what.
There is no going back, you can't un-ring a bell.
My unsolicited advice . . .
The money you spend on the drugs, buy some damn food . . .vitamins and
protein if you must, and become an expert, the go-to guy on nutrition. That
is where the game is won or lost, will ultimately determine if you "look" good
or like crap, like just every other another overweight "bodybuilder", shuffling
along with the lost and getting lost in the shuffle. And again, invest in a good
about a good trainer.
Get a blood test before you start anything. Vitamins and protein supplements
included. And keep getting it checked. And a complete physical now and
again would not be a good idea. You are not as invincible you might like to
Sorry Mr. M if I'm coming across as know-it-all or some deranged, polemic
a-hole with an axe to grind. You would know I'm not if you have read any of
my other posts on this subject. I'm just calling it as I see it . . .blind in one
eye and not able to see out of the other might very well be your opinion after
reading all that I have written. Well then, so be it.
You seem like a nice enough guy. This is not personal. Just be smart and
safe if you can't be wise.