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Suspected torn biceps, cant see a specialist until next week...what to in the interim?

I somehow navigated the turbulent insurance system waters and managed to get an appointment for surgery. TODAY. I suffered the injury on Friday and 6 days later I am going under the knife. Not bad for having an HMO where I first needed to be referred to a specialist by my primary care physician. Doctor seems confident he can fix it, but did say it will be 9 months plus before it is back to regular strength.
Good thing is, you may actually benefit in that you’ll have to concentrate on using less weight and find ways to make the lighter weight hard whilst you regain full strength. You may find like many who you hear about, that your physique actually improves with the change in training type. Your joints will certainly thank you for it. Stay positive
I somehow navigated the turbulent insurance system waters and managed to get an appointment for surgery. TODAY. I suffered the injury on Friday and 6 days later I am going under the knife. Not bad for having an HMO where I first needed to be referred to a specialist by my primary care physician. Doctor seems confident he can fix it, but did say it will be 9 months plus before it is back to regular strength.
Take it from someone who is on the path; you will recover quickly being a bodybuilder.
It will be a setback, but you can spring forward and probably find you are more resilient than you thought.

It's 6 months for me from my bilateral quad rupture surgery, and every day I improve.
Most surgeons are going to make you wait a week or 2 for surgery anyways..the best re-attachment surgeries I’ve had (there have been many) the surgeon has made me wait just so enough scar tissue would build up so “I actually have something to sew together”
typing one handed so sorry for punctuation and grammar . i read phil hernon once say he discontinued all supinated biceps wxercises and instead used a hammer grip because supinated was dangerous. anyone else ditch supinated after biceps reattachment
anyone have any input on hgh to recover from something like this... ive never used it. gathering info now. thx
I am so fucking depressed right now. I am 99% sure I just tore my left biceps playing a recreational softball game. I felt immediate pain and the lower (by elbow) biceps has rolled up to mid bicep area. It is essentially flat in the lower/inner biceps from the elbow to mid bicep area. It is painful and my forearm is already swelling. This occurred just a few hours ago. I went to the urgent care and they took an xray (which of course showed nothing). I need to get a referral to an ortho for mri etc. but cannot even start that process until monday. They sent me home with a script for naproxin or whatever, but thats it. I am on google looking at things, but any input is appreciated. Ice...heat...keep immobile....try to move it....massage???? I am open. But fucking depressed. I am reading biceps surgery takes many months of recovery. I am 54. I don't have a year to burn.
Sounds like you tore the distal biceps tendon. That sucks. Yeah, the MRI confirms it yet your history and an examination gives a good indicator too. I read a little bit more of this thread and sounds like you are going under the knife. I have a feeling you'll do well but good luck anyway. I would listen to your doc with their protocol for the bracing. Look up this topic on this site and you may stumble across a thread where some bro advice led to a dude possibly re-tearing his biceps right after a surgery. Let the thing heal and you can get back to training slowly. Plenty of pro's have had this happen and you would never know looking at them now.
Sounds like you tore the distal biceps tendon. That sucks. Yeah, the MRI confirms it yet your history and an examination gives a good indicator too. I read a little bit more of this thread and sounds like you are going under the knife. I have a feeling you'll do well but good luck anyway. I would listen to your doc with their protocol for the bracing. Look up this topic on this site and you may stumble across a thread where some bro advice led to a dude possibly re-tearing his biceps right after a surgery. Let the thing heal and you can get back to training slowly. Plenty of pro's have had this happen and you would never know looking at them now.
had surgery yesterday. now interested to hear about rehab recommendations and hgh benefits in speeding things up
Did it go ok?
per doc it was a success. lots of pain now. he warned that people will re-tear it again making jerking movements so im paranoid now. i asked him about hgh etc. and he shrugged it off saying no proof it works. i expected that type of answer. arm is immobile in a cast 2 weeks and then move into a brace.
per doc it was a success. lots of pain now. he warned that people will re-tear it again making jerking movements so im paranoid now. i asked him about hgh etc. and he shrugged it off saying no proof it works. i expected that type of answer. arm is immobile in a cast 2 weeks and then move into a brace.
The surgery and outcome is pretty reliable. I personally would not try to speed things up and potentially fuck up your results when patience leads to success.
The surgery and outcome is pretty reliable. I personally would not try to speed things up and potentially fuck up your results when patience leads to success.
you try any hgh or peptides during recovery
I am so fucking depressed right now. I am 99% sure I just tore my left biceps playing a recreational softball game. I felt immediate pain and the lower (by elbow) biceps has rolled up to mid bicep area. It is essentially flat in the lower/inner biceps from the elbow to mid bicep area. It is painful and my forearm is already swelling. This occurred just a few hours ago. I went to the urgent care and they took an xray (which of course showed nothing). I need to get a referral to an ortho for mri etc. but cannot even start that process until monday. They sent me home with a script for naproxin or whatever, but thats it. I am on google looking at things, but any input is appreciated. Ice...heat...keep immobile....try to move it....massage???? I am open. But fucking depressed. I am reading biceps surgery takes many months of recovery. I am 54. I don't have a year to burn.
Immobilized, control inflammation, and ice baths bro getting in and out without using that arm preferably so get help I’d you can or fill the tub with ice, get in fill with water and drain before getting out a slip and fall would obviously be worse.

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